Fifth of companies in Ireland have negative net worthA FIFTH of trading companies in Ireland have a negative net worth, with liabilities on their balance sheet of greater value than…Wed Jan 28 2009 - 00:00
Banks, CRH take Iseq higherIseq 2333.96 (+27) Things could have been worse was the mood after the close of trading today, as the Dublin stock market closed…Tue Jan 27 2009 - 00:00
Stock market starts week on positive noteThe Dublin stock market started the week with a positive trading session today, although its gains were lower than the 3-4 per…Mon Jan 26 2009 - 00:00
Retail sales index falling at steepest rate in 25 yearsTHE DISMAL performance by retailers at the end of 2008 was confirmed yesterday, with new figures showing that retail sales fell…Sat Jan 24 2009 - 00:00
43% rise in cases sent to pensions watchdogCOMPLAINTS MADE to pensions ombudsman Paul Kenny surged 43 per cent last year, with a near trebling of the number of cases involving…Fri Jan 23 2009 - 00:00
United Drug to seek 90 redundanciesHEALTHCARE SERVICES group United Drug is to seek about 90 redundancies from its Irish operation as part of a group-wide restructuring…Fri Jan 23 2009 - 00:00
PLANET BUSINESSTHE NUMBERS: 1.5 - the percentage that the European Central Bank will take euro-zone interest rates to this year, according …Fri Jan 23 2009 - 00:00
Bounce for Allied Irish as massive share sale continuesDUBLIN REPORT: Iseq: 2,192.13 (-38.46) Settlement date: January 26thThu Jan 22 2009 - 00:00
Allied Irish slumps in massive sale of bank sharesDUBLIN REPORT: Iseq: 2,230.59 (-43Wed Jan 21 2009 - 00:00
Credit agency affirms Irish 'AAA' ratingCREDIT RATING agency Fitch has affirmed Ireland’s “AAA” credit rating and declared its long-term outlook stable in a move that…Wed Jan 21 2009 - 00:00
Food sector seeks supportFOOD AND Drink Industry Ireland (FDII) has called on the Government to introduce a new legal framework to ensure the survival…Tue Jan 20 2009 - 00:00
Irish banking stocks lose over half their valueIRISH BANK stocks crashed in trading yesterday, losing at least half their market value, as investors panicked that their shareholdings…Tue Jan 20 2009 - 00:00
Iseq sinks into 'complete panic' as Wall Street takes day offUSUALLY, NOT much happens on the Irish stock market whenever Wall Street takes a holidayTue Jan 20 2009 - 00:00
CC three-month revenue 13% down on previous yearDRINKS GROUP CC’s revenue for the three months to the end of November fell by 13 per cent compared to the same time the previous…Sat Jan 17 2009 - 00:00
Merrion in deal with world's largest insulin makerMERRION Pharmaceuticals, the Irish drug maker listed on the IEX share index, has formed an alliance with the world’s largest …Sat Jan 17 2009 - 00:00
Inflation at lowest in over a decade as prices fall sharplyTHE ECONOMY has moved a step closer to deflation, with a sharp drop in the price of goods and services in December taking the…Fri Jan 16 2009 - 00:00
Shares in Irish banks fall on Dublin marketLife after Anglo Irish Bank on the Irish Stock Exchange was no less volatile an affair, as a poor day for the banking sector …Fri Jan 16 2009 - 00:00
Glanbia warns of 'difficult' 2009CHEESE MAKER and nutritional ingredients group Glanbia warned yesterday that lower world demand for dairy products due to the…Wed Jan 14 2009 - 00:00
Warning that house prices may fall by 80%HOUSING MARKET: IRELAND WILL see more demolition than construction of houses over the next decade, as the economy struggles …Tue Jan 13 2009 - 00:00
Retailer Land of Leather is latest casualty of downturnFURNITURE RETAILER Land of Leather became the latest casualty of the economic downturn yesterday, going into administration after…Tue Jan 13 2009 - 00:00
290,000 jobseekers now on Live Register Unemployment rate 8.3 per cent, says CSOUNEMPLOYMENT hit a 10-year high in December, with the number of people claiming jobseekers' payments jumping by a record 70 per…Sat Jan 10 2009 - 00:00
Timing disastrous for workers losing their jobsEMPLOYMENT ANALYSIS: IT WON'T be any comfort to the 1,900 people who have just lost their jobs that Dell clung on to Ireland…Fri Jan 09 2009 - 00:00
Urgent need for 'painful' steps to save economyNational Competitiveness Council report: "Painful" measures are urgently required to stabilise public finances and prevent the…Fri Jan 09 2009 - 00:00
2008 earnings of fruit group Fyffes on trackFRUIT GROUP Fyffes said yesterday that earnings would be affected by the strengthening of the dollar and further cost inflation…Thu Jan 08 2009 - 00:00
Iseq finishes flat despite European markets' slideThe Iseq index of Irish-listed shares finished flat today, which meant it outperformed stock markets across Europe, as the FTSE…Wed Jan 07 2009 - 00:00
State move to borrow billions will test standing of economyTHE GOVERNMENT has begun the process of borrowing billions from world bond markets to finance the running of the State as it …Tue Jan 06 2009 - 00:00
Government records largest ever deficitThe Government recorded the largest ever deficit and the largest ever shortfall in tax receipts in the history of the State in…Mon Jan 05 2009 - 00:00
Spectre of gloom looms for those who keep their jobs as well as those laid offGOING, GOING gone. Once these three words were the oft-repeated mantra of Ireland's busy auctioneers; now they form a gloomy …Fri Jan 02 2009 - 00:00
What the plan means for two key groupsSMALL BUSINESSES: BUSINESS GROUPS have welcomed the inclusion of measures designed to increase lending to small firms in the…Tue Dec 23 2008 - 00:00
Mixed day as Anglo bucks trend of falling financialsDUBLIN REPORT: MIXED FORTUNES abounded on the Iseq index of Irish shares yesterday as cement group CRH outperformed the market…Thu Dec 18 2008 - 00:00
Retail sales fall 7.4% as consumers cut spendingCONSUMERS CURTAILED their spending in October, as the volume of retail sales fell by an annual rate of 7Thu Dec 18 2008 - 00:00
Exporters fear exchange rate crisisAN EMERGING exchange rate crisis is threatening the survival of many Irish exporting businesses and may accelerate job losses…Wed Dec 17 2008 - 00:00
Irish-based firm among $50bn fraud victimsDUBLIN-BASED Pioneer Alternative Investments is among the victims of a $50 billion (€37Sat Dec 13 2008 - 00:00
Goodbody lists its top stock picks for investors in coming yearCRH, KERRY and Irish Life Permanent are among six stocks recommended by Goodbody Stockbrokers as its key investment picks for…Sat Dec 13 2008 - 00:00
New curbs on insurance firms, agentsINSURANCE COMPANIES will be banned from terminating appointments with financial intermediaries based solely on intermediaries…Thu Dec 11 2008 - 00:00
Bloxham picks nine to beat marketSTOCKBROKING FIRM Bloxham has picked nine Irish stocks that it says will outperform the market in 2009Wed Dec 10 2008 - 00:00
Iseq edges up once again as confidence in CRH buildsDUBLIN REPORT: Iseq: 2,675.23 (+49Wed Dec 10 2008 - 00:00
Anglo pressured in heavy trading as stock falls 23.2%Anglo Irish Bank saw almost a quarter of its remaining value wiped from its share price today, with the stock declining 23Wed Dec 10 2008 - 00:00
Anglo sinks to new lows as CRH thrivesIseq: 2,675 (+49) at close: IT WAS the tale of two stocks on the Iseq today, as building materials group CRH continued to the…Tue Dec 09 2008 - 00:00
33% of Poles may return homeA THIRD of Polish workers in Ireland may return home over the next year as Poland takes up its position as one of Europe's fastest…Mon Dec 08 2008 - 00:00
Total of 95 jobs to be created in software engineering and call centre companiesFIFTY NEW jobs have been created at software firm Synopsys in Blanchardstown, while an additional 45 jobs have been added at …Mon Dec 08 2008 - 00:00
'Apprentice' boss Sir Alan Sugar has a message for bankers: 'You're fired'“THEY NEED a good slapping these banks, they do,” Sir Alan Sugar asserts – to a room stuffed with bankers tucking into a spot…Sat Dec 06 2008 - 00:00
Jobless rate jumps to 7.8% in NovemberUNEMPLOYMENT HAS increased to an estimated rate of 7Thu Dec 04 2008 - 00:00
Exchequer returns reveal large firms suffering squeezeLARGE CORPORATIONS and the self-employed are being squeezed by the recession, the latest exchequer returns from the Department…Wed Dec 03 2008 - 00:00
Exchequer deficit set to exceed €11.5 billion in 2008More cuts in public spending are on the way following a sharp deterioration in the tax revenues collected by the Government in…Tue Dec 02 2008 - 00:00
NCB to become market-makerNCB STOCKBROKERS will join Davy and Goodbody by becoming a market-maker in up to 40 Irish quoted companies with effect from today…Mon Dec 01 2008 - 00:00
Hotel body calls for supportTHE IRISH Hotels Federation (IHF) has called on the Government to ensure that tourism businesses can secure seasonal credit facilities…Mon Dec 01 2008 - 00:00
Ibec calls for reform of pension fundingTHE FUNDING rules that govern defined benefit pension schemes should be urgently reformed, employers' group Ibec warned yesterday…Mon Dec 01 2008 - 00:00
Supermac's writes off €21m in bad debtGALWAY BUSINESSMAN Pat McDonagh has written off more than €21 million in bad debt from the books of his fast-food empire Supermac…Sat Nov 29 2008 - 00:00