Middle EastAnalysis

Palestinians face severe deprivation as aid agencies suspend operations following aid-worker deaths

Seven members of the World Central Kitchen agency killed by Israeli strikes

One of the World Central Kitchen vehicles following the Israeli strikes. Photograph: Ismael Abu Dayyah/AP

Malnourished Palestinians face severe deprivation due to the suspension of operations in Gaza by key international humanitarian agencies and donors after Israeli drone strikes killed seven aid workers. The high-profile US-based World Central Kitchen (WCK) non-governmental organisation believed its staff were safe as Israel’s instructions for movement were being observed.

WCK team members were travelling in three well spaced cars marked with logos on Monday night after securing co-ordination from the Israeli military. The team had completed the unloading and storage in an Israeli-monitored warehouse of 100 tons of food. The supplies had been brought to an Israeli-approved makeshift jetty by three ships after a well-publicised second voyage along an Israeli-agreed maritime aid corridor linking Cyprus to Gaza.

Following the attack on the WCK team, ships transporting another 240 tons of food began the return voyage to Cyprus. The United Arab Emirates paused funding for the food aid. None of the aid received by WCK in Gaza was distributed.

The pause by WCK could further punish hungry Gazans. WCK’s 68 kitchens in the south of Gaza have served 350,000 meals a day. It has served 37 million meals during the crisis.


Among the other US-based agencies pausing operations are Project Hope and American Near East Refugee Aid (Anera). Anera media spokesman Steve Fake said “the blatant nature of the attack on WCK’s convoy has proven that aid workers are currently under attack”.

Anera called the Israeli strikes “targeted” in its press release published by UN relief web. Anera has provided 150,000 meals a day in Gaza in co-operation with WCK.

Israel accepted responsibility for the deaths on Tuesday, saying the incident was “unintentional”.

While expressing understanding of “the severe consequences this suspension will have on the Palestinian population”, Anera said it had no choice but to halt operations “until our staff regain confidence that they can do their work without undue risk”.

Among agencies not pausing operations so far are Canadian Human Concern International and Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF).

MSF head of mission for Palestine Leo Cans told the BBC the attack on WCK was not the first such incident involving the deaths of aid workers. “As MSF we have had five people who have been killed in MSF convoys or MSF premises.”

He said Israel was starving Gazans by blocking food aid to the north of Gaza

UN secretary general Antonio Guterres said the deaths brought the number of fatalities among aid workers in Gaza to 196, of whom 175 were UN employees.