Markets burst into life on hopes of coronavirus vaccineRyanair shares surge 15.8%, with Dalata ahead by more than 14%Mon May 18 2020 - 18:57
Digicel extends deadline for bond holdoutsCompany has sweetened restructuring terms as it looks to wipe out quarter of its debtMon May 18 2020 - 17:00
Greens in government: ‘Very few’ understand the needs of small businessesThe party’s policies represent both opportunities and threats for Irish businessSat May 16 2020 - 06:05
The greater good is no longer great or good for manyAs the lockdown drags on people’s unity is beginning to crack and the fissures threaten to become chasmsFri May 15 2020 - 20:00
Iseq treads water as other European markets rise on Chinese dataWall Street falls back as reignition of US-China trade row threatens tech stocksFri May 15 2020 - 19:02
Numbers claiming maximum wage subsidy fall as total paid out hits €936mMore than 464,400 workers have had at least one pay cheque supported by the State since the scheme was introduced in MarchFri May 15 2020 - 06:18
Threatening a business with a bad review is ugly bullyingSome entitled soul angrily emailed restaurant five times in three minutes after failing to gain a coveted collection slotsFri May 15 2020 - 03:15
Facebook: US settlement for moderators does not apply to Irish casesLawyers for litigants say the Dublin legal actions will proceed regardless of US caseWed May 13 2020 - 17:11
Haitian emigrants to the US appeal decision to dismiss case that includes DigicelLawsuit alleges corruption against politicians and companiesTue May 12 2020 - 15:17
National College of Ireland on the hunt for second Dublin campusRevenues rise 9.5% as National College of Ireland posts strong financial resultsTue May 12 2020 - 04:20
Solicitors say scaled-back CRO is creating ‘unacceptable risk’ for corporate dealsLaw Society wants CRO to outline extent of backlog built up since Covid-19 crisis hitSat May 09 2020 - 07:06
Joseph Swaine obituary: ‘He could talk about anything’Lives lost to Covid-19: Keen golfer spent decades in England running pubs and off-licencesSat May 09 2020 - 00:04
How the private sector answered Ireland’s call for help on coronavirus testingBiopharma companies, big and small, have chipped in to help the State source materials including reagentFri May 08 2020 - 05:30
Cheap flights not great for planet but good for our mental healthIt is in our overall best interests to restore the aviation industry to full health after Covid-19Fri May 08 2020 - 05:00
Restaurants contemplate summer reopening, coronavirus permittingHaving being shut for more than a month, restaurant owners have little appetite to reopen only to lose even more moneyFri May 01 2020 - 05:16
Coronavirus: Insurers risk becoming the new bankersGrab your helmets, insurers. You are going to get stoned, and not in a happy wayFri May 01 2020 - 02:15
Tourism industry seeks €1.5bn grant and ‘staycation vouchers’Vouchers could be redeemed against domestic holiday homesThu Apr 30 2020 - 19:41
Motor insurers told rebates do not breach competition rulesInsurance body sought advice from Arthur Cox amid concerns over reliefs for customersWed Apr 29 2020 - 03:20
Blame for expected extended lockdown shifted onto the publicWe are being set up as the fall guy for Government failure to meet targets for testingTue Apr 28 2020 - 12:30
US court throws out $1.5bn alleged corruption case against DigicelCase taken by Haitian emigrants against O’Brien-owned telco dismissed in New YorkMon Apr 27 2020 - 06:16
Workers prefer better benefits over more pay, study claimsProper retirement plan valued most by workers, survey findsMon Apr 27 2020 - 06:00
BOI outlines ‘grim’ state of the economy in sentiment surveyBank’s Economic Pulse index finds massive fall in business activity, fears over job lossesMon Apr 27 2020 - 05:44
Building slump and online retail surge may spark warehouse shortageSavills predicts shortfall of a third in new warehouse space between now and end of 2021Mon Apr 27 2020 - 05:32
Credit unions complain of ‘double standards’ in Covid-19 responseRegulator refused request to defer €22m in State levies and to reduce capital buffersFri Apr 24 2020 - 18:36
Irish retailers face winter of discontent after UK closuresIndustry believes up to 40% of stores will go bust without State helpFri Apr 24 2020 - 05:00
Government has failed Keelings and its workersCompany unfairly dragged through a ditch in court of public opinionFri Apr 24 2020 - 04:59
Reopening of shops may require temperature checks for customers‘New normal’ could include ban on shopping baskets, price promotionsFri Apr 24 2020 - 03:00
Shops warned off price promotions when they reopen‘Surge consumption’ a risk for shops that tempt with cut-price deals, says lobby groupFri Apr 24 2020 - 03:00
Dalata agrees €65m deal with German investor for Dublin hotelHotel group plans major ‘staycation’ advertising campaign once Covid-19 restrictions are liftedTue Apr 21 2020 - 08:00
Who owns private hospitals behind State’s €115m-a-month deal?Denis O’Brien and Larry Goodman are prominent among investors in the sectorSun Apr 19 2020 - 16:09
Coronavirus: State may have to play God on which businesses survive the pandemicIs it sustainable for taxpayers to bail out sectors that are unviable due to social distancing?Fri Apr 17 2020 - 05:20
Leslie Buckley made defendant in data hack case against INMCase revolves around alleged operation to secretly download back-up IT tapesThu Apr 16 2020 - 18:09
US think tank reminds Ireland spending could ‘get out of control’Heritage Foundation warns State that ‘old interventionist habits die hard’Wed Apr 15 2020 - 04:15
Irish potato supplier signs €62.5m deal with TescoDublin fresh foods group has been a supplier of the supermarket group for two decadesTue Apr 14 2020 - 18:00
Why the State should give us all gift vouchers, let's call them PaschalbondsCaveat: Post-Covid-19 consumer shopping spree funded by State is just what SMEs needFri Apr 03 2020 - 05:38
Investment fund provides 90 free luxury south Dublin apartments for HSEChurchtown apartments will be available for up to three monthsThu Apr 02 2020 - 18:20
Tourism chiefs devising plan for The Gathering part 2 to reboot sectorFáilte Ireland examining proposal to rerun 2013 event to boost tourism after Covid-19Thu Apr 02 2020 - 06:30
Makhlouf overseeing Central Bank’s crisis response from Greek lockdownGovernor had flown to Athens to visit family prior to Greece shutting downWed Apr 01 2020 - 17:41
Ireland ‘resilient’ enough to cope with cost of Covid-19, says Moody’sRatings agency predicts State’s borrowing capacity should hold up if crisis is short-livedTue Mar 31 2020 - 19:02
EU approves State’s €200m business loans schemeStrict state-aid rules relaxed in face of Covid-19 crisisTue Mar 31 2020 - 11:56
Restaurateurs seeking deals on rent with many payments due this weekA number of Irish restaurants are due to pay their landlords on April 1stTue Mar 31 2020 - 05:00
Shares edge higher as relative calm reigns over marketsIn Dublin, the Iseq rose by just over 0.5%, in line with other European boursesMon Mar 30 2020 - 18:26
Kerry pressing ahead with agm next month despite Covid-19 crisisPay package of chief executive increased last year to just under €4 million, a rise of 55%Mon Mar 30 2020 - 15:16
Covid-19 crisis to wipe out Q1 housing market recoveryThere were 12,170 agreed sales in the first three months of the year, survey showsMon Mar 30 2020 - 06:20
Insolvency lawyer warns of ‘disaster’ if firms reject Covid-19 wage subsidiesArthur Cox partner says fears over trading while insolvent are ‘without foundation’Mon Mar 30 2020 - 05:55
Initial Covid-19 impact on commerce the tip of the icebergEconomic Pulse shows the services sector witnessed the steepest drop in sentimentMon Mar 30 2020 - 05:41
Educational technology company Code Institute raises €1.2mCompany was founded by Irish businessman Anthony Quigley in 2015, and offers online coding courses through distance learningMon Mar 30 2020 - 05:21
Usit travel group in liquidation due to coronavirus crisisMore than 100 jobs lost as language school goes under as well; Outcome for customers ‘uncertain’Fri Mar 27 2020 - 17:34
Wetherspoon’s panto-villain chairman may have the last laughTim Martin has committed a series of faux pas as the coronavirus crisis has unfoldedFri Mar 27 2020 - 05:30
Isme criticised State’s ‘tone deaf’ wage subsidy schemeLaw Society also warned Government and advised amendments to Covid legislationThu Mar 26 2020 - 16:05