Do we underestimate the spiritual impulse?Marching in the freezing cold with my children at the peace demonstration last Saturday, it was clear that many people see this…Sat Feb 22 2003 - 00:00
Survivors demonstrated a depth of spiritEna Reilly got a telephone call last Monday, for which you could say she had been waiting for 24 yearsSat Jan 04 2003 - 00:00
Dominant brands spawn new form of bullyingOne of my friends told me in disbelieving tones recently that her teenage son wanted her to pay €50 for a two centimetre strip…Sat Nov 23 2002 - 00:00
Bush gets it right on marriage and the familyTo celebrate the ringing endorsement given to him this week by the American electorate in the mid-term elections, President Bush…Sat Nov 09 2002 - 00:00
From facts to a humane system of educationThis week I read two books, both of which have implications for every child in this countrySat Nov 02 2002 - 00:00
EU's democratic deficit is causing resentmentIn the recent Dáil debate, politicians, in both veiled and explicit ways, asked the electorate not to use the Nice referendum…Sat Sept 14 2002 - 01:00
Lap-dancing on the slippery slope to despairThe shrugs which greeted the arrival of lap-dancing in Ireland a few years ago marked some kind of watershed in Irish culture…Sat Aug 31 2002 - 01:00
Cheers turn to a sigh over gender differenceReading Accord's recent research on marriage was one of those "2½ cheers" momentsSat Jul 06 2002 - 01:00
The folly of abortion at the taxpayers' expenseThe Irish Medical Times has a report that the E112 form has been used to procure an abortion abroadSat Jun 22 2002 - 01:00
Staring reality in the eye and denying it existsIn crisis-management terms, two months is the equivalent of several lifetimesSat Jun 08 2002 - 01:00
FG could become the party of social cohesionFianna Fáil seems convinced that market research ensured its election victorySat May 25 2002 - 01:00
Kind gestures now open to misinterpretationThe Church made a promise last Monday to do everything necessary to serve the truthSat Apr 13 2002 - 01:00
Silence on child abuse is bleeding the churchSean Fortune used to come in to where I worked as a video producerSat Mar 30 2002 - 00:00
Racism: long on opinion and short on factsPerhaps we should be more careful about how we bandy about words like "racism"Sat Mar 23 2002 - 00:00
Message from the people still far from clearLegislation is virtually impossible to frame. One vote per ballot boxSat Mar 09 2002 - 00:00
Imperfect but honourable bid to protect lifeA Friend faxed me a chapter from Tom Heskith's book on the 1983 referendum, The Second Partitioning of Ireland? Part of her motivation…Sat Mar 02 2002 - 00:00
Risk of suicide may be higher after abortionWhile attempting to write this column, I have found myself haunted by an image of another woman at a keyboard, who is searching…Sat Feb 02 2002 - 00:00
Staying together for the sake of the kidsA new American book, For Better or For Worse: Divorce Reconsidered by renowned researcher Mavis Hetherington is being hailed …Sat Jan 19 2002 - 00:00
Adelaide proposals fail to respect human lifeBefore the debate on the proposed abortion referendum has even properly begun, we appear to be swamped by ever more complex questions…Sat Dec 29 2001 - 00:00
Deaths of stowaways must not be forgottenThere is a great danger that the wave of sympathy caused by the deaths of the eight stowaways in Wexford will quickly subside…Sat Dec 15 2001 - 00:00
Christian Brothers also deserve fair treatmentOn Thursday last Tom Hayes, secretary to the Alliance Victim Support Group, had a letter in this paperSat Dec 08 2001 - 00:00
Brothers subject to sledge-hammer TV tacticsThe Christian Brothers are irredeemably corrupt and should be wound up immediately, their assets seized and sold to provide compensation…Sat Dec 01 2001 - 00:00
Supreme Court was right in McKenna rulingThe 1995 McKenna judgment precludes the use of public funds to advance only one side of a referendum debateSat Nov 24 2001 - 00:00
The State and children of a lesser status'You'd better get born someplace elseSat Nov 17 2001 - 00:00
Bill to redress hurt would inflict more abuseThe Residential Institutions Redress Bill is an attempt by the Government to provide compensation to those harmed in industrial…Sat Nov 10 2001 - 00:00
No simple answers to complex abortion issueOlive Braiden has a daunting but vital task ahead of her in her new role as chairwoman of the Crisis Pregnancy AgencySat Nov 03 2001 - 00:00
A role now for NI religious, civic initiativesRecently I heard a comment on a radio programme to the effect that conflict resolution takes a generation to take holdSat Oct 27 2001 - 01:00
Vision in national women's plan inadequateThis week Mary Wallace announced a draft National Plan for women, designed to facilitate the implementation of the Bejing Platform…Sat Oct 20 2001 - 01:00
We can all benefit from this advice to addictsFour hundred people attended a lecture last Monday eveningSat Oct 13 2001 - 01:00
Bertie, there are no good guys in any warLet's ease up on Joe Jacob. The ability to give the nation a good laugh is no mean featSat Sept 29 2001 - 01:00
Why a national day to mourn was worthwhileLike some others, I wondered about the necessity for a national day of mourningSat Sept 22 2001 - 01:00
The right to be a child needs to be upheldYou cannot vindicate children's rights by taking away the right to be a childSat Sept 08 2001 - 01:00
What stem cells reveal about humanityIt is perhaps appropriate that the first feature-length film using entirely computer-generated actors and backgrounds is called…Sat Sept 01 2001 - 01:00
Women deserve choice of childbirth optionsMarie O'Connor's recent article in this newspaper on routine interventions during labour raises important questionsSat Aug 25 2001 - 01:00
Wading in a shallow world of reality TVReality TV is one of the more interesting oxymorons in the English languageSat Aug 04 2001 - 01:00
Religious consciousness never went awayEvery so often, an aspect of invisible Ireland pops into view, an Ireland that allegedly no longer existsSat Jul 28 2001 - 01:00
Time to tackle reasons for choosing abortionWell, uno duce una voce this Government is notSat Jul 21 2001 - 01:00
Human dignity lies at heart of Sinnott caseThe Supreme Court decision in the case of Mr Jamie Sinnott illustrates the limitations of our legal systemSat Jul 14 2001 - 01:00
Time for a pro-marriage political stand`Being married rather than single, separated, widowed or even remarried has a more powerful impact on well-being than either …Sat Jul 07 2001 - 01:00
UN fund for AIDS hides the real injusticesOn the face of it, the setting-up by the UN of a new global fund for health and HIV/AIDS, malaria and TB seems entirely laudable…Sat Jun 30 2001 - 01:00
Women here on other wavelength over abortionFrom a media viewpoint, the Women on Waves initiative in Dublin was a non-eventSat Jun 23 2001 - 01:00
Another `No' to Nice would be welcomeIt could be regarded as a masterpiece of bad timing, to have been absent from these pages for the last three weeks because of…Sat Jun 16 2001 - 01:00
Different lifestyles and a delicate balanceBertie Ahern's relationship with Celia Larkin has come under the spotlight once again this week, in a way which was painful and…Sat May 19 2001 - 01:00
Family support better than crisis-driven policyWe are becoming all too familiar with young people having their right to residential care vindicated by determined judgesSat May 12 2001 - 01:00
Image of jeans looks increasingly threadbareI almost always read Kevin Myers's columnSat May 05 2001 - 01:00
Selfishness greater in a thriving economyThere is probably only one positive thing which can be said about the threat of foot-and-mouth hanging over this country: it …Sat Apr 28 2001 - 01:00
Religious returning to their radical rootsDuring a school retreat, I remember being stunned when an anti-perspirant rolled out of the case of the young nun who had brought…Sat Apr 21 2001 - 01:00