Christian Aid and consumer activism

Sir, – Peter McGuire's excellent article makes reference to an organisation called Christian Aid, as one of the groups that has stopped advertising on the far-right website Breitbart ("Consumers are starting to thump Trump backers", February 20th).

Lest there be any confusion, this US-based organisation has no connection to, or association with, the Irish-based international NGO Christian Aid, established in Ireland 71 years ago.

It is worth adding that it is inconceivable that Christian Aid Ireland would support, through advertising or any other way, an organisation or individual of the particular philosophy espoused by Breitbart.

Christian Aid’s ethos is one based on justice and respect. We are committed to tackling precisely the kinds of policies that are experiencing a worrying revival in parts of the US and Europe and finding encouragement in websites like Breitbart.


We strongly support consumer activism and support efforts that promote greater ethical behaviour from companies around the world. – Yours, etc,


Chief Executive,

Christian Aid Ireland,

Canal Road, Dublin 6.