I never expected to be the target of porn blackmailKarlin Lillington: Although I knew the specific threat was a bluff, I had wider worriesThu Oct 11 2018 - 05:00
Could a €1.6bn fine make Facebook finally care about users’ privacy rights?Massive data breach made headlines but Facebook’s trade in user data is as scandalousThu Oct 04 2018 - 05:00
Right to be forgotten key to regulatory scrutiny of internet giantsNet Results: Dispute has arisen over search engines linking to factually correct dataThu Sept 13 2018 - 05:30
Citizenship ceremony: ‘I thought it might be silly, but no, it was emotional’Karlin Lillington: At a time of global exclusions, what we heard was warm and embracingMon Sept 10 2018 - 20:51
Net Results: Is California leading net neutrality rebellion?Trump’s self-googling ego set for bruising with Bill to curb internet service providersThu Sept 06 2018 - 06:00
Time to dump young male founder myth and invest in greater diversityNet Results: Not only are most tech company founders not young guys, but most successful tech companies are founded by the middle agedThu Aug 30 2018 - 06:21
Data commissioner will need to show mettle dealing with GoogleNet Results: Alleged collection of location-based data needs to be investigated formallyThu Aug 23 2018 - 05:00
Attempts to keep online data private a futile endeavourData science pioneer Jeffrey Ullman has ‘mixed feelings’ about industry regulationThu Aug 23 2018 - 03:25
Ireland on the front line of Google location tracking scandalA GDPR experts says giant may be punished for opaque location tracking controlsThu Aug 16 2018 - 05:00
Google and Apple kowtowing to China unmasks hypocrisy of free speech claimsHypocrisy of free speech claims exposed by pandering of Silicon Valley giants to BeijingThu Aug 09 2018 - 05:00
Time for regulators to face down FacebookNet Results: Why we shouldn’t buy the ‘co-ordinated inauthentic behaviour’ excuseThu Aug 02 2018 - 05:00
Future looks a little less rosy for Facebook and TwitterKarlin Lillington: Breathtaking share price drops cause both companies to lose about 19% of value in a single daySat Jul 28 2018 - 05:20
Nostalgia for pre-digital age no map for youthNet Results: Adults are way off mark if we think we can prescribe way forward for modern teenagersThu Jul 26 2018 - 05:00
Chipmaker increasingly on outside after decades of ‘Intel Inside’Intel risks being left behind through lack of innovationFri Jul 20 2018 - 04:15
Why do we continue to put our trust in Facebook and Google?Bad week for internet overlords marked by undercover exposé and €4.3bn fineThu Jul 19 2018 - 04:35
Facebook's flawed rules: Female nipple? Block. Man kicking a child? KeepDispatches programme highlights how social media giant is failing to address concerns over hateful contentTue Jul 17 2018 - 18:13
Net Results: Data centres need to power down their energy requirementsWhy are the State and its investment agencies so eager to keep luring these large-scale, big energy, low employMent projects?Thu Jul 12 2018 - 06:00
California setting new data privacy standards for the USKarlin Lillington: US firms thought they might dodge greater consumer privacy obligationsThu Jul 05 2018 - 05:46
Facebook answers to Oireachtas committee raise further questionsNet Results: Social media giant opaque on referendum advertising campaignsThu Jun 28 2018 - 10:21
EU’s attempt at internet copyright reform is a ridiculous own goalNet Results: Two draconian measures will lead to mass surveillance and curb contentThu Jun 21 2018 - 06:15
Calm down – Silicon Valley is far more expensive than DublinNet Results: That ECA report on living costs made headlines but it needs unpackingThu Jun 14 2018 - 05:59
Hooray for GDPR: scale of data-grabbing exposed to the lightNew revelations about Huffington Post and Facebook data-sharing are jaw-droppingThu Jun 07 2018 - 06:15
Cultural change on privacy needed if GDPR is to work, says Max SchremsKarlin Lillington: Activist urges digital giants to facilitate online users’ right to privacyWed Jun 06 2018 - 05:00
Mary Mulvihill: A pioneer who blazed a trail for other womenGuiding touch of science journalist who died three years ago aged 55 can still be feltThu May 31 2018 - 05:15
Referendum apps may be sharing data illegallyNet Results: Firms must not break law on app permissions and data they gatherThu May 24 2018 - 09:43
Zuckerberg has plenty to worry about after grilling by MEPsOverall optics were of a stunned Facebook CEO facing a barrage of weighty questionsTue May 22 2018 - 20:25
How Microsoft mutated into a moral leaderNet Results: While others secretively engage in data harvesting, Nadella changed Microsoft's corporate cultureThu May 17 2018 - 05:55
Karlin Lillington: Athenry decision disastrous for regional developmentPotential US investors will remember this for some time to comeThu May 10 2018 - 15:11
Net Results: Many US tech firms still dismissive of GDPRAll boats may rise to EU data laws, but it could take years of fines and court challengesThu May 10 2018 - 05:55
DNA databases: biology stripped bareNet Results: Should private DNA profiles be available to third parties for crime inquiries?Thu May 03 2018 - 06:03
Everyone’s talking about GDPR, but who’s got their head around it?Net Results: General Data Protection Regulation the top topic at RSA conferenceThu Apr 26 2018 - 05:50
OURSA conference more secure on gender balanceNew security conference in San Francisco offered more diverse line-up of speakersThu Apr 19 2018 - 05:15
Social media - the perfect platform for spreading disinformationRSA conference hears of ‘ fundamental redesign of how we communicate as people’Wed Apr 18 2018 - 22:07
All-woman tech panel warns of inadequate online legal protectionsOURSA, set up as alternative to RSA conference, says emerging technologies can be used for surveillance of usersWed Apr 18 2018 - 12:14
Cybersecurity ‘everyone’s problem’ across society – US security chiefSociety at point where ‘digital security is converging with personal and physical security’Tue Apr 17 2018 - 22:13
Karlin Lillington: How the High Court threw a huge curveball at FacebookUltimate decision could undermine business models at Google, Twitter and AppleThu Apr 12 2018 - 19:50
Zuckerberg remains serial apologist for privacy mishapsFacebook chief responds to US legislators with mixture of half-truths and mistruthsWed Apr 11 2018 - 17:01
Zuckerberg suits up for a stiff delivery before CongressFacebook chief wisely abandons hoodie to face senators’ grilling, but sticks to his scriptTue Apr 10 2018 - 21:54
US Cloud Act ends Microsoft Dublin email case with a whimperAct gives US ‘nearly unchecked’ power over global digital privacy rights, say criticsThu Apr 05 2018 - 06:15
Cambridge Analytica story affects us allIf you exist, it’s basically impossible for you not to be producing digital data that is harvestedThu Mar 29 2018 - 06:15
Zuckerberg’s slow response reveals long-standing disregard for privacyThe Facebook chief executive was evasive when he finally emerged to make a statement about the Cambridge Analytica crisisFri Mar 23 2018 - 09:22
We need to think hard about how to regulate the internetNet Results: Regulation and legislation vital when we do not own our data as defaultThu Mar 22 2018 - 06:15
Cambridge Analytica and Facebook: Irish regulator has questions to answerData Protection Commissioner slow to enforce European privacy judgmentWed Mar 21 2018 - 01:27
Can we trust Facebook and Twitter to self- regulate?Scams, fake news and accounts – I think it’s time for mandatory regulationThu Mar 15 2018 - 06:15
Hosting Amazon's HQ may incur a bill not worth payingNet Results: Geo-corporate mating ritual takes place oblivious of potential downsidesThu Mar 08 2018 - 06:00
Airbnb impact on Dublin housing market must be addressedSan Francisco compulsory registration scheme one example Dublin could followThu Mar 01 2018 - 05:15
Rural Ireland is partly to blame for its slow broadbandKarlin Lillington: Internet inertia has exposed several ugly truths about State’s prioritiesThu Feb 08 2018 - 06:05
We all must do more to stop online abuse of children and adultsDigital safety decisions must not be rushed because the issue is topicalThu Feb 01 2018 - 06:00
Public fury over online abuse must push big tech to actIs proposed Digital Safety Commissioner role merely manoeuvring on a hot-topic issue?Fri Jan 26 2018 - 19:05
Surveillance does little to stop terror attacks, so why are our emails still being read?Net Results: Section 702 extension will hurt business over fears for data of EU citizensThu Jan 25 2018 - 05:55