Reilly warns Vincent’s of 'serious consequences' over top-upsMinister was speaking after hospital declined to provide details of allowances to senior staffThu Dec 19 2013 - 09:34
St Vincent’s refuses to provide allowance details for senior staffHSE audit into top-up payments shows senior staff in 13 hospitals received extra payThu Dec 19 2013 - 07:03
Dramatic differences across State in number of childcare orders soughtWhile 230 cases came before court in Letterkenny, just nine recorded in TullamoreTue Dec 17 2013 - 01:00
Gardaí objected to return of Roma child due to ‘flight risk’District Court told child appeared to be registered under two different namesMon Dec 16 2013 - 23:12
Gardaí feared blonde Roma child was ‘flight risk’Girl later returned to family after DNA tests proved she was biologically related to parentsMon Dec 16 2013 - 17:38
Charities will pay unless regulation is fast-trackedTragedy in CRC debacle is that so much good work depends on public trust in our charitiesFri Dec 13 2013 - 07:50
Arrival of Troika led to major changes in social welfare systemReform is under way, but the cost-cutting has taken its toll on the young and people with disabilitiesFri Dec 13 2013 - 01:00
Couples to be given more time for Russian adoptionsFrances Fitzgerald to amend Act so couples have extra year to complete processFri Dec 13 2013 - 01:00
Little clarity - or humility - but plenty of searching questions for CRC executivesThe controversy over pay and governance issues at the CRC has posed a range of deeply troubling questions about how both charitable and State funding is being used.Thu Dec 12 2013 - 01:00
Acting head of CRC operations Joanne Hurley still receiving top-upDáil Public Accounts Committee hears four staff members at Central Remedial Clinic still receiving the paymentsThu Dec 12 2013 - 01:00
Former CRC chief executive received €200,000 lump sum from charitable fundsPaul Kiely’s €240,000 salary was also topped up with fundraising money, committee hearsWed Dec 11 2013 - 18:23
Mater rejects CRC claim over €660,000 pension paymentsOireachtas committee told fees relate to fund which no longer existsWed Dec 11 2013 - 18:22
CRC says it is legally obliged to continue top-up paymentsFormer chief executives defends €240,000 salary and admits pension has been part-funded by charitable donationsWed Dec 11 2013 - 16:14
CRC’s former chief executive repays HSE excess salaryBrian Conlan’s pay was at least €40,000 above official salary guidelinesWed Dec 11 2013 - 09:36
What the audits by the National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church of Ireland say about six diocesesIn Cashel and Emly the audit found that all allegations were now promptly referred to the civil authoritiesWed Dec 11 2013 - 01:00
Twelve staff at Stewarts disability care facility suspended pending inquiryStewarts says it is working with Hiqa to address issues raised over Palmerstown centreWed Dec 11 2013 - 01:00
Former CRC chief will not appear at Oireachtas committeeBrian Conlon was in receipt of a salary significantly in excess of that approved by the HSETue Dec 10 2013 - 09:22
Ten staff at care facility suspended pending investigationStewarts Care says external investigation team is examining abuse allegationsTue Dec 10 2013 - 01:00
Chief executive of Central Remedial Clinic resignsBrian Conlon appointed in controversial circumstances earlier this yearMon Dec 09 2013 - 16:57
Cultivating strong communitiesSocial housing for older or more vulnerable people is not just about putting roofs over people’s headsMon Dec 09 2013 - 15:00
Civil Service performance review deemed failure as majority passLess than 1% of staff ‘needing improvement’ while 6 per cent 'outstanding'Mon Dec 09 2013 - 11:43
Ten children in State care based abroad due to lack of places at home16 vulnerable children waiting for special care places due to support shortagesMon Dec 02 2013 - 01:00
‘I was a rape victim. Now I’m a survivor’While Irish prisons struggle with violence and overcrowding, ‘restorative justice’ is a quiet success story of the penal systemSat Nov 30 2013 - 01:00
CRC admits five senior staff still get top-up paymentsGovernment urged to investigate use of charitable funds to supplement salariesFri Nov 29 2013 - 07:45
Central Remedial Clinic: where the money comes fromClinic gets €19m in State funding to provide services for people with disabilitiesFri Nov 29 2013 - 01:00
Central Remedial Clinic used charity money to top up senior staff salariesCompany linked to disability group had €14 million in funds during cuts to servicesThu Nov 28 2013 - 16:43
HSE to investigate if charity money was used to top up salary at Central Remedial ClinicCharity linked to clinic has €14 million at a time of cuts to services, committee hearsThu Nov 28 2013 - 08:42
‘I’ll never forget the pain. It was excruciating’Matilda Behan is still coping with the effects of an operation carried out 55 years agoWed Nov 27 2013 - 10:53
Redress plan to be considered for survivors of controversial childbirth operationJudge Yvonne Murphy to advise on ‘just solution’ for symphysiotomy sufferersWed Nov 27 2013 - 01:00
Compensation plan considered for symphysiotomy survivorsControversial operation resulted in chronic pain and incontinence for manyTue Nov 26 2013 - 18:43
Holles Street called Mahony fee ‘private allowance’ - HSEMaster of National Maternity Hospital says €45,000 was fees from private patientsTue Nov 26 2013 - 01:00
HSE service plan cuts may cost thousands of medical cardsHealth spending plans to be validated by three Government departmentsTue Nov 26 2013 - 01:00
Revenue targets 60 wealthy individuals over non-payment of domicile levy€200,000 levy aimed at high net-worth individuals who choose to live abroad for tax reasonsMon Nov 25 2013 - 08:24
Legalities may block efforts to recoup executives’ top-upsHSE legal advice says payments may form part of contractual arrangementMon Nov 25 2013 - 01:00
Hospital board asks councillor to resignDr Rhona Mahony says €45,000 allowance was from private patientsSat Nov 23 2013 - 14:10
Concern as locked units used to ‘manage’ youth behaviourHiqa finds regular confinement for smoking, verbal abuse at Oberstown detention schoolFri Nov 22 2013 - 14:07
Parenting courses help reduce ADHD symptoms among children, study showsFindings show benefits of investing in early intervention, says Minister for ChildrenFri Nov 22 2013 - 01:00
Immigration appears to be key factor for high birth rateDecline in births may be linked to recession due to postponement of childbearingWed Nov 20 2013 - 01:01
Reilly ‘aware’ of pay breaches in several health agenciesMinister responds to revelations about top-up payments to health sector bossesTue Nov 19 2013 - 15:10
New laws to ban commercial surrogacySolicitor warns that move may drive surrogacy ‘underground’Tue Nov 19 2013 - 13:30
Revelations over executive pay will rankle in wake of cuts to supportsConfidential audit states some senior salaries were boosted by fundraising incomeTue Nov 19 2013 - 01:00
Updating family law for the needs of the 21st centuryAnalysis: Reforms will modernise areas such as guardianship, custody and accessMon Nov 18 2013 - 01:05
New laws to allow adoption by same-sex couplesReforms to legislation aimed at recognising diversity of modern familyMon Nov 18 2013 - 01:00
New asylum regulations ‘will speed up application process’Move affects 3,800 people seeking subsidiary protectionFri Nov 15 2013 - 01:01
Analysis: Report reveals pattern of repeated failuresImplementation – now – is the keyFri Nov 15 2013 - 01:01
Details of deaths of children known to HSE services revealedConcern over lack of co-operation, poor assessments and missed opportunitiesFri Nov 15 2013 - 01:01
Child death review report: case studiesHow three young people slipped through the cracks of child protection and welfare servicesThu Nov 14 2013 - 23:01
38 young people in contact with social services died in 2011-12Most deaths were from natural causes, followed by suicide, drug overdose, accidentsThu Nov 14 2013 - 14:47
Homeless people being failed by system which 'lacks compassion'Trust co-founder says life for most vulnerable people is harder than it was in the pastWed Nov 13 2013 - 21:32
Regeneration of Longford street a model for social housing‘People used to be afraid to walk these streets... Now we have a thriving community’Wed Nov 13 2013 - 01:00