Gene activity offers a window into kidney transplantsResearch Lives: Prof Barbara Murphy’s work aims to improve patient outcomesThu Jun 14 2018 - 01:00
Gene-editing technology makes scents in yeastsResearch Lives: Javier Varela, Research Assistant with the Chassy project at University College CorkThu May 24 2018 - 01:00
Scientists take to the pub to spread love of knowledgePint of Science festival will host talks in Dublin, Cork, Limerick and GalwayMon May 14 2018 - 16:09
Lighting up chemistry research through ‘upconversion’Research Lives: Dr Junsi Wang, TCD PhD graduate and Takeda researcherThu May 10 2018 - 00:00
What happens in the early response to infections?Research Lives: Prof Ken Murphy, professor of pathology & immunology at Washington University School of Medicine in St LouisThu Apr 19 2018 - 11:11
Take a trip to see the bigger pictureAccess Science: The maritime and astronomy museums, Greenwich, LondonMon Apr 09 2018 - 12:02
Foiling fatbergs, the elephants in the sewerScience Lives: UCD lecturer Dr Tom Curran working on ways to avoid blockages in waste disposalThu Mar 29 2018 - 05:00
Gene therapy making strides in treating rare diseasesResearch beginning to show results for conditions such as haemophilia and inherited blindnessTue Feb 27 2018 - 03:01
A material perspective on delivering medicines in the bodyScience Lives: Andreas Heise, associate professor of chemistry at the Royal College of Surgeons in IrelandThu Feb 22 2018 - 14:35
Youngsters to showcase their digital creations at Coolest ProjectsEvent at RDS returns for its seventh year with 750 projects and 15,000 visitors expectedTue Feb 20 2018 - 01:00
3D printing set to add mobility to medicine manufacturingResearch shows potential of 3D printing for low-cost plants to build chemicals for drugsThu Feb 15 2018 - 06:45
How to make research and innovation more responsibleResearch Lives: Caitríona Mordan, RRI projects officer for Dublin City UniversityThu Feb 08 2018 - 01:00
A ‘traffic jam’ that puts the brakes on protein productionResearch Lives: Dr Pasha Baranov, head of UCC Laboratory of Post-Transcriptional Control and BioInformaticsMon Jan 22 2018 - 12:03
Colouring: a rich and rewarding avenue into scienceColouring books can encourage people to learn and think about science in new waysThu Jan 04 2018 - 00:00
Drilling the seabed for answers to Earth’s mysteriesJOIDES Resolution on mission to better understand sub-sea phenomenaThu Dec 28 2017 - 00:02
Making the internet light on its feetResearch lives: Dr Fatima Gunning, senior staff researcher at Tyndall National Institute and UCC Department of PhysicsWed Dec 20 2017 - 14:37
Seeking to stop ‘Staph’ infections and superbugs in their tracksResearch Lives: Dr Rachel McLoughlin, assistant professor in immunology at TCD School of Biochemistry and Immunology and Trinity Biomedical Sciences InstituteThu Dec 07 2017 - 11:59
A hard sell for soft sensors to pick up on the body’s changesResearch Lives: Prof of materials and sensor science at Dublin City University Dermot Diamond, principal investigator with Insight Centre for Data AnalyticsThu Nov 16 2017 - 14:53
Science Week 2017: Yeast, waste and the big battle against ‘stuff’Science for Sustainability exhibition in Cork tackles critical environmental questionsSat Nov 11 2017 - 17:09
Turning the worm against pesky weevilsResearch Lives: Dr Rosie Mangan, post-doctoral researcher, Department of Biology, Maynooth UniversityThu Nov 09 2017 - 06:00
Keeping an eye on the ups and downs of aerosols in the atmosphereResearch Lives: When I came to Ireland from Lithuania I thought it was a really clean place, but these city measurements show that air pollution is quite highMon Oct 23 2017 - 12:49
Week-long maths festival to hold events North and SouthOver a quarter of a million people set to enjoy fun events and numerical challengesMon Oct 09 2017 - 00:10
Looking to fungi for useful cluesResearch lives: Jaswinder Kaur, Fulbright-Teagasc awardee and PhD candidate with the Shannon Applied Biotechnology Centre at Limerick Institute of TechnologyThu Oct 05 2017 - 14:10
Space Week: Human limits, gravitational waves and beekeeping on MarsIt’s an opportunity for schools and the wider public to explore and engage with this incredible Universe that we are all part ofThu Sept 21 2017 - 15:36
On the bus around Europe with campaigning Irish scientistsAccess science: ‘The idea is to engage people through hands-on workshops and activities that are accessible’Mon Sept 11 2017 - 15:18
After-school programme equipping Dublin youth with digital skillsFuture Creators introduces teens to coding, app development, robotics and social mediaThu Sept 07 2017 - 06:45
Milk proteins offer plenty to digestResearch lives: Dr André Brodkorb, Principal Research Officer at Teagasc Food Research Centre, Moorepark, Fermoy, Co CorkMon Aug 28 2017 - 15:49
Tackling heavy questions about gravity with a drop of waterResearch Lives: Dr Tony Robinson, Associate Professor in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering in Trinity College Dublin and a researcher at Connect, the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Future NetworksThu Aug 10 2017 - 00:00
Science Lives: using nature to grow an understanding of scienceDr Sandra Austin, lecturer in social, environmental and scientific education at the Marino Institute of Education, DublinTue Jul 18 2017 - 15:43
Sleep trackers dig for better dataSome companies are now monitoring breathing patterns and blood oxygenThu Jul 13 2017 - 06:25
Research Lives: ‘I really enjoy the trips to collect samples’La Daana Kanhai on the Doctoral Programme in Marine Ecosystem Health and ConservationMon Jul 10 2017 - 13:13
Festival of Curiosity: a heady mix for inquisitive mindsA fash-tech mash-up, a Lego party for grown-ups and a night at the Dead Zoo – this four-day festival in Dublin is a headspinning celebration of creativity and inventivenessThu Jun 29 2017 - 06:00
How a spin of the ‘lab on a disc’ can be used to diagnose diseaseProf Jens Ducrée of DCU hopes the discs can be used to detect many conditions early onThu Jun 22 2017 - 01:00
Coolest Projects showcases creativity of young codersAccess Science: This year’s Coolest Projects event promises plenty of fun and discoveryThu Jun 08 2017 - 01:00
Science Lives: sticking with research for the skin disease EBProf Wenxin Wang of University College DublinMon May 22 2017 - 14:34
Keep it light: the benefits of seeing science’s funny sideDr Jessamyn Fairfield of NUI Galway on the lighter side of scienceThu May 11 2017 - 01:00
How to tackle a virus? Learn from the arms raceResearch Lives: Prof Andrew Bowie, School of Biochemistry and Immunology, TCDThu Apr 27 2017 - 06:00
Slices of science in the Big AppleNew York has a number of science centres offering dinosaurs, space and maths for allThu Apr 20 2017 - 16:36
An attractive approach to finding more magnetsNew magnetic materials are emerging thanks in part to Trinity College scientistsThu Apr 20 2017 - 06:00
Cork-based firm tackling the data deluge – with DNAHelixworks working on commercially viable system to store digital information in DNAThu Apr 13 2017 - 06:01
Marching in solidarity for science‘We have to act now to push back the darkness that looms’Thu Mar 30 2017 - 01:00
‘Start’ competition introduces pupils to the scientific way of problem solving‘It’s to challenge primary school students to create or simulate randomised controlled trials’Tue Feb 28 2017 - 15:49
Heal the world: ‘Seeing your research having impact is a dream come true’Professor Abhay Pandit is researching improvements in wound managementThu Feb 23 2017 - 01:00
Irish chemist to receive highest honour from RIAProf Dervilla Donnelly to be awarded medal for outstanding contributions to scholarshipThu Feb 23 2017 - 00:00
Can robots create art? Looking at a world in which Humans Need Not ApplyThe “Humans Need Not Apply” exhibition, which looks at machine learning, opens this week in Science Gallery DublinThu Feb 09 2017 - 01:00
Science Lives: ‘I didn’t have a telescope as a kid, but I did like looking at stars’Prof Turlough Downes, astrophysicist and associate professor in the school of mathematical sciences at Dublin City UniversityThu Jan 26 2017 - 01:00
‘Our climate is changing at a faster pace than ever before in geological history’Research Lives: Prof Jennifer McElwain, UCD School of Biology and Environmental ScienceThu Jan 12 2017 - 01:00
The importance of keeping a close eye on the ArcticMargaret McCaul is a researcher in DCU whose work often takes her out to seaThu Dec 29 2016 - 01:00
‘As people use the internet more and more we need to keep a step ahead’Niamh Kavanagh, a second-year PhD student at Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, and the Irish Photonics Integration CentreThu Dec 22 2016 - 00:00
Science books: from sneezing in space to the ‘sweet spot’ of stressCurl up with a good book or three this ChristmasThu Dec 08 2016 - 01:00