B of I investor worries centre on walled gardenBank of Ireland shareholders were treated to an upbeat statement from group chairman Howard Kilroy at the group's annual meeting…Sat Jul 10 1999 - 01:00
Mobiles put on hold on streets of BrooklynThe ubiquitous mobile phone came in for a hammering from a remote but influential outpost this weekSat Jul 10 1999 - 01:00
Elan gets its timing right on Alzheimer's reportIt's been something of a rollercoaster week for Elan, the Irish pharmaceuticals group which trades primarily in New York.Sat Jul 10 1999 - 01:00
Time for Telecom to deliver on high hopesAfter the euphoria surrounding the first major privatisation of a State utility in the Republic, the time has arrived for the…Sat Jul 10 1999 - 01:00
Banks profit first on Telecom floatWhile thousands wait to see at precisely what price Telecom Eireann will float and start calculating when best to sell to maximise…Sat Jul 03 1999 - 01:00
AIB shows way on expansionEvery time Bank of Ireland steps back from foreign expansion, AIB seems to emphasise the difference between them by making a …Sat Jun 26 1999 - 01:00
Merger collapse creates vacuumIt's difficult to know whether to be happy or sad about the abrupt demise of the proposed alliance between Bank of Ireland and…Sat Jun 19 1999 - 01:00
Bailing business out over Y2KIt was only ever going to be a matter of time before some group in the business sector started pleading poverty and proffering…Sat Jun 12 1999 - 01:00
Telecom unions' short memoriesWell, it's better than nothing, but it's still a long way short of justSat Jun 05 1999 - 01:00
Rollercoaster ride for B of IForget politics... a week is proving an extraordinarily long time on the stock exchange as far as Bank of Ireland is concerned…Sat May 29 1999 - 01:00
Irish Life breaks ranks on disclosureIt may be just as well that Irish Life is no longer an autonomous entity after its decision to sign off with full disclosure …Sat May 22 1999 - 01:00
Telecom gets fit for the challenge aheadSo Telecom Eireann is finally ready for flotationSat May 22 1999 - 01:00
Missing the point on payDid you ever notice that when the great and the good - the IMF, OECD and central bankers to name a few - press for action to …Sat May 22 1999 - 01:00
Unions struggle for closure on regulatorThe latest tiff over the future of regulation of financial services in the State is somewhat amusingSat May 22 1999 - 01:00
Allied Domecq basks in the Buffet factorWell, now you know the surest way to inject some life into a stock in which you have invested - plant a rumour that US investment…Sat May 22 1999 - 01:00
Rubin rattles the marketsThe decision of US treasury secretary Robert Rubin to step down after six years nearly upset the very apple cart he has carefully…Sat May 15 1999 - 01:00
Jobs, not jobless, top political agenda nowIt may seem like a different world but it is not long ago that it was difficult to find a Government minister to comment on the…Sat May 15 1999 - 01:00
Dublin faces squeeze in stock market mergerIt's taken a long time but it does appear that, eventually, the major European stock exchanges will form an allianceSat May 08 1999 - 01:00
Business running scared of rising labour costsYet again employers have raised the spectre of labour shortages and its potential effect on the economySat May 08 1999 - 01:00
Time at last to pay our semi-state executivesAt last it appears an air of realism is permeating Government circles on the issue of pay for those leading the Republic's commercial…Sat May 08 1999 - 01:00
Esat's Cablelink dream in tattersIt hasn't been a great 1999 for the young Turks of Irish businessSat May 08 1999 - 01:00
Cablelink sale party put on iceSome days Mary O'Rourke must wonder why her life must always be so complicatedSat May 01 1999 - 01:00
Flak flying as Telecom floatsSo the Telecom Eireann flotation juggernaut is up and running and already it is getting flakSat Apr 24 1999 - 01:00
Learning to live by the rule bookIt is comforting to know that the Pensions Board has found little evidence of serious fraud in its examination of a number of…Sat Apr 17 1999 - 01:00
Rough landing for Ryanair on chargesNo surprises then in the report on the options for the future of Aer RiantaSat Apr 17 1999 - 01:00
Former allies move to opposing sidesThe battle for ICC Bank is hotting up, and one of the most interesting confrontations looks like being that between erstwhile…Sat Apr 17 1999 - 01:00
Fighting to keep secrecy on payIt is an old maxim that one should only bet money on the stock market that one can afford to loseSat Apr 17 1999 - 01:00
Internecine strife dulls ISME haloIt's sad really to see that most thrusting of lobby groups, the Irish Small and Medium Enterprise Association (ISME), shunning…Sat Apr 17 1999 - 01:00
Lenders win in interest rate cutJust when you thought it was safe to take out your fixed rate, mortgage rates are set to come down once againSat Apr 10 1999 - 01:00
Borrowers on AIB's boardAs always with the remuneration figures for AIB's executive directors, it is the lion's share of the cake siphoned off by the…Sat Apr 03 1999 - 01:00
O'Rourke loses her `A' teamPicture, if you will, a high-profile minister who asks the board of a major State company to step down to allow her to appoint…Sat Mar 27 1999 - 00:00
Keeping a hold of mortgage customersDid you hear the one about the never-ending mortgage? Well, a number of local authorities have, apparentlySat Mar 20 1999 - 00:00
United battles for market supremacyThe Red Devils of Manchester United may have finally put Inter Milan away to qualify for the semi-finals of the European Champions…Sat Mar 20 1999 - 00:00
Cresson finally tries colleague's patienceInteresting times at the EU Commission.Sat Mar 20 1999 - 00:00
Critics quick to ignore local failingsSome of the peripheral reaction has been amusing in its own rightSat Mar 20 1999 - 00:00
Staff price themselves out of 2000 partyBritish hotel operator Hanover International plans to close its six hotels at New Year's after deciding millennium staff and …Sat Mar 20 1999 - 00:00
Euro cheers exit of `Red Oskar'At the end of another rough week for the euro, things finally began to look upSat Mar 13 1999 - 00:00
Social partners turn on ESRIIt's one thing to warn about the dangers of wage inflation on the putative Celtic Tiger but quite another to urge employers not…Sat Mar 06 1999 - 00:00
Liquidator hunts recalcitrant clientsAt last a breath of fresh air in the wake of the calamitous collapse of MMI StockbrokersSat Feb 27 1999 - 00:00
Egg on the face of the smiling QuinnSo the halo has slipped a little over the smiling face of Feargal QuinnSat Feb 27 1999 - 00:00
Euro faces period of growing painsNow that the champagne celebrations surrounding its birth are fading memories, the euro is facing a difficult period as it seeks…Sat Feb 27 1999 - 00:00
Shareholders profit from Permanent boomIrish Permanent shareholders must feel the good times will never endSat Feb 27 1999 - 00:00
Hibernian runs for coverInsurance is a competitive business where every company is looking for that little advantage to put it ahead of the posseSat Feb 27 1999 - 00:00
Credit unions set to beat the banksLatest word is that the Irish Bankers' Federation will fail in its attempt to force the Government to treat credit unions like…Sat Feb 27 1999 - 00:00
Eyeballing banks . . . and winningWould that all of us could rely on AIB, or indeed any other bank, to be as accommodating as the former appears to have been in…Sat Feb 20 1999 - 00:00
AIB `marginally' beats €1bn barrierAs it ducks and weaves among the blows thrown by the setting up of the DIRT inquiry and the Haughey revelations, AIB must have…Sat Feb 20 1999 - 00:00
French next to feel history's cold handHaving humiliated the Swiss and then put the scions of German banking through the wringer, the World Jewish Congress is now turning…Sat Feb 20 1999 - 00:00