Cannes Film Festival set to save cinematic souls from limboWoody Allen in line to set record while Pedro Almodóvar and Cristi Puiu eye Palme d’OrWed May 11 2016 - 03:00
Cannes 2016: the Palme d’Or really does influence world cinema – and here’s the proofEvery now and then, the Cannes Film Festival’s top prize anticipates a movementTue May 10 2016 - 15:24
Gerry Adams’s N-word tweet: racism is not binaryWe need vigilance, but all of us, including the Sinn Féin leader, are probably somewhere on the scaleSat May 07 2016 - 07:00
Stephen Frears: ‘I’m a member of the metropolitan elite. If I were anywhere else, I'd hate me'The director greets questions with a sigh, suffers no fools - and is entirely fascinatingFri May 06 2016 - 06:00
I Saw the Light review: Tom Hiddleston is too good for this Hank Williams biopicIf they were to give out awards for the most by-the-numbers release of the year (doesn’t the Academy already do that?), then this would take some beatingThu May 05 2016 - 16:34
Evolution review: a stunningly beautiful allegory of sex and birthHuman biology goes into meltdown in Lucile Hadzihalilovic fantastic, other-worldly fable from a weird worldThu May 05 2016 - 16:27
Florence Foster Jenkins review: a deliciously dire diva has her dayThe true(ish) story of the world’s worst opera singer makes for comedy gold, thanks to its star double act of Meryl Streep and Hugh GrantThu May 05 2016 - 15:54
We’re not in Ardee any more: meet the Irish director of the Angry Birds MovieYou might not have heard of him, but Fergal Reilly, director of the video-game crossover, is one of our most successful cinematic exportsThu May 05 2016 - 06:00
Bad Neighbours 2 review: a little bit funnier, a bit more socially awareSeth Rogen, Rose Byrne and Zac Efron reprise the adulthood-on-hold set-up of the original, this time with a mild undercurrent of empowermentWed May 04 2016 - 15:07
Donald Clarke: Are cinema chatterers the ultimate movie villains?Texting in cinemas is relatively new, but talking has been there since the dawn of filmSat Apr 30 2016 - 07:00
László Nemes: “Is it now trendy for 17-year-olds to be neo-Nazis?"Son of Saul director László Nemes raises some uncomfortable truths in his remarkable Oscar-winning Holocaust drama, and in conversation he’s no less controversialFri Apr 29 2016 - 06:53
Demolition review: stylistically contrived and ludicrously self-importantJake Gyllenhaal once again great as the damaged all-American, but almost everything else falls flat in Jean-Marc Vallée’s bizarre psychodramaThu Apr 28 2016 - 17:25
Atlantic review: epic in scope, damning in its conclusionsRisteard O’Domhnaill follows up The Pipe with a beautifully shot, warmly narrated (take a bow Brendan Gleeson) and concisely delivered filmThu Apr 28 2016 - 13:29
Captain America: Civil War review - it's a superhero war of the world viewsMarvel has made the rules of the superhero franchise, and Captain America is not the man to start breaking themWed Apr 27 2016 - 14:00
How will you answer the religion question on your Census 2016 form?It’s surely not asking too much for people who don’t believe in God to admit as muchSat Apr 23 2016 - 07:00
Miles Ahead review: Interesting biopic that hits a few bum notesDon Cheadle’s portrait of jazz trumpeter Miles Davis has hints of the experimental and some lovely moments that point towards half-grasped possibilitiesFri Apr 22 2016 - 06:00
Bastille Day review: this really is second-rate, bargain-bin entertainmentGiven recent tragedies in France, you would struggle to argue that the central premise is in good tasteThu Apr 21 2016 - 17:00
Gabriel Byrne: 'There's a difference between a great star and a great actor'Gabriel Byrne on the "repressive and unexciting" Ireland of his youth, on resisting the Hollywood hierarchy and on retaining his Irishness after 30 years as a New YorkerThu Apr 21 2016 - 12:55
Friend Request review: a stupid, irresponsible, immoral Facebook shockerThis militantly appalling horror offers so much to complain about that it is hard to know where to startThu Apr 21 2016 - 10:59
Eye in the Sky review: Rickman and Mirren caught in the moral crosshairs of drone warfareMoral ambiguity and Hitchcockian tension are to the fore in Gavin Hood’s admirable drone-strike thrillerFri Apr 15 2016 - 11:28
The Jungle book review: awe-inspiring retelling of the Kipling classicDirector Jon Favreau sticks close to Disney’s original and delivers a gorgeous film that combines the epic with the intimateThu Apr 14 2016 - 15:30
Hirokazu Koreeda: finding the universal in the subtle tensions that bind familyRenowned director Hirokazu Koreeda latest film Our Little Sister is a family drama without any major crises - and film festivals are in love with itThu Apr 14 2016 - 12:59
Pitbull. Nowe porzadki review: an extravagantly horrid Polish crime thrillerSome of the set pieces are genuinely impressive, but the tide of casual sadism and misogyny eventually becomes exhaustingWed Apr 13 2016 - 23:47
‘Brooklyn’ and ‘Room’ win big at Ifta awardsBob Geldof and Liam Neeson among stars in Dublin for Irish film industry awardsMon Apr 11 2016 - 01:00
Iftas 2016: Room wins seven awards, Brooklyn takes twoMichael D Higgins delivers amusing tribute to Liam Neeson for outstanding contributionSat Apr 09 2016 - 23:58
Iftas: Extraordinary awards season comes to close‘Room’, ‘Sing Street’ and ‘My Name is Emily’ lead nominations in excellent year for Irish filmSat Apr 09 2016 - 15:25
Robert De Niro vexed by ‘Vaxxed’The star’s Tribeca Film Festival accepted, then dropped, Andrew Wakefield’s film about what he still believes to be links between the MMR vaccine and autismSat Apr 09 2016 - 07:00
I Am Belfast review: Mark Cousins paints a vital, intimate portrait of a cityWith luscious photography and an insidious electronic score from David Holmes, Cousins’ film finds intriguing oddness in the apparent drabness of the northern capitalFri Apr 08 2016 - 15:32
My Name is Emily review: a teen road movie that’s well worth the mileageSimon Fitzmaurice’s film unfurls in impressive, nested sub-narratives, along with the mildest hints of psychological autobiographyFri Apr 08 2016 - 12:40
Donald Clarke: More penises on screen, pleaseFemale nudity is about three times more common than male nudity in film. It’s hardly surprising when guys usually run the showFri Apr 08 2016 - 11:00
Midnight Special review: a sweet little mystery of Spielbergian proportionsFather and superpowered son go on the run in Jeff Nichols’s sci-fi adventure full of enigma and gothic disorderThu Apr 07 2016 - 17:06
The Man Who Knew Infinity review: a boffin story that does add upThis tale of a seminal moment in the history of mathematics studiously avoids the highbrow, but proves itself worthy in the processThu Apr 07 2016 - 13:30
Dheepan director Jacques Audiard: ‘I wanted to do a remake of Straw Dogs’The director of A Prophet returns with a shockingly prophetic drama about clashes between immigrants and ParisiansThu Apr 07 2016 - 13:00
Donald Clarke: This atheist dogma is beyond beliefSure, the Rising was undemocratic and religious. As an atheist, I have no problem with thatSat Apr 02 2016 - 05:00
Ewok of Ages: A Star Wars Story review - a playfully subversive tour de ForceEver the master of marketing, JJ Abrams' unheralded release - set between The Force Awakens and Episode VIII - has astonished Star Wars fans and critics alikeFri Apr 01 2016 - 11:20
Michael Shannon: ‘The performance is an escape for an actor as much as it is for an audience’Strong roles in ‘8 Mile’ and ‘Bad Boys II’ ensured he had a face that kept getting recognisedFri Apr 01 2016 - 06:00
Victoria review: ingeniously made, superbly acted, continuously thrillingFar more than just a gimmick, Sebastian Schipper’s one-take thriller argues brilliantly for the single-shot as a viable mediumThu Mar 31 2016 - 16:00
Eddie the Eagle review: Taron Egerton and Hugh Jackman nail the landingDexter Fletcher’s biopic of the fated British ski jumper Eddie Edwards shamelessly and faultlessly hits every cheap chord - you may even shed a tearWed Mar 30 2016 - 14:51
Vinyl isn’t coming back. It’s over, manSome young people are buying vinyl, but they’re the wrong young peopleSat Mar 26 2016 - 07:00
Jeremy Irons “I wasn’t some fancy-pants film actor. I was a builder”Jeremy Irons has always been Hollywood’s go-to guy when a bit of upper-crust sophistication is needed, but when he got the part of Batman’s butler, the honorary Corkman decided to add some grit to the polishFri Mar 25 2016 - 06:28
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 review: A big fat waste of timeThis long-awaited sequel to one of the biggest rom-coms of all time surges with humanity, goodwill and fellow feeling - and is a total dudThu Mar 24 2016 - 18:38
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice review - lost in the murk of expectationTasked with rebooting the franchise, Zack Snyder delivers a superabundance of mopey superhero tropes, tons of computer-generated pseudo-gloom - and not much elseTue Mar 22 2016 - 22:02
Xena is gay: what next, marriage?A reboot of the fantasy series would no longer hide the Warrior Princess’s sexuality. It’s part of a social shift unthinkable a generation agoSat Mar 19 2016 - 07:00
High Rise review: infuriatingly disordered take on the classic JG Ballard textDirector Ben Wheatley knows how to unsettle, and the cast are immaculate, but it’s not enough to sustain this monolith of a filmFri Mar 18 2016 - 10:17
Zootropolis review: now here’s a plot you can really, ahem, sink your teeth intoWith a plot that unfurls with all the sinuousness of a PG-cert Chinatown, Disney’s latest box-office smash is one of their bestFri Mar 18 2016 - 09:57
Risen review: Biblical tale that drifts deep into Sunday School territoryKevin Reynolds’ tolerable Easter entertainment sees Joseph Fiennes’ Roman warrior tasked with finding the missing body of ChristFri Mar 18 2016 - 09:57
Michael Collins review: nowhere near as historically inaccurate as we once supposedTwenty years on, Neil Jordan’s drama looks like a clear attempt to sweeten history with the palatable goo of modern mythologyFri Mar 18 2016 - 09:56
Sing Street director John Carney: ‘I knew that era so well. I didn’t have to research it’From his early films to Bachelor’s Walk and Once, there have always been flashes of autobiography in John Carney’s work. His latest Sing Street, however, edges much closer to full-on memoirFri Mar 18 2016 - 06:22
Rock the Kasbah review: the pathetic last wheeze of the Baby Boomer brigadeHow could a movie directed by Barry Levinson and starring Bill Murray, Kate Hudson and Bruce Willis turn out to be so atrocious? It’s a fair questionThu Mar 17 2016 - 07:38
Let’s ban rugby, and all school sportsThere isn’t much in the modern curriculum that is designed as torture: except sportSat Mar 12 2016 - 06:12