Moving Dublin Port

Sir, – Having read the piece on the reaction to the comments by the president of the Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland on moving Dublin Port, I am puzzled why Eamonn O'Reilly, the chief executive of the Dublin Port Company, has reacted so dismissively ("Proposal to move Dublin Port to free up housing land in city 'reckless'", News, Ocotber 8th).

Surely the notion of locating important ports outside of central city areas is not unique and has a certain logic to it. Sustainable urban planning underpins the principle of people living close to where they work and Dublin is way behind in that optimal relationship.

However, Mr O’Reilly, instead of explaining the case for retaining the port where it is, instead chides David Browne for being “mischievous and reckless” in even bringing the subject up.

The appropriate and best use of 100 acres in the city centre needs to be discussed at a higher level than the dismissive language used by Mr O’Reilly. It should be part of long-term planning, which Ireland has been particularly poor at over many decades. – Yours, etc,



Dún Laoghaire,

Co Dublin.