Proposed private school to teach alternative to Leaving CertInternational baccalaureate would be taught to children of multinational executivesFri Aug 12 2016 - 01:00
‘I don’t want to uproot my kids just to get a secondary school place’Elizabeth Bartholomew says a shortage of school places in Kildare is very worryingTue Aug 09 2016 - 01:01
Schools may close if teachers’ demands not metASTI chief warns closures loom in September in escalating dispute over pay and conditionsTue Aug 09 2016 - 01:00
How a baby boom is placing pressure on the education systemDemand for school places has shot up in recent years as the population surgesTue Aug 09 2016 - 01:00
Restoring postgraduate grants ‘absolutely essential’ says FFLack of support preventing thousands of students from accessing further educationMon Aug 08 2016 - 07:48
Preschools issue warning over free childcare schemeChildcare centres say they are not ready for the extension of the free preschool yearMon Aug 08 2016 - 01:00
Why is it taking so long for 20-somethings to grow up?Young people are eschewing the traditional milestones of adulthood – in favour of relying on their parentsSat Aug 06 2016 - 01:00
Non-union teachers face penalties due to industrial rowOver 1,000 unaffiliated educators to lose pay increments as they work in ASTI schoolsThu Aug 04 2016 - 01:00
Colleges want homeowners to rent out spare rooms to studentsUniversities say the return of digs is the fastest way to tackle accommodation crisisThu Aug 04 2016 - 01:00
Engineering: ‘Things are really bouncing back’Shauna Hurley (24) was told there would be no jobs but now there is huge demandWed Aug 03 2016 - 01:00
State’s infrastructure plans threatened by engineer shortageRepublic is not producing enough graduates in the sector to meet projected demandWed Aug 03 2016 - 01:00
Give me a crash course in ... religion in schoolsThe State’s advisory body on the school curriculum is due to publish advice about time allocations for teaching a range of subjects during the primary school daySat Jul 30 2016 - 06:00
Teacher talks explore restoration of allowancesUnions and Government discuss move as a way of tackling pay inequality in the industryThu Jul 28 2016 - 19:26
New Higher Education Authority board given added business focusMinister Richard Bruton names former head of Royal College of Surgeons as chairmanWed Jul 27 2016 - 19:41
Scouts help asylum-seekers adapt to life in IrelandNew programme is ‘showing the way’ by connecting Irish youth and refugeesWed Jul 27 2016 - 01:00
Mixed response to proposals to reduce religion teaching hoursMost primary schools typically spend up to 2½ hours teaching faith formationTue Jul 26 2016 - 18:47
Schools may have to reduce teaching time for religionMaths, Irish and English to be prioritised under radical new curriculum proposalsTue Jul 26 2016 - 01:00
Schools will be obliged to consult with parents on key decisionsIssues such as uniforms, voluntary contributions likely to be subject of parents charterMon Jul 25 2016 - 20:50
Can parents trust a disciplinary process overseen by teachers?Scotland’s experience suggests both public and profession trust self-regulating systemMon Jul 25 2016 - 01:00
Teachers guilty of misconduct face ban under fitness-to-teachBruton says measures would help the profession to become more open and accountableMon Jul 25 2016 - 01:00
Parents and students may be able to appeal decisions made by schoolsFine Gael TD Jim Daly’s legislation would create body students could appeal toFri Jul 22 2016 - 10:50
Ombudsman could provide overdue voice for studentsMost agree independent appeals system required but no consensus on form it should takeFri Jul 22 2016 - 01:00
CAO figures show rise in hopes for careers in constructionCollege applications are mostly linked to architecture, engineering and businessFri Jul 22 2016 - 01:00
Parent may appeal school decisions under new legislationJim Daly’s Bill would create Ombudsman for Education with legally-binding powersWed Jul 20 2016 - 20:37
Students are being forced to study religion, group claimsAtheist Ireland says secondary schools have made the subject compulsory despite rulesTue Jul 19 2016 - 17:57
Bruton wants lessons in coding for primary school pupilsMinister wants primary curriculum to include coding as it teaches creative problem-solvingMon Jul 18 2016 - 07:11
Population at highest in over 150 years despite high emigrationCensus results: Birth rate helps push numbers towards highest since 1871 censusThu Jul 14 2016 - 01:00
Families could face new asset test for student grantsMove would include farm land and other assets when considering grant approvalWed Jul 13 2016 - 01:00
Rising rents push cost of college to €11,000 a year for someStudents who live at home face cost of about €6,800, according to annual DIT surveyTue Jul 12 2016 - 18:19
FF calls on Bruton to clarify his view on third level loansCassells report finds current funding system for higher education not sustainableTue Jul 12 2016 - 09:13
Opposition rushes to torpedo student loan schemeAnalysis: Most parties want free higher education, but have no idea how to fund itTue Jul 12 2016 - 01:00
Higher education deficit must be tackled, warns expert group chairOpposition rules out student loan scheme, meaning registration fees likely to remainMon Jul 11 2016 - 17:25
Third-level college funding to be linked to performanceStudents could face having to pay off income contingent loans of more than €16,000Mon Jul 11 2016 - 12:01
College funding explainer: The three options to pay for third levelAmong the options are increasd State-funding and a student loan schemeMon Jul 11 2016 - 11:25
Q&A: How the proposed student loan scheme would workAn ‘income-contingent’ loan system is a future funding option for third-level education, the Cassells report saysMon Jul 11 2016 - 11:00
How will State pay for the third-level funding crisis?Analysis: Little appetite for student loan scheme in minority governmentMon Jul 11 2016 - 01:00
Delay in approving maritime course ‘puts jobs at risk’National Maritime College of Ireland calls on Irish authorities to recognise its coursesSun Jul 10 2016 - 22:16
Secondary school disruption in autumn likely, signals BrutonComments follow Asti rejection of proposals aimed at halting rows over Croke Park hoursFri Jul 08 2016 - 18:58
Schools fear legal actions over waiting list banSouth Dublin principals say they expect parents will challenge admissions reformsFri Jul 08 2016 - 12:00
Brexit may lead to surge in third-level students in IrelandIrish education authorities are concerned about the fallout of the UK vote on the EUFri Jul 08 2016 - 01:00
Cork Institute of Technology president likely to step down earlyMove appears to follow concerns over public sector staff working beyond retirement ageFri Jul 08 2016 - 01:00
Government to talk with teachers over new entrants’ payTUI and INTO say they made strong representations over pay for new graduatesWed Jul 06 2016 - 20:45
Reforms to limit places schools can hold for children of ex-pupils‘Old school tie’ rule will see no more than 25% of places held for children of past pupilsWed Jul 06 2016 - 15:00
Mature students and deferred applicants receive CAO offers‘Round A’ offers are being sent to a total of just under 6,400 studentsWed Jul 06 2016 - 09:43
Schools draw up plans to hire staff as cover in case of strikesASTI members to be hit with financial penalties for refusing to work additional hourSat Jul 02 2016 - 01:00
Analysis: When teachers go to war, students and parents will sufferThe dispute over junior cycle reform threatens to cause disruption on a huge scaleSat Jul 02 2016 - 01:00
CAO countdown: Deadline surge of applicants expectedSchool leavers urged to avoid last-minute changes on the basis of exam performanceFri Jul 01 2016 - 01:00
Third-level college chaplaincies to be open to lay peopleReview finds €2m a year in State funding spent mostly on Catholic chaplainsThu Jun 30 2016 - 01:00
CAO Countdown: Financial firms compete for school-leaversGovernment projects at least 10,000 more jobs will be created in sector by 2020Thu Jun 30 2016 - 01:00
How much do chaplaincy services cost each third-level institution?Higher Education Authority report shows how much each college pays to provide serviceThu Jun 30 2016 - 01:00