Wage against the sexist machine

The revolution starts with the individual, and Wage is a call to action


Project Cube


Wage might be a feminist polemic about inequality and the pornographisation of the female body, but at its essence is choice. Are the choices we take for granted real or socially proscribed? A pre-teen has endless choices in making a Moviestar video but will inevitably reproduce the sexualised images she associates with music videos. Dance duo Fitzgerald & Stapleton contrast society's passive acceptance of these images with its perverse attitude to nudity, but while they choose to perform naked to forefront the unidealised body, they have no control over how these bodies are viewed.


Wage's smooth blend of video, text and movement is at once angry, hilarious, and at times poignant, particularly the central duet in a tightly-focused spotlight. A final sit-down discussion with Justine Reilly from Survivors of Prostitution-Abuse Calling for Enlightenment, gives a real-life context to Wage's ideals, albeit at the expense of theatrical eloquence. But, as ever, Fitzgerald and Stapleton assert that revolution starts with the individual.

Ends Sep 10