Proposals made for regulation of sunbedsEIGHTEEN ORGANISATIONS and individuals have made submissions to the Department of Health about proposed new laws to restrict …Tue Aug 12 2008 - 01:00
Early recall of Dáil on Lisbon not ruled outCONFUSION EXISTS over whether the Dáil will now be recalled in early September from its summer recess to establish an all-party…Thu Aug 07 2008 - 01:00
Harney says economy faces 'major challenges' in 2009Minister for Health Mary Harney has signaled the Government’s intention to keep public spending as low as possible next year …Wed Aug 06 2008 - 01:00
Work begins on centre at Glasnevin CemeteryPREPARATORY WORK for a new heritage centre at Glasnevin Cemetery in Dublin began yesterday and for 18 months only official funeral…Wed Aug 06 2008 - 01:00
Inquiry into food poisoning casesEIGHT CASES of salmonella food poisoning are being investigated by the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI), following an …Tue Aug 05 2008 - 01:00
Eircom criticised for 'unjustified' 3.8% price riseEIRCOM PHONE charges will increase next month by an average of 3.8 per cent.Sat Aug 02 2008 - 01:00
Murdered garda's son among 286 graduatesIT WAS a poignant moment for the family of the late Det Garda Jerry McCabe, shot dead by the IRA in 1996, when his 27-year-old…Fri Aug 01 2008 - 01:00
Dublin launches bid to become European City of Science in 2012NOBEL LAUREATE Séamus Heaney and former president Mary Robinson are among a high-powered committee of 18 patrons backing a bid…Thu Jul 31 2008 - 01:00
Son of Det Garda McCabe among 300 graduatesAlmost 300 new Garda recruits graduated at the Garda College in Templemore, Co Tipperary, today.Thu Jul 31 2008 - 01:00
Forum on Europe rejects scapegoating over Lisbon defeatCHAIRMAN OF the Forum on Europe Maurice Hayes has staunchly defended the body against attempts to "scapegoat" it in the wake …Wed Jul 30 2008 - 01:00
Call to drop marriage bar on adoptionMARRIED COUPLES facing crisis pregnancies should have the option to place their child for adoption, according to the Crisis Pregnancy…Thu Jul 24 2008 - 01:00
Garda confirms massage parlours investigationGARDAÍ HAVE confirmed they are investigating reports of massage parlours selling sexual services in Dublin city centre and suburbs…Mon Jul 21 2008 - 01:00
Members celebrate as a local hero swings and putts into Open historyIt has become a bit of a habit for Stackstown Golf Club. "We're getting used to it nowMon Jul 21 2008 - 01:00
O'Donoghue named Failte Ireland chairREDMOND O'DONOGHUE, former chief executive of the Waterford Wedgwood Group, has been appointed chairman of Fáilte Ireland.Fri Jul 18 2008 - 01:00
'High Society' author's complaint partly upheldTHE PRESS Ombudsman has partially upheld a complaint by author Justine Delaney-Wilson against the Irish Independent.Fri Jul 18 2008 - 01:00
Centre calls for national sexual health strategyA "CRADLE-TO-THE-GRAVE" national sexual health strategy should be a priority for the Government, according to the Dublin Well…Fri Jul 18 2008 - 01:00
South Dublin Council safely destroys cyanide cylindersCYLINDERS OF hydrogen cyanide stored for decades by pest control company Rentokil have been neutralised chemically in what is…Fri Jul 18 2008 - 01:00
Commuters who pay for parking may get tax backCOMMUTERS WHO will have to pay up to €400 annually in new car-parking charges at train stations may be able to claim tax back…Fri Jul 18 2008 - 01:00
O'Leary dismisses future for regional airports and most European airlinesTHERE IS no future for Donegal, Sligo, Galway and Waterford airports, while Knock is "pretty flakey", according to Ryanair chief…Thu Jul 17 2008 - 01:00
Immigrant body lodges Garda complaint over Myers articleA COMPLAINT has been lodged with the Garda to investigate whether an article by newspaper columnist Kevin Myers has breached …Wed Jul 16 2008 - 01:00
Dáil adjourns for 11 weeks as Opposition alleges 'run for cover'THE DÁIL went into recess yesterday for 11 weeks amid Opposition allegations that the Government had the worst legislative record…Fri Jul 11 2008 - 01:00
Dempsey seeks report on breakdown of airport radarDublin's Air[port's state of the art radar system will not return to full operation until the Iriash Aviation Authority (IAA) …Fri Jul 11 2008 - 01:00
'We revelled in it . . . and no one shouted stop'EVERYONE HAS to take responsibility for the economic crisis the State is now in, according to the Minister for Energy and Natural…Fri Jul 11 2008 - 01:00
Lisbon result analysis due in SeptemberAN ANALYSIS of the Lisbon Treaty referendum result is expected to be available in September, the Taoiseach has told the Dáil…Thu Jul 10 2008 - 01:00
Office of Public Works to make 'savings of €75m'THE DEPARTMENT of Justice is to make "required savings" of €8Thu Jul 10 2008 - 01:00
Warm tributes for 'dedicated reformer' BrennanEMOTIONAL TRIBUTES were paid in the Dáil to long-serving TD and former Cabinet minister Séamus Brennan, who died early yesterday…Thu Jul 10 2008 - 01:00
No decision taken on future of Metro North, says CowenNO DECISION has been made about the future of the Metro North public transport project, according to Taoiseach Brian CowenWed Jul 09 2008 - 01:00
Report on gambling out 'within days'A REPORT on gambling that was submitted to Government more than a year ago will be published "within the next few days", according…Wed Jul 09 2008 - 01:00
Spending curb plan lacks vision, says FG leaderFINE GAEL leader Enda Kenny has claimed the Government's plan to control spending contains "no vision" or "economic stimulation…Wed Jul 09 2008 - 01:00
Funding secured to extend 'dial to stop a drug dealer' campaign nationwideDORMANT ACCOUNT funds are to be used for the roll-out of a national campaign against drug dealing, following the success of pilot…Mon Jul 07 2008 - 01:00
Hauliers back crackdown on illegal fuelTHE IRISH Road Haulage Association (IRHA) has called for the seizure of vehicles from hauliers who use illegal diesel as the …Mon Jul 07 2008 - 01:00
Doctors call for monitoring of chemical levels in peopleA DOCTORS’ environmental organisation has called for the establishment of a national “biomonitoring” study to establish the baseline…Mon Jul 07 2008 - 01:00
Gormley's comments on sewage payment queriedMINISTER FOR the Environment John Gormley called for an investigation into a multimillion-euro payment – which he himself sanctioned…Fri Jul 04 2008 - 01:00
Cheesed off at our oh-so-photogenic CabinetDÁIL SKETCH 'Beautiful photographs' of Ministers lavished across official brochures did not please everyone in the House, writes…Fri Jul 04 2008 - 01:00
Labour criticises Greens' record on carbon emissions reductionsTHERE WILL be no reductions of carbon emissions while the Greens are in Government, Labour environment spokeswoman Joanna Tuffy…Fri Jul 04 2008 - 01:00
Cowen rejects Opposition's claims that disability services will be cutTAOISEACH BRIAN Cowen has insisted that services for disabilities would be maintained as he faced Opposition accusations that…Thu Jul 03 2008 - 01:00
Troops may stay in Chad after deadlineIRISH TROOPS will stay in Chad beyond March 2009 if the “fairly ambitious deadline” to replace the EUfor force with a traditional…Thu Jul 03 2008 - 01:00
Gormley pledges study in Cobh over cancer rateMINISTER FOR the Environment John Gormley has told the Dáil a baseline study "is to be recommended" after the Opposition highlighted…Thu Jul 03 2008 - 01:00
No consensus yet on child rights referendumCONSENSUS HAS not yet been reached on the possibility of a referendum on children’s rights and “we will have to see how we proceed…Wed Jul 02 2008 - 01:00
Cowen defends number of Ministers of StateTAOISEACH Brian Cowen has defended the appointment of 20 Ministers of State and insisted that the number “is appropriate in terms…Wed Jul 02 2008 - 01:00
TDs claim questions on Haulbowline not answeredTHERE WERE heated exchanges in the Dáil yesterday about the Haulbowline toxic waste controversy as Opposition deputies from Cork…Wed Jul 02 2008 - 01:00
FF deputy criticises low-priced alcohol in storesDÁIL REPORT: ALCOHOL IS so cheap in supermarkets that publicans are buying certain brands of drink from stores rather than from…Fri Jun 27 2008 - 01:00
Taoiseach rejects SF claim that he failed to act effectively at EU meetingTAOISEACH BRIAN Cowen has rejected Sinn Féin claims that he failed to act effectively when he met EU leaders and that he was “…Thu Jun 26 2008 - 01:00
Kenny highlights Garda investigation on FásGARDAÍ ARE investigating the State training agency Fás because of irregularities in the way its €9 million advertising and PR…Thu Jun 26 2008 - 01:00
Cowen told EU leaders it is 'too early' to move onTAOISEACH BRIAN Cowen told EU leaders that “however frustrating for them, it is simply too early to know how to move forward …Thu Jun 26 2008 - 01:00
Ahern says Alcohol Bill's reforms limit accessPROPOSALS IN the Intoxicating Liquor Bill, introduced in the Dáil last night, “represent a coherent and carefully-balanced package…Wed Jun 25 2008 - 01:00
FF, FG clash over who has best victims' rights plansTHERE WERE sharp exchanges in the Dáil between Minister for Justice Dermot Ahern and Fine Gael children’s spokesman Alan Shatter…Wed Jun 25 2008 - 01:00
Destruction of cyanide postponedTHE PROPOSED destruction today of 15kg of hydrogen cyanide in the Wicklow mountains is understood to have been postponed.Mon Jun 23 2008 - 01:00
First summer solstice walk through DublinDUBLIN CITY enjoyed its first summer solstice walk through history in what is scheduled to become an annual event.Mon Jun 23 2008 - 01:00
Ahern tackled over sharp increase in legally held handgunsTHE NUMBER of legally held handguns in the State has increased almost six-fold since 2004 when there was an almost blanket ban…Fri Jun 20 2008 - 01:00