Direct democracy threatens way we are governedPolitics: There are actually a number of dark futures to which our system can succumbTue Oct 31 2017 - 15:53
Catalonia reminds us the nation state is not a constant of historyPolitics: European nations are too young to deserve the assumption of permanenceMon Oct 23 2017 - 18:19
Forcing out Philip Hammond would reveal Theresa May’s weaknessPragmatic people appear unwelcome in Brexit-era public lifeTue Oct 17 2017 - 01:00
Theresa May can stay for as long as she choosesLike an Ishiguro character, the PM could string this out for longer than seems feasibleTue Oct 10 2017 - 01:00
Boris Johnson’s impatience over Brexit masks real fearsJanan Ganesh: The longer Britain tarries, the more unlikely its EU departure becomesTue Oct 03 2017 - 01:00
Britain’s journey away from Rees-Moggery has only just begunUK Politics: Brexit conservatives have stolen a battle in a war already lostTue Sept 12 2017 - 01:00
Brexit sets Britain on a stable path of relative declineUK Politics: It is the toll paid in decades, not moments, that promises the worstTue Sept 05 2017 - 01:00
Theresa May’s daily humiliation gives her room to compromiseUK Politics: Prime minister’s office has become the equivalent of a zombie companyMon Aug 28 2017 - 19:50
Britain faces fight for relevance in skewed relationship with AmericaUK has nothing to show for its flattery of Trump, other than some reputational damageTue Aug 22 2017 - 01:00
What the summer book choices of elites reveal about politicsJanan Ganesh: Powerlessness of governments against human foibles is common themeTue Aug 15 2017 - 01:00
What liberal Britain needs: a single issue anti-Brexit partyUK Politics: A broad political movement would alienate supporters from the startTue Aug 08 2017 - 10:26
Britain is better off with a weak Theresa MayUK Politics: A strong government can destabilise a nation if it does foolish thingsMon Jul 31 2017 - 17:34
Electorates’ complacency may explain Brexit, Trump and CorbynUK Politics: The fainter our memory of trauma, the greater our appetite for riskTue Jul 25 2017 - 01:00
Theresa May could survive in office because Tories have no alternativeUK Politics: British prime minister a moveable object encountering a stoppable forceTue Jun 27 2017 - 01:00
British atmosphere seems to have taken turn against hard BrexitRemainers silent in May now suggest a deal keeping Britain open and competitiveTue Jun 20 2017 - 01:00
Tories must play for time, for the good of the UK and the partyTheresa May’s Conservatives cannot call another election – and cannot not call oneTue Jun 13 2017 - 01:00
Janan Ganesh: May’s greatest mistake was in first few months of premiershipA long time has passed since British were enthused by anyone offering to govern them but Brexit has raised stakesFri Jun 09 2017 - 12:40
London attacks have forced a serious end to a frivolous electionCounterterrorism is inescapably political, and the current leaders are proving wantingTue Jun 06 2017 - 01:00
British politicians remain out-of-sync with public moodMay and Corbyn are pushing a vision of a poorer but happier Britain that no-one’s buyingTue May 30 2017 - 01:00
Theresa May is strong and stable – until you test herUK Politics: The prime minister’s wobbles bode badly for Britain’s prospects in Brexit negotiationsMon May 22 2017 - 19:29
UK set to suffer as Macron revives Franco-German relationsJanan Ganesh: Britain will be more isolated in EU bolstered by tighter Berlin-Paris bondsTue May 16 2017 - 01:00
May’s foreign policy cannot be judged by its electoral effectJanan Ganesh: For the rest of the world, the UK election is a complete non-eventTue May 09 2017 - 01:00
The public is to blame for poor standards in politicsUK Politics: Theresa May could not get away with saying so little if people paid attentionTue May 02 2017 - 09:47
Macron shows that talent beats other variables in politicsWe get so caught up with the zeitgeist it is easy to forget the allure of the individualTue Apr 25 2017 - 01:00
Britons don’t pine for empire – they just want to be left aloneUK Politics: If the British are guilty of anything, it is too much introspectionThu Apr 20 2017 - 16:38
May can be most powerful British PM since second World WarUK Politics: Scotland set to be only limit on prime minister’s power after June electionWed Apr 19 2017 - 10:26
Theresa May is far more conservative than you thinkUK Politics: Bitter news for liberals – the prime minister really believes in her policiesTue Apr 18 2017 - 09:49
Janan Ganesh: Angry voters are nostalgic for powerful elitesTrump and Brexit show that what voters really want is a paternalistic governmentTue Apr 04 2017 - 01:00
The left’s conversion to common sense has come shamefully lateUK Politics: The electoral shocks of 2016 have forced those on the left to reorder prioritiesTue Mar 28 2017 - 01:00
Silver-tongued British ministers hide the reality of BrexitJanan Ganesh: Boris Johnson is like an incompetent doctor with good bedside mannerTue Mar 21 2017 - 01:00
Nicola Sturgeon’s influence leaves Theresa May in a bindJanan Ganesh: Tory enthusiasm for hard Brexit forces Scottish first minister’s handTue Mar 14 2017 - 01:00
Budget: Britain’s prosperity is in the hands of diplomats nowUK fiscal management matters less than its future accord with the European marketTue Mar 07 2017 - 01:00
Jeremy Corbyn is leading his party into history’s mausoleumUK Politics: Labour’s decline is a loss to the world, not just a tragedy for British politicsTue Feb 28 2017 - 01:00
Blair couldn’t help the Remain campaign but he could help steer BrexitUK Politics: Remainers should make it their mission to shape Britain after EU exitTue Feb 21 2017 - 01:00
Janan Ganesh: Theresa May will regret her gung-ho approach to BrexitBritish PM has not prepared ground for getting a bad deal from EU, and will pay priceTue Feb 14 2017 - 01:00
Trump and Le Pen can be beaten with patience and disciplinePolitics: Liberalism will prevail if its leaders act more like Tony Blair than Justin TrudeauTue Feb 07 2017 - 01:00
Trump leaves Theresa May with choice of diplomatic agoniesUK prime minister’s reaction to US president’s borders move typically ponderousTue Jan 31 2017 - 01:00
Janan Ganesh: Taking to the streets won’t change a thingPatience will pay off after populist political propositions are tested by realityTue Jan 24 2017 - 01:00
The value in Theresa May’s narrow vision and plodding virtuesBritain’s Eurosceptics are wrong: other countries are not clamouring to leave the EUTue Jan 17 2017 - 01:00
Theresa May is sending clear signals on a hard BrexitImage of an ‘indecisive’ prime minister ignores the evidence of her words and actionsTue Jan 10 2017 - 01:00
Liberals have no cause to dread 2017 or the years aheadUK Politics: Advances in commerce, technology and art cannot be entirely undoneTue Jan 03 2017 - 12:50
Janan Ganesh: Britain needs to take the EU at its wordThe EU cannot afford to set the precedent that exit can lead to a better life outsideTue Dec 06 2016 - 01:11
Only events have the power to shift the Brexit debateUK Politics: Tony Blair may be moving too soon in trying to reverse Britain’s EU exitTue Nov 29 2016 - 01:00
Janan Ganesh: Voters who shout loudest not always worst-offUK Politics: There are worse things than just about managing. Try just about not managingTue Nov 22 2016 - 01:00
Liberals always assume that the future is bleakPolitics: The only intelligible lesson from 2016 is that ‘nobody knows anything’Tue Nov 15 2016 - 12:12
Theresa May needs to find a voice equal to the timesUK politics: painful national projects require leaders to demonstrate some classTue Nov 08 2016 - 01:00
Janan Ganesh: Brexiters who bully Mark Carney will target othersBank of England governor is Patient Zero of Eurosceptic vilification campaignTue Nov 01 2016 - 01:00
UK politics: Liberals are still winning – even if they don’t know itIdeas do not need a sponsoring party to thrive, just to be better than their rivalsTue Oct 25 2016 - 01:00
If Brexit makes Britons poorer, they will come for Theresa MayUK Politics: Voters were not given an honest choice – economic loss for national controlTue Oct 18 2016 - 01:00
Janan Ganesh: Why Britain must have a hard BrexitBritain’s mastery of its own affairs is an idea that must be allowed to run its courseTue Oct 11 2016 - 01:00