Calls for care services to be decentralisedPUBLIC HEALTH and care services should devolve greater power to local providers to improve quality, according to the National…Fri Jan 27 2012 - 00:00
Higgins says mental health goal is recoveryBOUNDARIES AND antipathies between professionals who treated people with mental health problems were getting in the way of people…Fri Jan 27 2012 - 00:00
Whistleblower who raised concerns over patients' welfare gets job backA WHISTLEBLOWER who was last week dismissed from her post as a trainee advocate in the mental health services after she publicly…Wed Jan 25 2012 - 00:00
Authorities in touch with family of Roma teenagerAUTHORITIES IN Romania have contacted the family of a Roma teenager, whose remains are thought to have been found four years …Wed Jan 25 2012 - 00:00
Emigration not choice for many, says bishopMANY PEOPLE emigrating from Ireland today have no other option available to them, the chairman of the Irish Bishops’ Council …Tue Jan 24 2012 - 00:00
Hospital whistleblower reinstatedA "whistleblower" who was dismissed from her post as a trainee advocate after publicly expressing concern for the welfare of …Tue Jan 24 2012 - 00:00
'Pipe-bomb' found in DublinGardaí carried out a controlled explosion in Dublin city centre early this morning.Mon Jan 23 2012 - 00:00
TDs in calls to reinstate advocacy workerMINISTER OF State for Foreign Affairs Joe Costello has expressed his “extreme” concern at the dismissal of a “whistleblower” …Mon Jan 23 2012 - 00:00
Ex-binmen in talks with councilDUBLIN CITY’S 110 former binmen have yet to be told what their new positions will be, more than a week after the city council…Mon Jan 23 2012 - 00:00
Concerns about aftercare for youngTHE CARE provided to unaccompanied young people once they reached 18 was “a long way short of adequate” and left the young people…Sat Jan 21 2012 - 00:00
Attitudes harden towards disabled peopleGROUPS REPRESENTING people with disabilities have warned that negative attitudes were hardening towards disabled people and there…Fri Jan 20 2012 - 00:00
Deis protesters picket Department of EducationBETWEEN 3,000 and 4,000 parents, children, teachers and principals of disadvantaged schools protested loudly, with music and …Fri Jan 20 2012 - 00:00
Bin company rolls back on pay planThe private company that took over the collection of the bins of 140,000 households in Dublin on Monday has said customers can…Thu Jan 19 2012 - 00:00
President among mourners at funeral of a 'most original' poetPRESIDENT MICHAEL D Higgins was among the mourners at the funeral of Pearse Hutchinson, “one of the most original poetic voices…Wed Jan 18 2012 - 00:00
Private refuse company to pursue arrearsPRIVATE BIN company Greyhound Recycling and Recovery has been charged by Dublin City Council with pursuing householders in arrears…Wed Jan 18 2012 - 00:00
Council to inform bin staff about redeployment postsDUBLIN CITY’S 110 former bin workers are to be told on Friday what their new jobs in the council will beTue Jan 17 2012 - 00:00
City council ends bin collection servicesDUBLIN CITY Council’s 110 binmen lifted their last bags and wheelie bins yesterday after almost 150 years of the local authority…Sat Jan 14 2012 - 00:00
Minister joins Vita Cortex protest outside DáilMINISTER FOR Social Protection Joan Burton joined some 400 people outside Leinster House yesterday protesting in support of former…Fri Jan 13 2012 - 00:00
Union officials to meet lingerie chain administrators over unpaid wagesOFFICIALS OF the Mandate trade union will this morning meet administrators of lingerie chain La Senza, which made its 93 Irish…Wed Jan 11 2012 - 00:00
La Senza staff stage Dublin sit-inOfficials of the Mandate trade union will hold a meeting tomorrow morning with administrators of lingerie chain La Senza, which…Tue Jan 10 2012 - 00:00
Concerns raised over HSE overhaulGOVERNMENT PLANS to introduce a new system of seven directorates to replace the Health Service Executive could “increase costs…Mon Jan 09 2012 - 00:00
Rate of gas and electricity disconnections has fallenTHE NUMBER of gas and electricity customers who entered into special bill pay arrangements because of difficulties making payments…Mon Jan 09 2012 - 00:00
Showcase expo: The best of Irish designersTHE CRAFT industry is anticipating growth and an increase in exports, according to the Crafts Council of Ireland.Mon Jan 09 2012 - 00:00
Parents receive antibiotic reminderAS CHILDREN and young adults return to school this morning, exposing themselves to numerous winter bugs and infections, the Health…Mon Jan 09 2012 - 00:00
Almost 75% of companies planning to freeze or cut pay, says Ibec surveyALMOST THREE-QUARTERS of companies plan to either freeze or cut pay this year, according to research by the employers’ body Ibec…Mon Jan 09 2012 - 00:00
Church repairs 'could cost millions'THE AFTERMATH of a fire in a historical Dublin church earlier this week was “like a scene from the Blitz”, its parish priest …Thu Jan 05 2012 - 00:00
Medicines Board issues warning over 40 slimming drugsTHE IRISH Medicines Board has strongly cautioned against the use of almost 40 slimming-pill products amid fears they may increase…Thu Jan 05 2012 - 00:00
Traveller family urges action on housing after 13-year waitAN EXTENDED Traveller family who have been living without electricity or running water for 13 years have called on their local…Wed Jan 04 2012 - 00:00
Parishioners 'very upset' after Dublin city church burnsEXTENSIVE FIRE damage to a historical church in Dublin’s inner city has caused “very real upset” for parishioners in the area…Wed Jan 04 2012 - 00:00
1,800 local housing dwellings lie vacant in major citiesALMOST 1,800 local authority dwellings lie vacant in the main urban centres of the State, as the number of households on the …Wed Dec 28 2011 - 00:00
Parents' plea to HSE for homecare for ill sonTHE OMBUDSMAN for Children is examining the case of a severely disabled four-year-old boy, who is being refused a homecare package…Sat Dec 24 2011 - 00:00
Clinic reassures women over implantsAN IRISH clinic that has used breast implants at the centre of a health scare in France says it has had “some” calls from worried…Sat Dec 24 2011 - 00:00
Medicines body moves to calm fears over breast implantsTHE IRISH Medicines Board has moved to reassure 1,500 Irish women that there is no need to have their breast implants removed…Thu Dec 22 2011 - 00:00
Tears of joy as Chernobyl children arrive for Christmas with host familiesHAVING MARYNA Tsitve (10) and Nastya Zaitsava (8) safe and sound in Kilkenny for Christmas had Andrea Keogh “over the moon” yesterday…Wed Dec 21 2011 - 00:00
Irish women reassured on implantsThe Irish Medicines Board has moved to reassure 1,500 women with Ireland who have a specific type of breast implant that there…Wed Dec 21 2011 - 00:00
ESRI report highlights hospital activityTHE NUMBER of people discharged from hospitals increased by 3 per cent last year, compared with 2009, though the number of bed…Tue Dec 20 2011 - 00:00
Oxegen festival may have run out of airSPECULATION IS growing that the seminal music festival of the summer, Oxegen, will not take place next year.Sat Dec 17 2011 - 00:00
Events shelved after hotel vomiting outbreakA LARGE hotel in Dublin has had to cancel a number of Christmas events and suspend its food and beverage service after a suspected…Wed Dec 14 2011 - 00:00
Fingleton rejects 'personal bank' claimFORMER IRISH Nationwide chief executive Michael Fingleton has rejected any suggestion that he ran the organisation as a personal…Tue Dec 13 2011 - 00:00
Fingleton rejects banking claimsFormer Irish Nationwide chief executive, Michael Fingleton, has rejected “in the strongest possible terms” any suggestion that…Mon Dec 12 2011 - 00:00
Changing face of the modern family unitATTITUDES TO FAMILY STUDY : WOMEN WILL continue to delay having families at the best time for their health and fertility unless…Sat Dec 10 2011 - 00:00
A question of marriage: women more likely to be single if career all-importantATTITUDES TO FAMILY STUDY: THERE WAS wide agreement (69 per cent) that “there is a lot more pressure on women to get married…Sat Dec 10 2011 - 00:00
Single mothers 'most socially isolated'Women will continue to delay having families at the best time for their health and fertility unless policies enabling men play…Fri Dec 09 2011 - 00:00
North and South to join forces on healthcareA NORTH-SOUTH programme to tackle obesity, an all-island suicide prevention plan and greater sharing of cancer treatment services…Tue Dec 06 2011 - 00:00
Struggling to deal with 'savage' cuts to incomeFamily of eight children to have €87 less in child benefit per month now – and €175 less by 2013Tue Dec 06 2011 - 00:00
President says treatment of Travellers 'not acceptable'IT WAS “not acceptable coming into Christmas” that there were still Traveller families living without running water, electricity…Fri Dec 02 2011 - 00:00
Internet cafes prove an unlikely refuge for city's homelessHOMELESS PEOPLE in Dublin are sleeping overnight in internet cafes, as the increasing number of rough sleepers sees demand for…Fri Dec 02 2011 - 00:00
Awards for bravery 'richly deserved'OUTSTANDING ACTS of bravery by 18 members of the public and emergency services across the State were honoured at a ceremony in…Sat Nov 26 2011 - 00:00
Core funding cut for domestic violence support serviceSAFE IRELAND, the national body representing domestic violence refuges and services, has had its core funding cut by 100 per …Sat Nov 26 2011 - 00:00
Homeless service providers 'fixated' on emergency shelterHOMELESS SERVICE providers are “fixated” on providing emergency accommodation rather than long-term housing for homeless people…Wed Nov 23 2011 - 00:00