Mitchell ready to talk turkey with DustinThe 10 boys and girls from the fifth class of Mount Hanover School in Duleek, Co Meath, did not recognise the tall man who greeted…Tue May 05 1998 - 01:00
French unruffled by presidency rowPresident Jacques Chirac felt not the tiniest bit embarrassed about keeping the leaders of Europe up until 2:00 a.m.Mon May 04 1998 - 01:00
`She seems to swim so easily, it's so natural'The men in white shirts and trousers had to hold back the television cameras and photographers as Michelle de Bruin approached…Sat May 02 1998 - 01:00
French greet euro with dispassionate embraceWhen President Jacques Chirac went on television earlier this month to calm French fears about EMU, newspaper editorial writers…Fri May 01 1998 - 01:00
French jobless rate falls below 3 millionFrance received good news yesterday, two days before the euro is to be launched in BrusselsFri May 01 1998 - 01:00
Former minister is investigatedFrance's most outrageous corruption scandal moved closer to resolution yesterday when the former foreign minister and head of…Thu Apr 30 1998 - 01:00
May 1968: `the last great collective dream'They had everything, but they wanted moreWed Apr 29 1998 - 01:00
Hearing told French had no part in Rwandan massacresThe man known throughout Africa as "Papa m'a dit" - "Daddy told me" - arrived half an hour late to testify before the French …Thu Apr 23 1998 - 01:00
Jospin converges with Chirac on EMU issueFrench politics have come to a strange pass when the right-wing president and Socialist prime minister are more in accord with…Wed Apr 22 1998 - 01:00
Chirac moves to reassure public on EMUPresident Jacques Chirac wanted to reassure the French public two weeks before the Brussels summit finalises arrangements for…Fri Apr 17 1998 - 01:00
Writers may do penance for an unoriginal sinMonsignor Jacques Gaillot is what the French call mediatise - which means that if you turn on the television or open a magazine…Wed Apr 15 1998 - 01:00
Papon: partner in genocide or mere bureaucrat?Maurice Papon sits behind bullet-proof glass in the Bordeaux Assizes Court, pale and shrunken in his black suit of mourning since…Wed Apr 01 1998 - 01:00
National Front support divides centrist partiesThe power of the extreme rightwing National Front (FN) and the disintegration of the centre-right opposition reached alarming…Sat Mar 21 1998 - 00:00
Police now treat church occupiers with cautionFrench police have learned a lot in the two years since illegal African immigrants began occupying French churches; so have the…Thu Mar 19 1998 - 00:00
Home, Chez Moi, Mi Casa - ParisWhen Anne-Sophie Denieul moved from Brittany to Paris two months ago, the 29-year-old dentist brought only her CD player, a clothes…Wed Mar 04 1998 - 00:00
Unexplained cancers kill war zone IraqisUntold numbers of innocent Iraqis are dying of unexplained cancers, seven years after the Gulf WarWed Mar 04 1998 - 00:00
The grief of BaghdadIt came up almost by accident. "Nobody talks about Iraqi suffering," Sohad, our 81-year-old hostess said angrilySat Feb 28 1998 - 00:00
Cardinal forces VW to backtrack on postersThe Archbishop of Paris, Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger, has taken on the men he called "the sons of advertising" with the fury…Tue Feb 17 1998 - 00:00
European of the Year award for RobinsonMrs Mary Robinson, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and former President of Ireland, visited Paris yesterday to receive…Tue Feb 17 1998 - 00:00
Motorola supplying Algerian authorities with $6m worth of Irish-made two-way radiosIrish-made communications equipment is helping the Algerian security forces carry out their brutal repression of the six-year…Fri Feb 13 1998 - 00:00
De Niro lawyer says he is suing `narcissistic' vice case judgeRobert De Niro is suing a French investigating magistrate who dispatched vice squad police to fetch him on Tuesday for questioning…Thu Feb 12 1998 - 00:00
Former Secretary General angered as US steps up push for military actionThe man who implemented post Gulf War sanctions against Iraq yesterday expressed dismay at the US drive for military actionThu Feb 12 1998 - 00:00
Tour rolls into Dublin to avoid collision with World Cup finalThe start of the world's top cycle race in Dublin five months from today will be the biggest thing to happen to Ireland since…Wed Feb 11 1998 - 00:00
De Niro held, questioned in Paris over vice ringThe American actor, Robert De Niro, was arrested by the French vice squad at the Bristol Hotel in Paris yesterday and held for…Wed Feb 11 1998 - 00:00
Certified French prophet warns EMU is madnessThe French writer Emmanuel Todd has earned a reputation for accurate predictionsFri Feb 06 1998 - 00:00
Suicide seen as major concernHelene (20) and Stephanie (19) skipped classes at the Lycee Chagall in Reims that Friday last March. Just before 5 p.mWed Feb 04 1998 - 00:00
French film producer breaks his silence on wife's murderThirteen months after his wife Sophie was murdered in west Cork, the French film producer, Daniel Toscan du Plantier, has finally…Tue Feb 03 1998 - 00:00
French murder victim's family angered by slow progress of caseThe family of Ms Sophie Toscan du Plantier, the French woman murdered in west Cork in December 1996, yesterday expressed frustration…Thu Jan 29 1998 - 00:00
Inquiries begin after avalanche deaths stun townAs a small French town mourns nine schoolchildren and a teacher killed in France's worst avalanche since 1970, questions are …Mon Jan 26 1998 - 00:00
Pressure on Jospin as unemployed vow to continue protestsThe "gang of four" associations of French unemployed, which occupied 75 dole offices over Christmas and the New Year, yesterday…Fri Jan 23 1998 - 00:00
EU troika `treads softly' and avoids embarrassing its hostsDerek Fatchett, Benita Ferrero-Waldner and Georges Wohlfart did not see the bodies of the 37 Algerians who were murdered just…Wed Jan 21 1998 - 00:00
Two survivors who witnessed Saddam's brutalityOnce a month, Canadian-born Bernice Shahristani took her children Zahra and Mohamed Ibrahim to visit their father in prisonWed Dec 17 1997 - 00:00
Leaders with opposing views of Islam battle for soul of IranOpposing visions of Islam and the West turned yesterday's opening of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference summit into a…Wed Dec 10 1997 - 00:00
Iranians welcome former Islamic foes to summitThirty heads of state and government - a record assembly in Iran since the 1979 Revolution - gathered in the Iranian capital …Tue Dec 09 1997 - 00:00
Ideological battle of ayatollahs seems certain to resurfaceOur plane was moving slowly towards its parking spot at Mehrabad Airport when people began swarming out of cars and buses towards…Wed Dec 03 1997 - 00:00
Pilgrims recall de Gaulle's grandeurCharles de Gaulle's favourite word was grandeur, and it was for its simplicity and grandeur that he purchased a vine-covered, …Wed Nov 19 1997 - 00:00
Former Communist leader, Marchais, dies aged 77Mr Georges Marchais (77), the steel worker who led the French Communist Party (PCF) with Stalinist severity for nearly a quarter…Mon Nov 17 1997 - 00:00
Chirac tries to placate French language puristsWhen President Jacques Chirac opened the seventh summit of Francophone nations in Hanoi yesterday, there was a certain confusion…Sat Nov 15 1997 - 00:00
Adams restates SF commitment to peace on French visitFrom the warmth of the welcome given to Mr Gerry Adams in Paris yesterday, you would have thought he was Wolfe Tone returning…Thu Nov 13 1997 - 00:00
Politicians adopt truckers' philosophyThe French have a bizarre sense of timingFri Nov 07 1997 - 00:00
Optimism on talks front as strike worsensThere was good news and bad news in the French lorry drivers' strike yesterdayThu Nov 06 1997 - 00:00
High drama opens road to freedomPaddy McCabe had been held for 36 hours at the Lille-Lesquin lorry drivers' blockade, and the Irish trucker from Dublin was fed…Thu Nov 06 1997 - 00:00
Solidarity in truckers' no man's landThree busloads of riot police and a half-dozen more on motorcycles are parked at the roundabout outside the Platforme Logistique…Wed Nov 05 1997 - 00:00
Jospin acts as Irish exporters put trade lost at £10m dailyThe French Prime Minister, Mr Lionel Jospin, intervened in the worsening truck drivers' strike yesterdayWed Nov 05 1997 - 00:00
Lorry drivers begin `hard, long' strikeFrench truckers last night began a nationwide strike that threatens to paralyse France and cripple Europe's road transport system…Mon Nov 03 1997 - 00:00
Experts give conflicting accounts on Vichy roleFrance was yesterday faced with two conflicting versions of its second World War history: in one version, the nation was Germany…Sat Nov 01 1997 - 00:00
Understanding the key words of warParis - A few key words for understanding Algeria's civil war:Thu Oct 30 1997 - 00:00
Algerians tortured by security forcesDefectors from the Algerian army and police have described in horrific detail to The Irish Times how security forces routinely…Thu Oct 30 1997 - 00:00
Algerians openly angry at Zeroual's claims of victorySince the Algerian government announced the results of nationwide local elections last Friday, the words "democracy" and "democratic…Mon Oct 27 1997 - 00:00
Disillusioned Algerians have little faith in `democracy' voteThe fourth and final step in the "democratisation" of Algeria took place yesterday as the smoke of battle hung over the forests…Fri Oct 24 1997 - 01:00