Why we need to change our attitude to drugs

College Tribune: If you scratch below the surface of Irish society you can be sure that you will find drug use not too far below, writes Ailish Brennan

Whether it’s a group of 16-year-olds having their first joint in the park, a college student taking MDMA in a nightclub, or a heroin user injecting behind a bin, people from all walks of life are using drugs in Ireland today. Irrespective of people’s different political views this is something that is widely agreed upon. How to best handle this drug use, however, is something that is not always agreed upon.

Students for Sensible Drug Policy is an international, grassroots, student led organisation that’s main goal is to end the War on Drugs. We neither condone nor condemn drug use, however, we are aware that drug use happens in modern society and we attempt to protect the rights and give drug users the respect they deserve as human beings. SSDP have chapters across the globe from Washington to Nigeria, including chapters in DCU and UCC, among others in Ireland.

As a global movement, we are looking for a research-based approach to drug legislation to prevent more needless deaths and incarcerations the likes of which we are seeing at the moment, and have seen for decades thanks to the current, failing, prohibitive approach. For me, Students for Sensible Drug Policy is about a number of things.

To read the rest of this article please follow this link: collegetribune.ie/why-we-need-to-change-our-attitude-to-drugs/