It’s all to play for as GAA targets a healthy IrelandMickey Harte and star players tour country’s clubs to battle obesity epidemicMon Feb 20 2017 - 06:00
What can we learn from the strictest school in Britain?Tiger Teachers: Principal of Michaela Community School Katharine Birbalsingh and her staff have published a book to educate other teachers and parents of the benefits of strong disciplineFri Feb 17 2017 - 06:00
Psoriasis has affected absolutely everything in my lifeUp to 140,000 people in Ireland have psoriasis with many developing psoriatic arthritisTue Feb 14 2017 - 21:00
Your tech whiz children may not be able to mind themselves onlineSocial media can make youngsters, whose emotions are already in turmoil, anxiousTue Jan 31 2017 - 00:01
Stove Safety: 11 tips to avoid a stove-related fire in your homeStoves mean a warmer home and lower fuel bills but with installation issues and a lack of safety certification, stove-related domestic fires are on the riseWed Jan 18 2017 - 12:30
Why are basic manners, like thank you cards, seen as old fashioned?Broadside: A thank you costs nothing, so teach your child to acknowledge presentsMon Jan 16 2017 - 06:00
Forget the gym – find your own way to fitness in 2017Whether it is Nordic walking, gravity-defying yoga or hockey, it’s all about having funSun Jan 01 2017 - 08:00
Christmas emergency: the people ready to answer your callAs the country slows down for Yuletide many rescue workers will be hard at workTue Dec 20 2016 - 00:00
Sing out loud and proud – it will make you feel betterAll of us are touched by songs and music, and singing can improve your health and moodTue Dec 13 2016 - 01:00
Strictly going dancing a great way to keep in shape“Get out and shake your booty - It’s good for the body, the mind and the spirit. We were born to dance”. Arlene Harristakes lessons from the expertsSun Dec 04 2016 - 15:00
Children of working mothers have better social and everyday skillsChildren who attend creches or spend time with grandparents do better than those of stay-at-home parentsMon Nov 28 2016 - 06:00
Russell Brand’s ‘genderless’ daughter not one of his better ideasBroadside: to bring up a child without referring to gender is nonsenseMon Nov 21 2016 - 10:30
World Day Against Pain: Suffer chronic pain? You are not aloneAbout 13 per cent of Irish population afflicted by pain every day, most of it in lower back areaSat Oct 01 2016 - 12:14
Clare art exhibition to highlight maternal deathsThe Courthouse Gallery event tells the stories of women who died during childbirthWed Sept 28 2016 - 01:00
Teens and young adults urged to get meningitis vaccineWarning issued after significant rise in number of cases of the disease in last yearThu Sept 22 2016 - 17:55
Lost phone? Strike? Nut allergy? Solutions to holiday disastersStressful events can occur in even the most relaxing of holidays. Here’s how to deal with common issuesSat Aug 06 2016 - 06:00
The secret to burning calories - get dancingIt’s time to shake your booty, regardless of whether you are a toddler or a pensionerMon Jul 04 2016 - 09:00
'If you're a young, white straight man today you're in trouble'The easily offended are less able to cope with life, warns author of 'I Find That Offensive'Mon Jun 27 2016 - 06:00
Imagine being blindfolded and led across the BurrenBurren Beo Trust tours are aimed at making the Burren accessible to everybodySun Jun 12 2016 - 14:00
A week as a student doctor: ‘Witnessing journeys from illness to health is inspiring’Michael Ryan (21) is a student doctor in his final year at the Royal College of Surgeons of IrelandSun May 22 2016 - 14:00
Cancer: the focus now is on tailor-made drugsUpwards of 40,000 people are expected to be diagnosed with cancer this yearThu May 12 2016 - 06:00
Home Care Package means bringing it all back homeService by the HSE facilitates the care of older people with home comfortsThu May 12 2016 - 06:00
Public must be made aware of benefits of changing eating habitsTreating diseases caused by obesity currently uses up the most healthcare resourcesThu May 12 2016 - 06:00
‘The hardest part is when patients relapse’Owen Smith works as a consultant paediatric haematologist at Our Lady’s Hospital in Crumlin and also has a role as a special adviserMon Apr 25 2016 - 17:00
‘I found respite very difficult ... I felt so guilty about it and so worried about entrusting my child with a stranger’Rosemary and Siegi Kratschmar have four grown-up children. Sammy, the youngest, is 23 years old. He has Down’s syndrome, hearing loss, epilepsy, sleep apnoea and ADD and his mother is his full-time carer. Rosemary – whose three daughters are Zoe, Zara and Steph – adores her only boy, but says being a carer is hard work and the stress of paying for everything that Sammy’s needs zaps the energy of the whole familyTue Apr 19 2016 - 01:00
My health experience: Living with butterfly skinSisters Alison and Erica were born with epidermolysis bulosaMon Mar 07 2016 - 19:07
‘I don’t hold one type of birth as being the ideal’Niamh Healy was a chemical engineer. After becoming a mother, she retrained and now works in several roles relating to pregnancy, birth and early parentingTue Jan 26 2016 - 01:00
A week in my ... child psychology clinicPeadar Maxwell is senior child psychologist for the HSE in WexfordTue Jan 05 2016 - 01:00
Cruise into January without the boozeExperts believe we should cut alcohol down – or out – for the next few weeksMon Jan 04 2016 - 10:00
Our Health Experience: ‘I often feel a rush of gratitude that there is no tiny grave in Shanganagh with her name on it’Emily, now 19, developed meningitis at the age of fourTue Dec 29 2015 - 01:00
Coping with Christmas after the death of a child‘Is it normal for the bereaved to feel they want to ‘cancel’ Christmas?’Tue Dec 22 2015 - 09:16
Christmas Day at work and in hospitalWhat’s Christmas like for an emergency call operator, a firefighter, a garda and a family with a sick child?Tue Dec 22 2015 - 09:07
Sing your heart out this Christmas – it’s good for youDon’t worry about whether you can hold a tune, burst into song and feel great about itTue Dec 22 2015 - 01:00
My health experience: ‘I never allow my disease to limit what I can and cannot do’Law graduate James O’Reilly cycled from Geneva to Brussels to help research into type 1 diabetesTue Dec 15 2015 - 01:00
Stroke awards highlight dangers of condition, and urge people to act FastIrish Heart Foundation awards recognise commitment to help stroke survivors rebuild livesTue Nov 24 2015 - 01:00
Calming tips for the Leaving CertWe catch up with Leaving Cert veterans of a stress management course to see if they still feel the benefitTue Nov 17 2015 - 06:00
My health experience: A marathon run with extra hurdlesTeenager Katie Cooke ran the Dublin marathon in four hours despite having seven seizures along the wayTue Nov 17 2015 - 01:00
Coping with the distress of early birthsIn Ireland, 10% of infants are born every year too early, too small and too sickTue Nov 17 2015 - 01:00
‘Having a child with a chronic disease has a big impact on families’‘There have been incredible advances in the treatment of arthritis in recent years’Tue Nov 10 2015 - 01:00
‘Finding a solution for a caller feels great. But it’s not always possible’Niteline is a free, confidential out-of-hours helpline where volunteers offer their time to listen and advise fellow students about issues too personal to share with friends and family. Here we speak to a Niteline volunteer, whose name is withheld to uphold the integrity of her roleTue Nov 03 2015 - 01:00
Moving men to stand together in a healthy game-changerThe Movember Foundation is hoping to get the male population up on its feet to help tackle obesityFri Oct 30 2015 - 15:30
‘Students have a fairly healthy attitude to alcohol’Anne Cooney is the ‘healthy campus’ co-ordinator at Athlone Institute of TechnologyTue Oct 27 2015 - 01:00
‘A kidney transplant really changes a life, not just for a patient but for a family’Dr Declan de Freitas is a consultant nephrologist and transplant physician at Beaumont Hospital in Dublin, Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Drogheda, and the Beacon Drogheda dialysis unitTue Oct 20 2015 - 01:00
My heart scare: ‘I had never even heard of a stent, and suddenly I was having one inserted’No one expects to have problems with their heart until they are older, but atypical symptoms can appear at an earlier ageTue Oct 20 2015 - 01:00
‘The best part is seeing parents who have been destroyed by grief investing in life again’Ger O’Brien is head of bereavement for the FirstLight charity, which offers support, comfort and advice to parents who, like her, have lost a childTue Oct 06 2015 - 01:00
A walk for the weekend: Farm Loop, Lough Avalla, Co ClareA walk with forest, lake and flowers ends with freshly baked treats and hot drinksThu Sept 03 2015 - 13:08
Health Experience: Testicular cancer didn’t stop me having a childEarly detection meant fewer complications for me, and no effect on fertilityTue Sept 01 2015 - 10:29
A week in my . . . addiction counselling practiceFrank Harkin sees clients across a spectrum of addictions, writes Arlene HarrisTue Sept 01 2015 - 10:21
Not such a perfect fit: are your clothes wearing you out?Are some clothes bad for your health? We separate fact from fictionTue Sept 01 2015 - 01:00
Switch on your laptop: the virtual doctor will see you nowVirtual consultations aim to reduce appointment waiting times and increase patient careTue Aug 25 2015 - 01:00