Coronavirus: When will Government income and wage supports be cut?Smart Money: the pandemic unemployment payment will be extended, but not foreverThu May 07 2020 - 10:17
Government faces political battle over any changes to Covid-19 paymentsMinister for Finance says schemes will continue, but in an amended formWed May 06 2020 - 12:07
State goes big in effort to help businesses struggling through shutdownThe need for new legislation could delay some measures, including credit guaranteesSat May 02 2020 - 15:04
We will also have to lift the restrictions in our mindsWhen will we feel safe to return to our economic and social lives?Sat May 02 2020 - 01:00
Coronavirus: People may be asked to stay at home while 'cocooners' are out under new planGovernment to unveil plan for lifting restrictions as pressure mounts to ease cocooning advice for over 70sFri May 01 2020 - 06:26
Irish businesses see revenue fall by 60% amid Covid-19 restrictionsOne-third of businesses shut completely and SMEs facing cash shortages, survey showsThu Apr 30 2020 - 16:55
Lockdown exit: Are young people again in the firing line?Smart Money: Burden of Covid-19 economic crisis will not be shared equallyThu Apr 30 2020 - 12:37
Majority want Government to lift restrictions slowly – ESRI studyResearch shows majority of people are nervous about a second surge of Covid-19Thu Apr 30 2020 - 02:26
Return to work: Government-led group drawing up strict safety protocolsHealth and Safety Authority, unions and businesses feeding into planWed Apr 29 2020 - 10:36
Restaurants are on the economic frontline – they will indeed need helpHelping tens of thousands of SMEs to reopen will be a big challenge for GovernmentMon Apr 27 2020 - 11:48
How are we going to pay for the Irish big state utopia?Raising money is almost entirely absent from debate on government formationSat Apr 25 2020 - 01:00
Up to 400,000 households better off due to supports, ESRI saysDonohoe warns of future constraints on Covid-19 borrowingsFri Apr 24 2020 - 12:43
Exiting lockdown: what will it mean for your workplace?Smart Money: Will your temperature be taken as you arrive to work? – and six other big questionsThu Apr 23 2020 - 10:36
Covid-19’s impact on the economy makes for grim readingCliff Taylor: Key to recovery is how fast restrictions can be liftedWed Apr 22 2020 - 07:01
Coronavirus: 8% budget deficit and 15% jobless likely by year-endDonohoe to give Cabinet outline of Covid-19 toll on finances before submission to EuropeTue Apr 21 2020 - 02:59
Up to 1,000 social housing units to be completed, says Housing AgencyContractors are being notified work on such sites is seen as essential and should go aheadMon Apr 20 2020 - 18:14
State must spend big now – but tough balancing act lies aheadNew economic forecasts will provide a reality check on options for next governmentSat Apr 18 2020 - 01:00
Government borrowing could rise to 8% of national incomeDepartments now examining how a wider system of credit supports for businesses could operateFri Apr 17 2020 - 12:08
Construction sector likely to be first in line for return to workNew measures to combat Covid-19 will increase costs and slow projects, says CIFThu Apr 16 2020 - 13:06
Coronavirus: cash squeeze in Ireland’s SMEs threatens economySmart Money: Some bills can be deferred – but many cannot and these threaten the future of many companiesThu Apr 16 2020 - 11:51
FG-FF document ducks the big economic challenges aheadAnalysis: Parties promise bigger State, but don’t say how it will be paid forThu Apr 16 2020 - 07:12
Where will Ireland raise the billions to pay Covid-19 bills?Availing of European rescue funds would send the wrong messageSat Apr 11 2020 - 01:00
Business fears 60% fall in sales over next three monthsChambers Ireland survey finds 20% of companies have laid off all of their staffThu Apr 09 2020 - 05:40
Lockdown exit: How can Irish economy reopen without big health risks?Smart Money: Most likely approach is to move very slowly and on a phased basisWed Apr 08 2020 - 12:06
Cliff Taylor: You can’t just turn an economy off and back on againEconomic freeze can only go on for so long without causing longer-term damageSat Apr 04 2020 - 01:00
Coronavirus: can we start to estimate the impact on the Irish economy?Smart Money: half a million people are now out of work as the impact starts to biteThu Apr 02 2020 - 13:27
Much quieter than Christmas day – road traffic levels collapseOn the M50 traffic peaked at just over 3,800 compared to a normal morning hourly peak of over 11,000Mon Mar 30 2020 - 15:52
Coronavirus: Construction sector most significant part of new shutdownMuch of manufacturing to remain open, but more offices and local services will also closeSat Mar 28 2020 - 20:46
Cliff Taylor: A big recession is coming but it’s not a rerun of 2008Wages, house prices and numbers at work will recalibrate, but Irish economy can recoverFri Mar 27 2020 - 13:42
We’re from Europe and we are here to help: can EU help fight recession?Latest ECB move highly significant and pushes down Irish bond interest ratesThu Mar 26 2020 - 13:12
Q&A: How does the Covid-19 income support scheme work and who qualifies?State subsidy aims to prop up employee incomes during the coronavirus pandemicWed Mar 25 2020 - 19:23
Cliff Taylor: Government does what it has to do on Covid-19 economic packageInventing this from scratch over a few days means some of it is being worked out on the hoofTue Mar 24 2020 - 20:04
Cliff Taylor: Where will Ireland get the cash to pay the massive Covid -19 bills?Smart Money: delicate balancing act lies ahead in paying bills and higher debt levelsTue Mar 24 2020 - 07:49
Government finalises support package as economic forecasts worsenEconomists expect a significant bounce in activity when restrictions are liftedMon Mar 23 2020 - 17:31
Cliff Taylor: Where will the Government get the money to pay the Covid-19 bills?Coronavirus costs are soaring and the budget outlook has completely transformedSat Mar 21 2020 - 01:00
Will coronavirus prove terminal for the global economy?Smart Money: The three key questions which will determine the economic price of Covid-19Thu Mar 19 2020 - 13:24
Coronavirus: ECB launches €750bn bond buying programmeECB promises massive intervention to try to calm fears of financial turmoilThu Mar 19 2020 - 00:11
Coronavirus: Interest rate on Irish bonds rises sharplyMarkets seeing mass sell-off as investors take refuge in cashWed Mar 18 2020 - 12:15
Coronavirus: Patrick Honohan urges radical action on EU, ECBFormer Irish Central Bank chief in charge during financial crisis says ‘no excuse’ for delayTue Mar 17 2020 - 21:43
This is a warp-speed downturn and it isn’t slowing downCliff Taylor: Despite dramatic action by the US central bank, investors are pricing in a rapid slump due to coronavirusMon Mar 16 2020 - 12:55
Cliff Taylor: Irish economy faces crisis as coronavirus sucks out cashWe are used to mollycoddling multinationals but our SMEs now need urgent supportFri Mar 13 2020 - 15:00
Cliff Taylor: Sudden, sharp decline in activity will have severe impactEconomic damage from coronavirus crisis now inevitableFri Mar 13 2020 - 04:08
Just how bad will coronavirus be for Irish business?Smart Money: Increased Government response is sure to speed up decline in activityThu Mar 12 2020 - 12:22
Coronavirus: spending measures set to wipe out budget surplusMajor economic shock will have big impact on government formation talksMon Mar 09 2020 - 20:58
Coronavirus: how do we strike a balance between disruption and public health?In the midst of a political vacuum, there are some really big calls to be madeSat Mar 07 2020 - 01:00
Should you be paying more tax?Smart money: Striking new data shows tax here is low – but does it tell the full story?Fri Mar 06 2020 - 09:41
Cliff Taylor: Fed move indicates coronavirus concerns over global growthDonohoe says Department of Finance will update economic forecasts next month, but any global slowdown will have implications hereTue Mar 03 2020 - 14:31
What is at stake for Ireland in the new Brexit talks?Q&A: The EU and UK have set their red lines and now the talks are onMon Mar 02 2020 - 10:55
Corporate tax take cannot be relied upon in future, warns DonohoeReforms being discussed under auspices of OECD may impact on Ireland’s tax takeSat Feb 29 2020 - 16:34
Cliff Taylor: Coronavirus means Ireland's economic outlook hangs in the balanceSupplies and health pose risks parallel to Brexit and require new financial forecastsSat Feb 29 2020 - 01:00