Supervision order granted for girl haunted by ghoulish visionsJudge hears agency concerned about emotional abuse and parental neglectThu Jun 16 2016 - 01:00
Clare Daly says Policing Authority meeting ‘heavy on spin’TD says line of questioning was weak during commissioner’s appearance at meetingTue Jun 14 2016 - 09:17
Garda Síochána act to provide support for whistleblowersDedicated phone line to be enabled to reduce chances of cases falling ‘through the cracks’Tue Jun 14 2016 - 01:00
Changing culture within Garda ‘imperative’, says O’SullivanGarda chief faces Policing Authority watchdog at public meeting on O’Higgins findingsMon Jun 13 2016 - 15:27
Garda whistleblower: Eight cases O’Higgins investigatedComplaints Sgt McCabe made about these Garda cases investigated by Mr Justice Kevin O’HigginsSat May 28 2016 - 01:00
Press Ombudsman reveals complaints in 2015Almost half of the submissions received last year related to truth and accuracyFri May 27 2016 - 14:59
Father says nowhere to live with children if order grantedMan claims wife seeking order for him to vacate family home had partied, had affairFri May 27 2016 - 01:00
Homeless children given beds in adult hostelsFour families with children given blow-up beds in adult facilities in past weekTue May 24 2016 - 01:00
Calls for sanction on landlords stockpiling vacant propertiesFocus Ireland rejects suggestion landlords need incentives to renovate vacant housesTue May 24 2016 - 01:00
Zappone concerned about waiting list for sexual abuse servicesMinister for Children questions six-week wait to be seen at sexual abuse assessment unitsMon May 23 2016 - 01:00
European court ruling could ‘shut down’ Irish motorsportsMEP raises concern that tracks like Mondello Park will close if new rules are introducedSun May 22 2016 - 19:14
JobBridge internship scheme to be replaced, says VaradkarMinister for Social Protection says more targeted scheme to be introducedSun May 22 2016 - 16:54
Father accused of dangling son from bridge has access reducedBoy claimed his father held him by the ankles over a flooding river, court hearsFri May 20 2016 - 01:00
Driver’s car seen ‘bouncing’ on road at Christmas, court hearsMan fined €600 and disqualifed for two years at Gorey District CourtWed May 18 2016 - 19:54
Nóirín O’Sullivan not barred from explaining comments, say expertsGarda chief’s suggestion that law on O’Higgins inquiry bars explanation ‘not credible’Wed May 18 2016 - 01:00
No reduction in bin service charges for home compost residentsRegulations introduce minimum charges for pay-by-weight waste, including recyclingMon May 16 2016 - 20:04
Waste charges: Q&AFrom using black sacks for your refuse to a chance to save cash – what you need to knowMon May 16 2016 - 19:59
Government to discuss five judicial appointmentsSpeculation Attorney General Máire Whelan will be assigned to Court of AppealMon May 16 2016 - 01:00
Protocol for single, timely interview needed for children who allege sexual abuseSibling who disclosed abuse on six-week waiting list for sexual abuse assessmentFri May 13 2016 - 01:00
Judge refuses care order for child despite alleged sexual abuseAbuse allegations made against male relative carer, his friend and other relativesFri May 13 2016 - 01:00
Ombudsman hopeful of power to investigate prisoner complaintsInspector of Prisons recommended external investigator after internal procedure exhaustedThu May 12 2016 - 17:13
‘Inordinate and unjustifiable delay’ led to failure to prosecute dangerous drivingQuestion of who was investigating garda caused confusion, finds O’Higgins reportThu May 12 2016 - 01:00
Investigation into child sexual abuse had ‘major flaws’, finds O’Higgins reportRecommendation case heard at District Court surprising and difficult to comprehendThu May 12 2016 - 01:00
Sabina Higgins: Making women carry fatal foetal pregnancies ‘an outrage’Charity Every Life Counts says Higgins’ comments are ‘hurtful and appalling’Mon May 09 2016 - 22:27
Court of Appeal to deliver drink-driving Irish form decisionAt least 1,400 cases held pending DPP’s appeal against High Court’s drink-drive rulingMon May 09 2016 - 18:36
Independent Ministers target housing and judge selectionFinian McGrath and Shane Ross take to airwaves and print to set out prioritiesSun May 08 2016 - 15:09
1916 courts martial and executions: Edward DalyThought rebellion ‘foolish’ but ‘no option but to obey’Thu May 05 2016 - 05:47
1916 courts martial and executions: Tom ClarkeBuried in communal grave with fellow rebelsTue May 03 2016 - 05:49
1916 courts martial and executions: Joseph Plunkett‘Proclamation not issued by Volunteers’Tue May 03 2016 - 05:42
1916 courts martial and executions: Michael O’Hanrahan‘Acted under orders’of his ‘superiors’Tue May 03 2016 - 05:39
1916 courts martial and executions: John MacBrideJoined Irish Volunteers on Easter MondayTue May 03 2016 - 05:36
1916 courts martial and executions: Con ColbertEvidence against him didn’t fill a single pageTue May 03 2016 - 05:33
1916 court martials and executions: James ConnollyConnolly made no defence except on cruelty charges against prisonersTue May 03 2016 - 05:17
1916 courts martial and executions: Sean HeustonConnolly’s note to ‘Houston’ on Mendicity Institute formed defenceTue May 03 2016 - 05:12
Boy in care may not go to school without an SNA, court toldSocial worker tells judge boy would need dedicated special needs assistant in classFri Apr 29 2016 - 01:00
Father who could not afford psychologist paid for stretch limoMother’s solicitor claims father had four different vehicles, including a Porsche 911Thu Apr 28 2016 - 01:00
What is the Policing Authority?The independent body was set up to oversee the performance of An Garda SíochánaTue Apr 26 2016 - 01:00
Nóirín O’Sullivan defends closure of Garda stationsPolicing Authority told new bureau seized €36m of drugs and 36 weapons in first yearMon Apr 25 2016 - 20:57
Governance row stalls plan for new National Maternity HospitalSt Vincent’s offered site for Holles Street hospital on basis of single system of governanceSun Apr 24 2016 - 20:07
Poor box enables nearly 2,000 drivers avoid points for speedingIn excess of one-third of drivers before District Court for speeding had cases struck outTue Apr 19 2016 - 01:00
Man who filmed himself taking cocaine loses dismissal caseTribunal finds against James Boyle who lost waiter job in Dublin city centre restaurantMon Apr 18 2016 - 01:00
Emergency care order for two teenagers after mother became illDublin District Family Court hears how mother was ‘incoherent’ when gardaí calledSat Apr 16 2016 - 01:00
‘They waited until the guards were gone and then done it’Locals say garda presence in Sheriff Street had reduced in recent daysThu Apr 14 2016 - 17:35
More social work resources needed in child protectionAlmost 1,000 high priority cases not yet assigned social workers at end of 2015, figures showWed Apr 13 2016 - 08:30
Cruelty case: Eldest daughter says was told to ‘go back’ to motherSocial workers came to home but mother was ‘convincing and vindictive’ says teenagerWed Apr 13 2016 - 01:00
Toddler returned to mother after agency withdraws care orderJudge makes supervision order for six monthsWed Apr 13 2016 - 01:00
Tusla to examine issues in child cruelty caseMother sentenced to 4½ years for beating, starving and neglecting childrenTue Apr 12 2016 - 01:00
New figures reveal heavy case loads in various District CourtsStatistics indicate highest count of almost 15,000 in Clare – but just over 6,000 in MayoSat Apr 09 2016 - 01:00
Judge told boy’s wish for foster family never realisedHomelessness is teenager’s “central fear” leaving care, Dublin District Family Court hearsThu Apr 07 2016 - 01:00
Panama papers: NGOs call for transparency on taxationVladimir Putin spokesman says ‘Putinophobia’ means it is impossible to speak well of RussiaMon Apr 04 2016 - 15:33