Kathy Sheridan: Eventual Covid vaccine will be a hard sell for Ireland’s youthScepticism, fear and anti-vax beliefs contrast with stay-away patriotism of 1967 emigrantsWed Oct 28 2020 - 10:10
Kathy Sheridan: Now is the time for humility, not cynicismCovid-19’s icy fingers are ripping the heart and hope out of ordinary people, but we need to find a unity of purposeWed Oct 21 2020 - 01:00
Kathy Sheridan: We should be more scared of cervical cancer than CovidOut of 110,000 smear test invitations sent this summer, only 12,000 women respondedWed Oct 14 2020 - 01:00
Kathy Sheridan: Sniping between Government and Nphet has to stopCountry is split down the middle just when it needed unity of purposeWed Oct 07 2020 - 01:00
Kathy Sheridan: It’s okay to be shocked about Trump’s taxesThis is a president in desperate need of vast injections of cash to save his baconWed Sept 30 2020 - 01:00
Kathy Sheridan: Journalists must stop giving legs to fake news storiesSimon Coveney’s BBC interview offered a steely rebuke to idea each story has two equal sidesWed Sept 16 2020 - 01:00
Kathy Sheridan: It is tempting but Ireland should not give up on the BritishThe UK is still our neighbour despite Boris Johnson’s obfuscation on BrexitWed Sept 09 2020 - 01:00
Kathy Sheridan: Big Phil’s apologists fail to see big pictureSocial solidarity will not flourish where power sticks thumbs in its people’s eyesWed Sept 02 2020 - 01:00
Kathy Sheridan: Let us look at who was not at that golf dinnerBest of 2020: Woulfe, Hogan, O’Rourke and Hayes trigger lazy comparisons with the Galway tentWed Aug 26 2020 - 01:00
Kathy Sheridan: Hume and Lewis cut from the same clothThere is a trove of lessons there for the new crop of politicians who want to learnWed Aug 05 2020 - 01:02
Kathy Sheridan: Let Vicky Phelan die on her own termsThe time for a debate in Ireland on assisted suicide has comeWed Jul 29 2020 - 01:00
Kathy Sheridan: It’s worrying when Hungary and Poland claim victoryRule-of-law conditions in EU deal target its authoritarian, hate-spouting nationalistsWed Jul 22 2020 - 01:00
Kathy Sheridan: We must take our time when reopening IrelandThere is no room for Covid-19 risk-taking or bellyaching about 14 days of quarantineWed Jul 15 2020 - 02:36
Kathy Sheridan: Covid pandemic a fertile ground for conspiracists, zealots and bigotsPolls show high percentage of populations harbouring belief in conspiracy theoriesWed Jul 08 2020 - 01:00
Kathy Sheridan: Be careful what you wish for, BallinaThe ‘understanding’ that Ministers represent their regions is a dangerous fictionWed Jul 01 2020 - 01:00
Kathy Sheridan: Northern Ireland Greens may have overreachedDiving into the Republic’s politics at such a critical moment is quite a departureWed Jun 24 2020 - 01:00
Kathy Sheridan: Why this historic coalition took just 70 yearsThe Civil War ceased being relevant to FF and FG policies in the 1950sWed Jun 17 2020 - 01:00
Kathy Sheridan: Hard to socially distance from AmazonDespite criticism of how it treats workers, the company is having a good pandemicWed May 20 2020 - 01:00
Kathy Sheridan: Coronavirus is the most politicised piece of protein in historyCovid-19 committee must realise this is not the gotcha territory of the banking inquiryWed May 13 2020 - 01:00
Cheap, personal shots at politicians demean everyone involvedKathy Sheridan: Oliver Callan and Eoin Ó Broin should know betterWed May 06 2020 - 01:00
Kathy Sheridan: Crisis is exposing clay feet of strong men, pathetic Churchillian wannabesAlmost every reckless decision ever can be traced to someone persuaded he was a brilliant maverickWed Apr 29 2020 - 01:00
Kathy Sheridan: Independent TDs need to wake up to the reality of running the countryConstituency supremacy ideology of no use to FF and FG in government formationWed Apr 22 2020 - 01:00
Kathy Sheridan: Let the over-70s have a walkA designated time each day would help those struggling in mandatory confinementWed Apr 15 2020 - 01:00
Kathy Sheridan: Ireland fiddles with government formation as world burnsWhy rush into an unsatisfactory arrangement while Covid-19 threat remains?Wed Apr 08 2020 - 01:00
Kathy Sheridan: I should be enjoying the Covid-19 lockdown but I cannotOn the whole, the language on this pandemic is suddenly quite cosy, but many dangers lurkWed Apr 01 2020 - 01:00
Kathy Sheridan on Covid-19: Compulsion to pigeonhole groups of people is damagingVirus has introduced a new loaded label, ‘elderly with underlying conditions’Wed Mar 25 2020 - 01:00
Kathy Sheridan: We are about to find out a lot about ourselvesReaction to coronavirus has become virtual laboratory for national self-scrutiny or lack of itWed Mar 11 2020 - 05:00
Kathy Sheridan: We need to start acting like grown-ups over Covid-19From facemasks to distrust of experts, coronavirus has brought out the worst in usWed Mar 04 2020 - 01:20
Kathy Sheridan: The trial of Harvey Weinstein is far from overKathy Sheridan: The fight now moves on to Los AngelesTue Feb 25 2020 - 17:04
Memo to Sinn Féin: Not ‘Southern State’ or ‘Free State’, the name is IrelandKathy Sheridan: Sinn Féin must grow accustomed to a vastly higher degree of accountabilityWed Feb 19 2020 - 01:20
Kathy Sheridan: Electorate delivers glorious triumph for Irish democracyNothing about line-up of potential leaders suggests we have succumbed to an Orban or SalviniWed Feb 12 2020 - 01:30
Kathy Sheridan: ‘Posh boy’ label doesn’t stick in Irish politicsClaims of privileged education serve too easily to deride Fine Gaelers across all mediaWed Feb 05 2020 - 01:00
Voters must look to painful lessons learnedKathy Sheridan: Ask hard questions but beware of dangers of change for sake of changeWed Jan 29 2020 - 01:00
Kathy Sheridan: Do election debates matter anymore?Mostly they demonstrate if a candidate can remember their lines or notThu Jan 23 2020 - 06:51
Kathy Sheridan: The country goes into election mode more fragile than we imaginedBrexit showed how easily a country can tip over into something toxic and delusionalWed Jan 15 2020 - 00:10
Kathy Sheridan: Virtue signalling drowns us in hopelessnessMoral grandstanding fosters anger and obscures improvements in many areasWed Jan 08 2020 - 05:00
Kathy Sheridan: Perspectives on what's been a poxy decadeBig gift for Christmas 2019 Ireland is the fact that it’s not Christmas 10 years agoWed Dec 18 2019 - 06:00
Kathy Sheridan: Truth has been the first casualty of the Brexit electionThe perpetrators feel invincible. Lying is the default. Good luck to us allWed Dec 11 2019 - 06:00
Kathy Sheridan: The trouble with Maureen Dowd’s brother? He’s wrongNYT columnist briefly handing controls to her Trumpist sibling leaves readers with a problemWed Dec 04 2019 - 06:00
Kathy Sheridan: If Verona Murphy is elected on Friday, what will it tell us?Fine Gael’s reaction to candidate's comments on immigration is infuriatingWed Nov 27 2019 - 06:00
Kathy Sheridan: FF senator Lorraine Clifford-Lee a fool twice over'Fact-free nonsense': Why would an educated young woman believe such things, never mind tweet them?Wed Nov 20 2019 - 06:00
Kathy Sheridan: It is too late for Ana Kriégel but nettles must finally be graspedConcerns over fact that most teenagers view pornography has been known for a decadeWed Nov 13 2019 - 06:00
Kathy Sheridan: Katie Hill is the victim of a new blackmailThe former US congresswoman has said she was worried that if she stayed in office, more compromising images would emergeWed Nov 06 2019 - 06:00
Kathy Sheridan: 'Votegate' should not be used for political gainFuss over voting practices is not on a par with historic political scandalsWed Oct 30 2019 - 07:00
Kathy Sheridan: Extinction Rebellion occupation reveals good politics but bad governmentLord Mayor’s acquiescence to Merrion Square camp puts city chief in bindWed Oct 23 2019 - 06:00
Rural Ireland’s dependence on cars defies trite solutionsKathy Sheridan: Ryan’s suggestion taps into perception of bubble-living urban dwellersWed Oct 16 2019 - 06:00
Kathy Sheridan: Grown-up Brexit politics must be beyond inter-party snipesTaoiseach’s after-dinner jibe at Fianna Fáil was a cheap and silly potshotWed Oct 09 2019 - 06:00
Kathy Sheridan: We are all Athena to Boris Johnson’s HeraclesBrexit mess, modern politics and the potential wisdom of mythWed Sept 11 2019 - 08:11
Time to tell London about our shared history and responsibilityThe clock is ticking on towards October 31st and some kind of vent is called forWed Sept 04 2019 - 01:00
Kathy Sheridan: Excruciating displays of political machismo are nothing newPutting your foot in it: Boris Johnson’s bad manners at Élysée Palace is another exampleWed Aug 28 2019 - 06:00