Breda O’Brien: The world must tackle the epidemic of lonelinessAlthough the deaths of the McCarthy brothers in their home raise important questions, loneliness in general is on the rise in the western worldSun Oct 09 2016 - 06:00
Breda O’Brien: The right to choose reinforces patriarchyDesignating a child as chosen radically alters the unconditional nature of parental loveSun Oct 02 2016 - 06:00
Breda O’Brien: Zappone has got it wrong on childcareIncentivising people to send children to a crèche ignores many other optionsSun Sept 25 2016 - 11:19
Breda O’Brien: US struggles to find an honest candidate for presidentThe best bet seems to be a car salesman and professional magicianSat Sept 17 2016 - 00:27
Breda O’Brien: The amazing hypocrisy of the pro-abortion lobbyA ‘rogue clinic’ has been accused of deceiving women, but pro-choice clinics tell lies tooSat Sept 10 2016 - 06:00
Breda O’Brien: Problems at Oberstown must be addressedCampus and staff not able to cope with transfer of young offenders from St Pat’sSat Sept 03 2016 - 01:00
Rose’s comment on ‘Eighth’ blurs lines of light entertainmentDouble standards in the media have become increasingly obviousSat Aug 27 2016 - 01:00
Breda O’Brien: Why terminology matters when it comes to pregnancy loss‘It would be wonderful if we could discard flawed terms like fatal foetal abnormality and incompatible with life’Sat Aug 20 2016 - 14:35
Breda O’Brien: A modest proposal to ease the back-to-school pain‘When people complain about the high cost of education, they are primarily complaining about the high costs of textbooks, uniforms and outings’Sat Aug 13 2016 - 00:01
Breda O’Brien: Negativity around Irish church not the norm worldwideWorld Youth Day showcases the other side of catholicism and religous lifeSat Aug 06 2016 - 01:00
Breda O’Brien: Proposed changes to the way religion is taught make no senseApparently, learning about religion is fine but not prayingSat Jul 30 2016 - 12:37
Breda O’Brien: Goodbye Milo Yiannopoulos, I will not miss youPeople like the professional troll make it easier to dismiss all conservative objectionsSat Jul 23 2016 - 01:00
Breda O’Brien: Boris Johnson not the only one telling fibsElements of both the remain and the leave campaigns played fast and loose with facts and emotionsSat Jul 02 2016 - 00:46
Breda O’Brien: Disabled suffer as Peter is robbed to pay PaulPioneering school to lose 26 staff because resources needed elsewhere in systemSat Jun 18 2016 - 01:00
Breda O’Brien: Irish need to be as good with the dying as with deathUnbearable suffering and assisted suicide are far from the only options at the end of lifeSun Jun 12 2016 - 09:10
Breda O’Brien: Some media see abortion bias as a badge of honourFar from having a chilling effect, some broadcasters appear chilled out about having been found in breach of regulationsSat Jun 04 2016 - 01:00
Breda O’Brien: Pope Francis should visit Seán MacDermott Street on Irish trip‘Some people are already wondering if Francis will follow the humble example of his predecessor and retire’.Sat May 28 2016 - 13:14
Breda O’Brien: Facebook may be liberal, but its gospel is consumerismHundreds of millions are being influenced by this hugely powerful companySat May 14 2016 - 01:00
Breda O’Brien: New Government but same line on childcareIt is the triump of ideology over what parents want, which is to look after children at homeSat May 07 2016 - 01:00
Breda O’Brien: It’s complicated - our relationship with CatholicismWe may not choose to actively support something - but heaven help anyone who tries to say that we are not entitled to it.Sat Apr 30 2016 - 00:23
Amnesty abandons values of Seán MacBrideAmnesty International is manipulating the right not to be tortured in order to invent a ‘right’ to end a tiny human being’s lifeSat Apr 23 2016 - 02:45
Breda O’Brien: Advice from a trusted parish priest called Pope Francis‘The pope’s apostolic exhortation is a practical document with immense pastoral experience behind it, and decades of knowing families’Sat Apr 16 2016 - 00:13
Breda O’Brien: abortion – we can do better than women in prison and dead babies in binsPro-choice advocates did not mention Jade Rees, although the system they wish to introduce is at the very least implicated in her tragic deathSat Apr 09 2016 - 06:00
Breda O’Brien: Crucifixion reports show the perils of modern mediaThe story of Fr Tom Uzhunnalil spread on social media before the details were verifiedSat Apr 02 2016 - 01:00
Breda O’Brien: We must not play down the faith of the 1916 leadersThis Easter, we could honour the sacrifices of the Rising by remembering religion’s roleSat Mar 26 2016 - 01:00
Breda O’Brien: Empathy for refugees lasted no longer than a like or retweetSub-contracting responsibility for refugees to Ankara sees refugees as a threat to be kept out, not human beings in need of shelterSat Mar 12 2016 - 00:36
Breda O’Brien: What wisdom can we glean from the election?‘Social issues’ do count. All politics is local. People don’t want recovery for the few.Sat Mar 05 2016 - 01:00
Breda O’Brien: ‘Fatal foetal abnormality’ is a hurtful and damaging termMothers who continue their pregnancy are rarely lauded as brave – at best, they are patronisedSat Feb 27 2016 - 01:00
Breda O’Brien: Pope John Paul II had many friends, including women, which proves nothingA ‘Panorama’ documentary about the pope’s ‘secret ’ relationship with Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka tells a one-sided storySat Feb 20 2016 - 04:12
Breda O’Brien: My guide to choosing your TDLook for someone who would defy the party whip because of personal convictionSat Feb 20 2016 - 01:02
Breda O’Brien: Cutting off the supply of foot soldiers the best way to tackle gangsFor many young people raised in poverty, either numbing out through drug use, or becoming a tiny cog in the criminal machine, can seem like rational optionsSat Feb 13 2016 - 00:05
Breda O’Brien: Entire foster care system needs overhaulOur child protection and welfare system is broken, and there is no political will to fix itSat Feb 06 2016 - 01:45
Breda O’Brien: The bankers are gone but mortgage arrears problem remainsThere is still a sense of shame and stigma that blocks people from accessing helpSat Jan 30 2016 - 02:39
Breda O’Brien: Time to recognise genocide against ChristiansEU should follow Lithuania’s lead rather than cowardice and expediency of USSat Jan 23 2016 - 01:10
Breda O’Brien: Ultrasound is the biggest enemy of abortion on demandIt is a moot point as to when a foetus experiences pain, but it is not a moot point as to when someone becomes humanSat Jan 16 2016 - 03:41
Breda O’Brien: The Finns have a pro-life party so why cant we?We have simply replaced one set of authorities whom we feared to challenge with anotherSat Jan 09 2016 - 03:30
Breda O’Brien: Climate change should be an election issueIn my view, the media have to bear a huge amount of responsibility for the lack of a compelling narrative that motivates changeSat Dec 19 2015 - 02:17
Breda O’Brien: Removing 'religious spirit' from schools an act of desperationIt is more than likely a symbolic response by Minister O’Sullivan to Fine Gael’s refusal to buy her School Admissions BillSat Dec 12 2015 - 01:31
Breda O’Brien: British bombing of Syria does not meet test for a ‘just war’Can you really say that air strikes on fighters dispersed among a civilian population fulfil the criteria of proportionate force and protection of civilians?Sat Dec 05 2015 - 01:19
Breda O’Brien: Making divorce easier will bring little benefit for childrenThe law is a teacher. It embodies what society considers to be worth both validating and punishing.Sat Nov 28 2015 - 01:16
Breda O’Brien: What happened to Pat Carey was a long time in the makingReligious have long been subjected to similar treatment by media and the ChurchSat Nov 21 2015 - 04:58
Breda O’Brien: Ireland should not aspire to providing legalised killingSo long as the safety valve of abortion is there, we never have to take seriously the issue of providing real alternatives.Sat Nov 14 2015 - 03:29
Breda O’Brien: The good ship Enda sails merrily on‘The degree to which this Taoiseach has been given free passes is quite extraordinary’Sun Nov 08 2015 - 12:23
Breda O’Brien: No epic struggle at synod, just slow steady progressLayman voting at synod shows it is possible laywomen could be nextSat Oct 31 2015 - 01:00
Breda O’Brien: Education is key to ending Traveller inequalityReinstating the Visiting Teacher Scheme and resources teachers for Travellers would be a practical, realisable way to mark watershed momentSat Oct 24 2015 - 01:00
Breda O’Brien: Free pre-school places about workers, not what is best for childrenPre-school intervention works best when employed to make up for a lack of adequate parentingSat Oct 17 2015 - 01:00
Breda O’Brien: The norms may have changed but the pressure to conform remains“Vindictive protectiveness” is on the riseSat Oct 10 2015 - 14:02
Breda O’Brien: Americans singled out by pope have one thing in commonAll shared an intense consciousness of the centrality of God in their livesSat Oct 03 2015 - 01:06
Breda O’Brien: State subsidised child care is no NirvanaWhat is good for disadvantaged children is not good for all children, research suggestsSun Sept 27 2015 - 08:34
Breda O’Brien: Women tell me their stories about abortion all the time‘You can argue about personhood before birth, but you cannot argue about humanity’Sat Sept 19 2015 - 05:00