Ahern denies Labour claim that Government 'cut corners' in its haste to pass legislationThe Taoiseach has rejected Labour criticism that the Government was engaged in a "culture of corner-cutting", because of the …Fri Mar 29 2002 - 00:00
Delay in processing of flooding claims allegedInsurance companies have been accused of "abusing their position", "bullying" and acting like "cowboys" in their treatment of…Fri Mar 29 2002 - 00:00
FF TD criticises move to deal with Traveller encampmentsA former junior Minister and Fianna Fáil TD has criticised a Government measure to deal with illegal Traveller encampmentsThu Mar 28 2002 - 00:00
Port planning objections highlightedDAIL REPORT: One person had led planning objections to developments in some 12 ports, with costs of up to €127 million in legal…Wed Mar 27 2002 - 00:00
McDowell promises no rise in rates of income taxLabour's finance spokesman, Mr Derek McDowell, has insisted the party will not raise income-tax rates and will honour its corporation…Mon Mar 25 2002 - 00:00
Ban on mobile phone use by drivers deridedRegulations banning the use of hand-held mobile phones in motor vehicles were derided in the Dáil yesterday as laughable, bizarre…Sat Mar 23 2002 - 00:00
Harney bullish as redundancy numbers riseSLOWDOWN: More than 33,000 jobs were lost in the past two years and 4,025 redundancies have been notified in January and February…Fri Mar 22 2002 - 00:00
Second Nice Treaty poll likely in autumnThe second Nice Treaty referendum is likely to take place in the autumn, according to the TaoiseachThu Mar 21 2002 - 00:00
Voting No could make Ireland a problem member of EU - BrutonThe lack of an EU Rapid Reaction Force would work adversely against Ireland's national interests, according to the former Fine…Wed Mar 13 2002 - 00:00
Election alliance on healthAn alliance of eight Independent candidates will today launch a campaign to stand in the general election specifically on health…Mon Mar 11 2002 - 00:00
Broughan criticises pensions legislationNew pensions legislation is unlikely to avert a "future Irish version of Robert Maxwell" it was claimed in the DáilSat Mar 09 2002 - 00:00
Training of judiciary urged for sex casesDemands were made in the Dáil yesterday for the training of members of the judiciary to improve their sensitivity and insight…Sat Mar 09 2002 - 00:00
LRC awaits union reply on glass firm survival planThe Labour Relations Commission is awaiting a response from trade unions to its proposal for negotiations on a survival plan …Fri Mar 08 2002 - 00:00
One chance to host finals, says McDaidIreland must take the one chance it has to co-host the European soccer championships, because "we will never get this chance …Fri Mar 08 2002 - 00:00
Motion on state of casualty departments is defeatedThe Government has defeated in the Dail by 65 votes to 58 an Opposition motion deploring the Government's handling of the "appalling…Fri Mar 08 2002 - 00:00
Dempsey says Justice will fund road points planFunding for computer facilities to implement the road traffic penalty points system is a matter for the Department of Justice…Fri Mar 01 2002 - 00:00
State grants for houses owners to stop radon gasOwners of some 60,000 houses which require protective measures against the "silent killer" of radon gas, will be eligible for…Fri Mar 01 2002 - 00:00
House adopts code of conduct for membersThe Dáil has adopted an 11-point code of conduct for TDs, aimed at fostering and sustaining "public confidence and trust in their…Fri Mar 01 2002 - 00:00
De Valera accused on 'secret' Abbey reportsThe Minister for the Arts was accused of guarding the secrecy of a report by the Office of Public Works on the future of the …Thu Feb 28 2002 - 00:00
Birth data to be used for 'public service identity'Personal data collected when births are registered will be used as part of measures to establish a "public service identity" …Wed Feb 27 2002 - 00:00
€43.3 lost in social welfare fraudFraud is suspected in overpayments of €43.3 million to social welfare claimants between 1998 and 2000Wed Feb 27 2002 - 00:00
Ministers set for St Patrick's Day travelsGovernment ministers will travel to the US, Britain, Canada, Mexico, Norway, Australia, New Zealand and Africa as part of celebrations…Wed Feb 27 2002 - 00:00
Labour seeks legal advice on pillThe Labour leader, Mr Ruairí Quinn, has called on the Taoiseach and the Catholic hierarchy to publish their conflicting legal…Mon Feb 25 2002 - 00:00
Revenue uncovers 15 more 'Ansbacher-type' casesINVESTIGATIONS: Revenue Commissioners have uncovered a further 15 Ansbacher-type cases as part of their ongoing investigation…Fri Feb 22 2002 - 00:00
Taoiseach denies conflict with commission over status of pillFine Gael has called for the publication of the Attorney General's legal advice to the Government about the morning-after pill…Fri Feb 22 2002 - 00:00
Murderer's release strongly condemnedThe "head should roll" of the official who authorised the temporary release of a prisoner convicted of murder who murdered again…Fri Feb 22 2002 - 00:00
Martin rejects accusation of intrusion over deregulationThe Minister for Health has insisted that there was no political interference in his decision to deregulate community pharmacies…Thu Feb 21 2002 - 00:00
Revenue working on 800 bogus accountsRevenue officials are currently working on cases involving over 800 bogus non-resident account holders, who did not avail of …Wed Feb 20 2002 - 00:00
Sitting suspended in abortion comment chaosThere was chaos in the Dáil yesterday in a heated row over comments made about abortion, both in a North West Radio interview…Thu Feb 14 2002 - 00:00
Lawlor transit at airport 'not illegal'DAIL REPORT: It was incorrect but not illegal that a special facility was provided for Mr Liam Lawlor and his wife to exit Dublin…Wed Feb 13 2002 - 00:00
Record on transport condemnedDAIL REPORT: The Government has had time and money to tackle chronic traffic gridlock in Dublin and the "pathetic public transport…Wed Feb 13 2002 - 00:00
Effect of cancer has been 'devastating'DAIL REPORT: The effect of cancer on Irish society is devastating, the Dáil was toldWed Feb 13 2002 - 00:00
Swimming against the tide in wake of FloodMr Liam Lawlor apologised to the Dáil that his actions had brought the House into disrepute but said his non-compliance with …Fri Feb 08 2002 - 00:00
Taoiseach assures Dail of AIB's solvencyThere is no danger to the solvency of Allied Irish Banks, to its customers or shareholders, the Taoiseach assured the Dáil, following…Thu Feb 07 2002 - 00:00
Bank to make a 'considerable profit' despite fraud - McCreevyAllied Irish Banks will still make a "considerable profit" despite the reported major fraud in its US subsidiary, Allfirst, according…Thu Feb 07 2002 - 00:00
Borrowing limit up to provide more for social housingBorrowing limits for the provision of social housing will increase from £1Wed Feb 06 2002 - 00:00
Floods aid scheme to be operated by Red CrossA humantarian aid scheme to assist those affected by last week's severe flooding will be put in place and operated through the…Wed Feb 06 2002 - 00:00
Gardai investigate claim that language schools are faking attendance recordsGardaí are investigating a number of language schools which are alleged to be be providing students with attendance records, …Mon Feb 04 2002 - 00:00
Higgins critical of gas deregulationDeregulation is "limping along" in Irish markets, Fine Gael has claimed in a debate on the Interim Gas Regulation Bill.Fri Feb 01 2002 - 00:00
Ex-judge to inquire into teenager's deathFormer High Court President Mr Justice Frederick Morris is to carry out a case management review of the care and services provided…Thu Jan 31 2002 - 00:00
EU enlargement now key project, says CowenEnlargement has become the key EU project for completion this year, according to the Minister for Foreign AffairsThu Jan 31 2002 - 00:00
McDaid denies soccer bid is linked to stadium plansThe Minister for Sport, Dr McDaid, has denied that there is any link between a bid to host Euro 2008 and the Government's plans…Thu Jan 31 2002 - 00:00
Higgins says tourism figures are distortedIreland's tourism figures are "grossly distorted" and businesses in the sector believe they are "grossly inflated and unscientific…Thu Jan 31 2002 - 00:00
Board set up care plan for womanA wide range of appropriate services was made available to address the needs of the woman who was found dead close to Dublin …Wed Jan 30 2002 - 00:00
Irish-made short film on nomination list for OscarHollywood's red carpet beckons for one of Ireland's newest film production companies, Lemon Cut.Wed Jan 30 2002 - 00:00
Making a drama out of a crisisThe message is blunt, direct and in dramatic formMon Jan 28 2002 - 00:00
Chinese pay tribute to attack victimOn a bleak concrete footpath in north Dublin small bouquets of flowers are gently laid at the spot where Zhao Liu Tao lay unconscious…Mon Jan 28 2002 - 00:00
Abuse by young Irish 'not infrequent'Members of the Chinese community in Ireland have expressed their anger and concern at the attack which led to the death of Mr…Sat Jan 26 2002 - 00:00
Legal clash at vaccine inquiryThere were angry outbursts over legal representation at the first public session of the vaccine trials inquiry in Dublin yesterday…Thu Jan 24 2002 - 00:00
End urged to ban on ex-inmatesThe Taoiseach has welcomed a proposal to end the ban on all ex-prisoners obtaining State employment because of their criminal…Wed Jan 23 2002 - 00:00