Shock over Dublin ‘party’, live music and more

News, views and opinions from Student Hub contributors and Irish Times writers

Several arrested as Tony Holohan expresses shock at 'open air party' in Dublin city centre: HSE chief Paul Reid warns there are still many risks to be protected against. Read more

Annie MacManus: 'I don't want to ever go back to the way I was living': The Dublin-born DJ and broadcaster shares what compelled her to leave radio and write a surprising novel. Read more.

Poots accuses EU of using North 'as a plaything': DUP leader expresses concern over violence this summer due to anger over Northern Ireland protocol. Read more.

Live and not dangerous: Ireland needs an ambitious plan to revive live music


Other countries have shown how a safety focus and innovation can get things moving. Read more.

All life is beautiful: Animals take centre stage in Gunda: Director Viktor Kossakovsky's new documentary Gunda has been all his life in the making - ever since his beloved pet pig became the family dinner when he was a child. Read more.

RTÉ's marauding army of zombies? It's fake news, folks: The national broadcaster's Truth Matters podcast seeks to unpick fact from fiction. Read more.

Tithe don Phobal: 'Tá teach againn!' arsa an cara, agus bhris na deora áthais uirthi. Ar lean.

Fintan O'Toole: No one is safe when half of us are digitally illiterate: The lack of basic online skills in our population is now both a marker and a driver of social inequality. Read more.

Tribal Diatribe – On Lafcadio Hearn and the Irish love of bad language: Having recently participated in a TV documentary on the Irish fondness for swearing, I was struck by an essay in the latest New York Review of Books. Read more.

Ellie Rowsell: ‘There is a power in collective stories about harassment’

Wolf Alice singer speaks about her experience with Marilyn Manson and online trolls. Read more.