We need recovery plan for family carers

Sir, – Amid the talk across all national media of vouchers and extra paid-leave bonus options for healthcare workers in recognition of their work throughout the pandemic, we have to ask where is the recognition and acknowledgement for Ireland’s 500,000 family carers who have also suppressed the virus and kept their loved ones safe and out of hospitals throughout this pandemic?

Yet again they continue to be ignored – they are truly the forgotten frontline whose shift never ends.

While we acknowledge and applaud the enormous contribution of frontline healthcare staff, there is no talk of recognition or indeed a recovery package for family carers.

Industries, including hospitality, arts and music, have been promised major stimulus plans, and rightly so; yet family carers continue to be ignored, despite saving the State € 20 billion each year and having lost vital respite and supports during the past 18 months, leaving many burnt-out and at crisis point.


This flies in the face of the promises set out in the programme for government which clearly states: “Family carers are the backbone of care provision in Ireland.”

Actions speak louder than words – now is the time for our Government to show that they truly care about our family carers and honour their commitments of support and recognition.

Put in place a recovery package for family carers that will end the sporadic postcode lottery of supports and services that currently exists and urgently provide caring families with access to respite as a basic statutory right. – Yours, etc,


Head of Communications and Carer Engagement,

Family Carers Ireland,
