California moves cruelly on gig economy workersProposition 22 hits rights, health and dignity of many of workforce’s most vulnerableThu Nov 05 2020 - 05:00
Can Big Tech’s backing install Biden in the White House?Net Results: The Democratic candidate has support of tech industry and its biggest criticsThu Oct 29 2020 - 05:00
Google's incredible power is the result of decades of regulatory failureNet Results: US lawsuit is locking the barn door long after the data-guzzling horse has boltedThu Oct 22 2020 - 05:00
Women human rights defenders face onslaught of threats onlineNet Results: The arts are offering marginalised activists a crucial way of finding a voiceThu Oct 15 2020 - 11:07
Leaving Cert: Why the Government deserves an F for algorithmsNet Results: Invisible code has a significant – and often negative – impact on all our livesThu Oct 08 2020 - 05:00
Karlin Lillington: Ireland spent months discussing pubs but not arts venuesOnline innovation should benefit arts industry when Covid-19 pandemic recedesThu Oct 01 2020 - 05:00
Will Facebook walk away from European market after data protection 'hissy fit'?Tech giant’s threat to walk away from European market is a ridiculous tantrumThu Sept 24 2020 - 05:00
Ireland is quietly allowing private firms to gather and monetise Irish DNAConsent issue in Beaumont brain tissue study highlights need for national genomics programmeThu Sept 17 2020 - 09:10
Democrats are magnets for donations from tech sectorAnti-big tech rhetoric from the candidates hasn’t proven an obstacle to fundraisingThu Sept 10 2020 - 05:00
Algorithms fail the test in exams debacleUnconscious bias a risk as coders are more often white, male and from higher income backgroundsThu Aug 20 2020 - 05:00
Digital pollution: ‘We have a pandemic of data and 90% of it is crap’Net Results: Web pioneer Gerry McGovern warns about digital’s burden on the planetThu Aug 13 2020 - 05:00
US Congress shows big tech’s business model is everyone’s problemChief executives fail in their one job during the video call on antitrust: damage limitationThu Aug 06 2020 - 04:10
EU needs to start enforcing data protection laws properlySchrems ruling: Subset of smaller groups in adtech industry may also be affectedThu Jul 30 2020 - 05:00
Schrems II: there's no way to transfer data to US and comply with EU lawKarlin Lillington: ECJ ruling has essentially invalidated business model of digital giantsThu Jul 23 2020 - 07:57
Blockbuster Schrems decision to impact nearly every businessCourt in effect ruled that personal data is not, as US companies generally view it, an assetThu Jul 16 2020 - 14:08
Technology has used Covid-19 lockdown to show us who’s masterNet Results: There’s nowhere to hide my ineptitude in world of Zoom conference callsThu Jul 16 2020 - 06:00
Transatlantic data transfers once again in the dockKarlin Lillington: ECJ highly unlikely to accept US claim of adequate protection of dataThu Jul 09 2020 - 06:00
Use Covid tracker app if you wish, but be sure to wear a face coveringThere is scant evidence that apps are effective, but mounting evidence masks areWed Jul 08 2020 - 05:00
Could your old car be giving away all your secrets to its new owner?Karlin Lillington: New survey underlines risks in our increasingly connected worldThu Jul 02 2020 - 06:00
Artists need to put a stop to the firehose of ‘free’Net Results: Online performances have been welcome but could undermine industryThu Jun 25 2020 - 06:00
Beware surveillance technology in combating CovidEU-wide survey shows a varying degree of concern about sharing private informationThu Jun 18 2020 - 06:00
Next government needs to create a national public genome projectNet Results: There is a lack of transparency over consent for usage of brain tissue DNAThu Jun 11 2020 - 06:00
It's time to fact-check FacebookNet Results: How much longer do we let monolithic speech arbiters like Facebook and Twitter operate with little limitation?Thu Jun 04 2020 - 06:00
Enforcement proves the Achilles heel for GDPROnly two years in, landmark EU regulation on data protection needs rebuilding to deliver on objectivesThu May 28 2020 - 06:00
HSE’s data breach bodes ill for contact tracing appApproach to data disclosure will not reassure anyone that data ethics is being prioritisedThu May 21 2020 - 06:00
We urgently need an employees’ manifesto on working from homeKarlin Lillington: Our current use of tech is further eroding division between work and homeThu May 14 2020 - 06:00
Coronavirus: There's a dangerous idiocy in the call for a race back to workNet Results: Those choosing Mammon over staff health are not those exposedThu May 07 2020 - 06:00
Data protection offices need proper resources now more than everKey legal requirement of GDPR is that states supply resources needed to enforce this important piece of legislationThu Apr 30 2020 - 11:55
It's time to ban websites from gathering our personal dataSurveillance giants such as Google now control 60% of the global advertising marketThu Apr 23 2020 - 09:58
How you and your technology can help fight Covid-19Net Results: Web volunteerism and crowdsourced missions offer humanitarian outletsThu Apr 16 2020 - 06:00
Why we should be slow to use tracking apps in coronavirus responseNet Results: Far greater transparency and evidence required for public to hand over dataThu Apr 09 2020 - 06:00
Coronavirus: Contact tracing app raises privacy concernsTwo types of very revealing data – location and health information – will be gatheredFri Apr 03 2020 - 01:00
Think you’re bad at video-conferencing? Boris Johnson is worseUK prime minister scores own-goal with proof of worryingly lax approach to securityThu Apr 02 2020 - 06:00
Data privacy erosions could leave a dangerous legacyNet Results: ‘Decisions made in haste are typically disastrous policymaking’Thu Mar 26 2020 - 06:00
Spanish flu and a stinky barrel of the MixtureNet Results: My great-grandparents and early 20th-century experience of ills and curesThu Mar 19 2020 - 06:00
Remote working: Why did it take a pandemic to sell an obviously good idea?Net Results: Wider working from home would have obvious benefits for quality of lifeThu Mar 12 2020 - 06:00
I was a gig economy employee with a virus who couldn't afford to self-isolateKarlin Lillington: Insecurity of gig economy creates perfect storm for a Covid-19 epidemicThu Mar 05 2020 - 07:29
Cavalier approach to data retention is long-standingKarlin Lillington: State has never addressed data retention in a timely way, in 20 yearsThu Feb 27 2020 - 06:00
Don’t be fooled by Facebook’s ‘regulate us, please’ media blitzPlaying the free speech card, Zuckerberg wants his own idea of beneficial-to-Facebook ‘regulation’Thu Feb 20 2020 - 06:00
Karlin Lillington: Are app ride services taking us in the right direction?The likes of Uber and Lyft have created major congestion headaches for airportsThu Feb 13 2020 - 06:00
'Doffing the cap' to Apple is a bad look for Ireland IncNet Results: Tech giant is major employer but it has benefitted plenty from 40 years in IrelandThu Jan 16 2020 - 07:58
Government is hanging taxpayers out to dry in row over public services cardNet Results: Department’s legal challenge to enforcement order on the card is crassThu Jan 09 2020 - 08:06
Privacy and data in 2019: We deserve better than surveillance capitalismKarlin Lillington: Tech companies now face greater legal and regulatory oppositionThu Jan 02 2020 - 05:00
Non-binding opinion on Schrems case elegant and practicalAnalysis: Companies on either side of Atlantic will find little comfort in ECJ opinionThu Dec 19 2019 - 18:26
Self-driving vehicles will render transport landscape obsoleteDo we really need four new lanes blasting through quiet villages or city centres?Thu Dec 19 2019 - 05:30
Unions might scare Google more than regulatorsChallenges mount for tech giant as buying Treasury Building pushes staff count to 10,000Thu Dec 05 2019 - 05:30
Ireland’s national genome project should not be in private controlNet Results: When will Government listen to the numerous experts alarmed at situation?Thu Nov 28 2019 - 06:30
Angry with Facebook over privacy? Google is even more insidiousGoogle is at the head of ‘surveillance capital’, harvesting our data and monetising itThu Nov 21 2019 - 05:30
Is data privacy a basic right in the EU? Maybe it’s time to find outNet Results: An Oireachtas committee heard that the current social media model should be bannedThu Nov 14 2019 - 05:30
Inside RTÉ: A view from the boardroomPublic service broadcaster requires income stability to do the job we need it to doFri Nov 08 2019 - 17:32