Dail debate on care for aged consideredCabinet discussions this week on the issue of elderly care were of a "preliminary nature" but the Government would welcome a …Fri Feb 17 2006 - 00:00
TDs claim Government is rushing Finance BillOpposition TDs claimed the Government is rushing the Finance Bill through the Oireachtas without time for a proper debate on …Fri Feb 17 2006 - 00:00
A&E patients on trolleys and chairs up 80%, says KennyThe number of patients on trolleys and chairs in hospital A&E units had risen by 80 per cent in the last 12 months and the…Thu Feb 16 2006 - 00:00
Building bosses stealing €120m a year from workers, says HigginsConstruction bosses are stealing at least €120 million a year from workers but "not one of them has faced any serious rigour …Thu Feb 16 2006 - 00:00
Ahern to raise issue of illegalsConcerns about Irish immigrants living illegally in the US will be among the issues raised by Taoiseach Bertie Ahern when he …Wed Feb 15 2006 - 00:00
MLA salary withdrawal unhelpful, says AhernA withdrawal of the salaries of members of the Northern Assembly would be unhelpful to the atmosphere of ongoing discussions …Wed Feb 15 2006 - 00:00
Wallace promoted in reshuffleThe surprise reappointment of Meath TD Mary Wallace as Minister of State to replace Ivor Callely was announced in the Dáil yesterday…Wed Feb 15 2006 - 00:00
Jailed men due in court over picketThe case of three bricklayers jailed on Friday for refusing to stop picketing a Dublin building site is due back in the High …Mon Feb 13 2006 - 00:00
Local authorites criticised amid 'bonuses' for managersFine Gael TDs have claimed that local authority managers are getting annual bonus payments of up to €10,000 each while at the…Sat Feb 11 2006 - 00:00
Fishermen in systematic criminal activity, says DempseyDail Report: Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources Noel Dempsey insisted yesterday that a small group of fishermen were…Fri Feb 10 2006 - 00:00
NUI Galway to remove bias towards fluent Irish speakersThe Dáil yesterday passed a Bill to remove an obligation on NUI Galway to give preference to job candidates who have fluency …Fri Feb 10 2006 - 00:00
Local authorites criticised amid 'bonuses' for managersFine Gael TDs have claimed that local authority managers are getting annual bonus payments of up to €10,000 each while at the…Fri Feb 10 2006 - 00:00
O Caolain wrong on Regina Coeli hostel, says TaoiseachTaoiseach Bertie Ahern has warned deputies that it is "unfair and unreasonable" for them to suggest to a woman protesting outside…Thu Feb 09 2006 - 00:00
Road deaths a national emergency, FG claimsDail Report: The level of deaths on Irish roads is a national emergency, Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny told the Dáil as the number…Thu Feb 09 2006 - 00:00
Stardust lessons on safety 'not learnt'Twenty-five years after the Stardust tragedy the Dublin Fire Brigade service still has only 11 ambulances, Green Party leader…Wed Feb 08 2006 - 00:00
90,000 will be removed from tax net, says CowenThe Finance Bill will remove all those on the minimum wage 90,000 - from the tax net, and exclude workers on the average industrial…Wed Feb 08 2006 - 00:00
Minister furious over dog trainer claimsMinister for Sport John O'Donoghue has described as "scurrilous" claims by Labour leader Pat Rabbitte that he had links to a …Fri Feb 03 2006 - 00:00
Random breath testing legislation needed, says HarneyRandom breath testing legislation will be introduced before the summer, Tánaiste Mary Harney told the DáilFri Feb 03 2006 - 00:00
Bill will 'annihilate' fish industryThe Government has insisted that new fisheries legislation must be passed to save taxpayers from hundreds of millions of euro…Fri Feb 03 2006 - 00:00
Children's hospital services report to be published todayA consultancy report on the development of hospital services for children will be published today, Minister for Health Mary Harney…Fri Feb 03 2006 - 00:00
Kenny says Leas Cross brought 'shame' on StateHealth authorities were given specific warnings about Leas Cross nursing home and serious inadequacies in the inspection regime…Thu Feb 02 2006 - 00:00
Gender balance argument is lostIt is unacceptable that women make up 20 per cent or less of many public bodies in modern Ireland, the Dáil was told.Thu Feb 02 2006 - 00:00
Tolls on M50 compared to Afghan lords 'fleecing peasants'Toll charges on the M50 were described in the Dáil as medieval and compared to an Afghan warlord fleecing peasants who crossed…Wed Feb 01 2006 - 00:00
Harney speaks of 20-year transition for consultantsHospital consultant services will be in transition for at least 20 years in the move to create contracts where doctors provide…Wed Feb 01 2006 - 00:00
Doctor treating Irish troops in Liberia was struck offJust one soldier has so far contacted a medical helpline established by the Defence Forces after it emerged that a South African…Wed Feb 01 2006 - 00:00
FG seeks target date for start of cervical screeningFine Gael has called on Minister for Health Mary Harney to set a target date for the beginning of nationwide cervical screening…Mon Jan 30 2006 - 00:00
Tanaiste agrees with deportationTánaiste Mary Harney has backed the proposed deportation of the Nigerian student Kunle Eluhanla.Fri Jan 27 2006 - 00:00
FG claims door open for 'hello money'Legislation to remove the Groceries Order and strengthen competition will effectively open the door to "hello money", discriminatory…Fri Jan 27 2006 - 00:00
Harney defends €56.4m error in healthNo money was misappropriated, no money was misspent and no money went missing, Tánaiste Mary Harney insisted in the Dáil yesterday…Fri Jan 27 2006 - 00:00
Ahern says random breath testing is legalRandom breath testing is legal and constitutional and will be introduced, Taoiseach Bertie Ahern confirmed to the Dáil.Thu Jan 26 2006 - 00:00
Row over lack of debate on Garda commission postsThe Opposition accused the Government of using the Dáil as a "rubber stamp" in a row over the appointment without debate of the…Thu Jan 26 2006 - 00:00
EU fish policy 'utterly corrupt'Europe's fisheries control system is "crooked and utterly corrupt", it was claimed in the Dáil yesterday.Thu Jan 26 2006 - 00:00
Publisher and inventor Hugh McLaughlin dies after illnessThe funeral takes place tomorrow of publisher and inventor Hugh McLaughlin who launched an array of newspapers and magazines …Tue Jan 03 2006 - 00:00
Emigrant services to get over €1.7m in grantsEmigrant services and organisations involved in reconciliation will receive more than €1Tue Jan 03 2006 - 00:00
Howlin refuses to name his sourceFormer Labour Party deputy leader Brendan Howlin has declined to confirm or deny a report that senior counsel Martin Giblin was…Tue Jan 03 2006 - 00:00
Hundreds of thousands take to road, rail and skiesThe Christmas transport rush gets into top gear today when hundreds of thousands take to road, rail and skies, heading home and…Fri Dec 23 2005 - 00:00
Pearse items donated to museumPádraig Pearse's chequebook and a number of his cashed cheques are part of some significant memorabilia donated to the National…Fri Dec 23 2005 - 00:00
Rapid-response unit to be set up in wake of tsunamiThe EU needed to ensure that its response to international disasters and emergencies was not like that of "headless chickens", …Wed Dec 21 2005 - 00:00
Naval Service's handling of fishing tragedy criticisedThe Naval Service has indicated to the family of the missing Co Wexford fishing vessel skipper that the boat may be a crime scene…Fri Dec 02 2005 - 00:00
Walsh strongly criticises fisheries BillFormer agriculture minister Joe Walsh expressed "serious doubts about the mentality" of those who drafted controversial fisheries…Fri Dec 02 2005 - 00:00
Barrier-free tolling under considerationBarrier-free tolling is under consideration by the Government, Tánaiste Mary Harney told the Dáil yesterday in clarification …Fri Dec 02 2005 - 00:00
Ahern unapologetic over on-the-runs issueTaoiseach Bertie Ahern has insisted he will "never apologise" for the approach he has taken in dealing with issues such as "on…Thu Dec 01 2005 - 00:00
Climate change Bill will help deter 'catastrophic repercussions'Climate change is the biggest challenge facing society, Green Party energy spokesman Eamon Ryan said as he introduced a Bill …Wed Nov 30 2005 - 00:00
O'Hanlon defends Ceann Comhairle roleCeann Comhairle Dr Rory O'Hanlon yesterday issued an invitation to party leaders who had problems with his decisions in the Dáil…Wed Nov 30 2005 - 00:00
FG commemorates Griffith's founding of SFFine Gael has "as much right as any other party and more than most" to celebrate the centenary of the foundation of Sinn Féin…Mon Nov 28 2005 - 00:00
Kenny criticises Taoiseach's 'secret deals'Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny has accused Taoiseach Bertie Ahern of abusing his party's support and goodwill for the Government…Mon Nov 28 2005 - 00:00
Irish Ferries' act of 'piracy' criticised by HigginsSocialist TD Joe Higgins accused Irish Ferries of an "act of high-seas piracy", following the introduction of what he called "…Fri Nov 25 2005 - 00:00
Lack of wheelchair access criticisedPlanks have to be put across the track at a midlands railway station so that a person in a wheelchair can get on a train, the…Fri Nov 25 2005 - 00:00
Taoiseach leads Dail in paying tribute to LawlorTaoiseach Bertie Ahern led tributes in the Dáil to former TD Liam Lawlor who died last month in a car crash in Moscow.Thu Nov 24 2005 - 00:00
Legalities stopping breath tests 'quite extraordinary', says AhernLegal issues which Taoiseach Bertie Ahern described as "quite extraordinary" are affecting the introduction of random breath …Thu Nov 24 2005 - 00:00