Ires begins small share buyback as stock languishes
Landlord recently reported like-for-like value of property portfolio had stabilised
Landlord recently reported like-for-like value of property portfolio had stabilised
Lenders include Bank of Ireland, Barclays Bank Ireland, AIB and ABN Amro
Number of institutional landlords in capital has grown, with average rent for new tenancies at €2,226
‘We have to simply work on attracting private sector investment into house building at an appreciable scale that will make the difference’
Rent cap, along with surge in interest rates, has contributed to the underperformance of group’s shares in recent years, CEO says
Micheál Martin looks to encourage private investors to return as housebuilding and apartment completions slow down
Shares in Ireland’s biggest private landlord rose almost 3% on Monday following Taoiseach’s comments about rent pressure zones
It was a challenging year for some listed companies and a record year for CEO departures
Indices in Europe end last full trading week with losses as Washington again battles to stop government shutdown
Pan-European STOXX 600 jumps 1.2%, best daily performance in two months
Ires Reit said it has completed the disposal of 37 properties as part of its target of 315 identified in a strategic review
Seen & Heard: Matt Ryan’s Press Up exit; Capreit vows ‘never again’ to invest in Ireland; Airport cap could face EU challenge
Seen & Heard: Up to 10k apartments to hit the market, €100 million college football cash boost, 'high growth' firms support and sports stars back grinds school
Ires Reit to sell 8% of apartment portfolio over five years
Stock languishing 30% below value company placed on net assets per share at end of 2023
London-based opportunistic investment firm Asset Value Investors among main buyers
Iseq All-Share index dipped 0.4 per cent to 9,545.64, with heavyweights Kerry and Ryanair declining
Capreit has sold its remaining 9.7% stake in the Ireland’s biggest private landlord
Developer in off-market deal for Sandyford building with planning in place for high-rise residential scheme
Landlord set to concede two board seats to activist investor at agm today
Ires Reit has managed to temporarily muzzle activist Canadian fund Vision Capital that has waged a sell-up campaign since last April - but that won’t quieten the voices stirred by its crusade
Ireland is now one of two EU states with only men leading its public companies
Ires says opportunities for extra revenue generation, including from car parking
Iseq index sheds more than 1% as Ryanair falls
Settlement this week will see Ires support nomination of two Vision Capital candidates to board at the apartment owner’s agm next month
Property group refused nomination of number-one candidate Vision had put forward
Ires Reit says offer of two board seats has been rejected by Canadian investment firm Vision Capital
Company has been subject to campaign to put itself up for sale
Euronext Dublin up marginally at close of business on muted day for investors following St Patrick’s Day holiday
Byrne to succeed Margaret Sweeney ahead of forthcoming agm and amid ongoing strategic review
Muted reaction by Ires’s share price shows market not getting carried away by new investor’s presence just yet
US investment firm with €106 billion of assets under management declined to shed light on Ires investment strategy
Ireland’s largest private-sector landlord sold €96.5m of property last year to help keep its debt burden under Reit limit of 50%
Investment firm had backed attempt to replace five directors at egm
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