If you are searching for an achievable goal for your fitness routine in early 2019 then take a look at Gaelforce Dublin, in partnership with John West. An adventure race comprising three disciplines over two distances, this is an event that will definitely keep you interested and motivated as you train through the winter months. Taking place on March 23rd, and organised by Killary Gaelforce, it is the first race in the Gaelforce Adventure Series for 2019.
Breakdown of disciplines and distances
49km event: run 15km, cycle 33km and kayak 1.5km
29km event: run 11km, cycle 17.5km and kayak 750m
Urban meets rural: the city adventure race
You might wonder at the idea of staging an adventure race in a city and whether such an oxymoron could be true. However, the beauty of our capital city is the fact that urban and rural exist in close proximity to each other. This natural advantage has allowed the team at Killary Gaelforce to create a unique adventure race which starts and finishes in the city.

Could I be an adventure racer? Expect great things from yourself
When you hear the term ‘adventure racer’ you would be forgiven for picturing muscle-bound, elite athletes scampering up mountains and battling raging seas, all before breakfast. Though such hardy individuals do participate in the Killary Gaelforce races they are by far in the minority.
Most of the thousands of competitors who have crossed a Killary Gaelforce finish line over the past decade have been everyday people with a personal goal to reach. That goal may have been improving their fitness, celebrating their recovery from illness or raising money to help a charity. They wanted to prove that if they expected great things from themselves, they would achieve great things.

First-timers need apply
Gaelforce Dublin takes place on land and water; flat ground and hills; on and off road. This means that you will never be bored as there are plenty of distractions and new challenges along the route. This is what marks the event out from other single-discipline races where the struggle to reach the finish line is the only thought to occupy you. For a first-timer this can be torturous.
With its very doable distances Gaelforce Dublin is the perfect race for first time adventurers. You do have to train – there is no opting out of that - and a certain level of commitment is needed. However, it does not have to consume all your free time. A great way to stay motivated and to make training less of a chore is to join a club or persuade family or friends to sign up with you and train together.

Having two distances to choose from - 49km and 29km – opens the event up to individuals of a range of fitness levels and experience. This also gives first time competitors a new goal to work towards as they strive to graduate from the 29km race to the 49km distance the following year.
The reward
The team at Killary Gaelforce have so often witnessed the sheer joy and pride on the faces of competitors as they cross the line into the arms of family and friends. You will be challenged by Gaelforce Dublin, but it is still achievable, and the challenge only serves to increase the reward of achieving your goal.

Award-winning event
Gaelforce Dublin is forging its own story and its unique place as an adventure race in the capital city. In 2018, only its second year in existence, it won the Best Sporting Event from the Event Industry Awards. We have a feeling this is an event that will continue to grow and will create many new adventurers.

Support from Killary Gaelforce and John West
The Killary Gaelforce ethos has always been inclusiveness, support and encouragement for all, with the aim of getting people out and active and enjoying their fitness. They offer support to their participants in the form of training plans, tips and blogs from past competitors, via their website and social media pages. Their experienced team, based in Connemara, Co Galway, are also at the end of the phone should you need a little extra reassurance before you take the plunge and sign up.
Sponsor John West, along with providing food at the finish line for every competitor, contributes recipes and blogs on fuelling your body and preparing for the challenge ahead.
Killary Gaelforce
Killary Gaelforce have been the forerunners in organising adventure races and challenges in Ireland for the past 12 years and their events feature on many bucket lists. They currently have 11 events on their calendar including the three remaining Gaelforce Adventure Series races – Gaelforce Connemara, Gaelforce West and Gaelforce North.
Staying in the Dublin area, Killary Gaelforce are also the organisers of the hugely popular Gaelforce 10km Series which includes the Bray 10km Cliff Run and the Howth Summit 10km. Involving trail running, beach running, flat ground and hills they give runners the chance to get off the road, enjoy the scenery and experience a more varied terrain.
Find out details for all the events on their calendar at gaelforceevents.com
Supporting good mental health and wellbeing
As already mentioned, Killary Gaelforce strongly believe in the benefits of outdoor exercise to people's physical and mental wellbeing. They are proud to announce that Jigsaw, the National Centre for Youth Mental Health, will be their exclusive charity partner for the next three years. They are hoping that their involvement will contribute to Jigsaw reaching their vision of an Ireland where every young person's mental health is valued and supported.
Join the movement
Killary Gaelforce is joining the movement to reduce the use of single-use plastics as they remove all plastic bottles from their finish lines in 2019. Water will still be provided but competitors will have to bring their own reusable water vessels for the events.