Seán Loftus laid to rest in DublinLord Mayor of Dublin Gerry Breen led the mourners today at the funeral of environmental campaigner and politician Seán Loftus…Tue Jul 13 2010 - 01:00
Not suited but booted as politicians hike for Alzheimer Society benefitA CROSS-PARTY gathering of Oireachtas members yesterday radiated sweetness, light and good humour.Mon Jul 12 2010 - 01:00
Tributes paid to Sean Loftus who died aged 82SEÁN LOFTUS, who died in Dublin on Saturday aged 82, was a colourful environmental campaigner and a former TD and lord mayor …Mon Jul 12 2010 - 01:00
Dáil criticised over cystic fibrosis issueINDEPENDENT TD Finian McGrath urged the Dáil to end the talk about stags and greyhounds and deal with real issues such as cystic…Fri Jul 09 2010 - 01:00
Divisive dog breeding Bill passed after debateTHERE WERE sharp exchanges between Minister for the Environment John Gormley and Fine Gael TDs during the final stage debate …Fri Jul 09 2010 - 01:00
Dáil likely to take 12-week breakTHE GOVERNMENT is expected to announce a 12-week Dáil holiday when the House adjourns for the summer recess today.Thu Jul 08 2010 - 01:00
Dáil votes to take 12-week breakThe Dáil has voted to rise for a 12-week summer recess at the end of this evening's business.Thu Jul 08 2010 - 01:00
Services 'impossible' without fundsPROVIDING SERVICES greatly in excess of available funding was the ultimate contradiction, Taoiseach Brian Cowen saidThu Jul 08 2010 - 01:00
Prescription charge could be 'penny wise and pound foolish'THE TAOISEACH and the Minister for Health defended the 50 cent prescription charge for medical card holders in the face of Opposition…Thu Jul 08 2010 - 01:00
Aid for Irish UN group ruled outMINISTER FOR Foreign Affairs Micheál Martin ruled out resumed Government aid for the Irish United Nations Association.Wed Jul 07 2010 - 01:00
Big push to restore normal passport service - MartinTHE ISSUING of passports should “return to more normal patterns in due course”, Minister for Foreign Affairs Micheál Martin told…Wed Jul 07 2010 - 01:00
Taoiseach predicts €1bn profit for NamaTAOISEACH BRIAN Cowen predicted that the National Management Agency (Nama) would make a profit of “somewhere in the order of €…Wed Jul 07 2010 - 01:00
Healy-Rae backs Cowen leadershipINDEPENDENT KERRY South TD Jackie Healy-Rae has strongly backed Brian Cowen’s leadership of Fianna Fáil.Tue Jul 06 2010 - 01:00
US ambassador to meet GormleyTHE FALLOUT from a controversy relating to a foreshore licence for the Poolbeg incinerator in Dublin is to be discussed at a …Tue Jul 06 2010 - 01:00
Chief whip rejects call to delay dog breeding BillTHE GOVERNMENT has rejected a request to have the controversial legislation regulating puppy farms deferred until the autumn.Tue Jul 06 2010 - 01:00
Minister agrees to year delay in microchipping hunt-club dogsMICROCHIPPING OF hunting dogs is to be delayed for a year as a concession to hunt clubs, Minister for the Environment John Gormley…Sat Jul 03 2010 - 01:00
FG attacks fines in animal welfare BillTHE PENALTIES provided under the Dog Breeding Establishments Bill were criticised by Fine Gael environment spokesman Phil Hogan…Sat Jul 03 2010 - 01:00
FF TD praises role of Greens in CoalitionFIANNA FÁIL TD Ned O’Keeffe praised the role of the Green Party in the CoalitionSat Jul 03 2010 - 01:00
Private angst behind publicly civil frontbench partnershipDAIL SKETCH: IT WAS a day for partnerships, civil and otherwise.Fri Jul 02 2010 - 01:00
Tánaiste promises Bill on legal costsLEGISLATION DEALING with legal costs is expected to be published before the end of the year, Tánaiste Mary Coughlan told the …Fri Jul 02 2010 - 01:00
Failed planning gave us Nama - CuffeNAMA AND ghost estates were the result of a failed planning system, Minister of State for the Environment Ciarán Cuffe told the…Fri Jul 02 2010 - 01:00
Dáil debates dog breeding BillMicrochipping of dogs is to be delayed for a year as a concession to hunt clubs, Minister for the Environment John Gormley told…Fri Jul 02 2010 - 01:00
Fine Gael TD storms out of Dáil over Cowen's cutback remarksFINE GAEL Cork East TD David Stanton stormed out of the Dáil yesterday in protest at the Taoiseach’s remarks on cutbacks in services…Thu Jul 01 2010 - 01:00
Assistants for former taoisigh defendedTWO SECRETARIAL assistants funded by the taxpayer are provided for former taoisigh for the first five years after they stand …Thu Jul 01 2010 - 01:00
Inmates 'sleeping upright' because of overcrowdingINMATES IN Dublin’s Mountjoy Prison were sleeping on benches, large communal cells, offices and in the reception area, Fine Gael…Thu Jul 01 2010 - 01:00
Taoiseach and Kenny clash over flat-rate water chargesTHE TAOISEACH and the Fine Gael leader traded insults on the Government’s possible introduction of flat-rate water charges.Wed Jun 30 2010 - 01:00
Warning most pension plans will be under expectationSEVENTY-FIVE per cent of occupational pension schemes would not deliver what recipients expected of them, Fine Gael social welfare…Wed Jun 30 2010 - 01:00
Labour urged to support stag hunting banANIMAL WELFARE GROUP: THE IRISH Animal Welfare Forum (IAWF) has repeated its appeal to the Labour Party to support tonight’s…Tue Jun 29 2010 - 01:00
Mansergh to hold talks about access to Skellig MichaelMINISTER OF State for the Office of Public Works (OPW) Dr Martin Mansergh is to meet boatmen in south Kerry to discuss reducing…Tue Jun 29 2010 - 01:00
Seven FF TDs speak against stag-hunting BillSEVEN FIANNA Fáil backbenchers spoke against the legislation prohibiting deer hunting with packs of dogs.Fri Jun 25 2010 - 01:00
Call for clarity on Abbey move to GPOFINE GAEL arts spokeswoman Olivia Mitchell called for clarity from the Government on using the GPO in Dublin as a site for a …Fri Jun 25 2010 - 01:00
Call for banks to lend to small firmsA CALL has been made in the Dáil for the Taoiseach to put pressure on the banks to lend to small- and medium-sized businesses…Thu Jun 24 2010 - 01:00
Gilmore confronts Taoiseach over €22bn for AngloLABOUR LEADER Eamon Gilmore challenged Taoiseach Brian Cowen to say if the €22 billion invested in Anglo Irish Bank would ever…Wed Jun 23 2010 - 01:00
Unemployment protest in DublinSocialist Party MEP Joe Higgins has called on people to participate in Saturday’s protest against unemployment in DublinTue Jun 22 2010 - 01:00
Begg wants State intervention on jobsGOVERNMENT POLICY on jobs will be sharply criticised by Irish Congress of Trade Unions (Ictu) general secretary David Begg today…Mon Jun 21 2010 - 01:00
'Brightest and best' leaving StateABOUT 100,000 people had left the State in the past two years, Joe Costello (Labour) told the Dáil.Fri Jun 18 2010 - 01:00
Flanagan labelled 'a Blueshirt muckraker'FINE GAEL justice spokesman Charlie Flanagan was called “a Blueshirt muckraker” by Sinn Féin’s Aengus Ó Snodaigh during a debate…Fri Jun 18 2010 - 01:00
Lenihan considers establishing body for budgetary mattersMINISTER FOR Finance Brian Lenihan has revealed he is considering establishing a body responsible for budgetary matters.Fri Jun 18 2010 - 01:00
Bank inquiry should examine government policy, says KennyTHE REMIT of the commission of investigation into the banking collapse should include government policy decisions, Fine Gael …Thu Jun 17 2010 - 01:00
Government 'took bronze' in blame raceTHE GOVERNMENT was in third place among those blamed for the banking crisis, Minister for Finance Brian Lenihan told the Dáil…Thu Jun 17 2010 - 01:00
Gormley equates no confidence motion with vote for electionGREEN PARTY leader John Gormley said that Fine Gael’s motion of no confidence in the Taoiseach was akin to asking the Dáil to…Wed Jun 16 2010 - 01:00
Cowen puts loyalty to party before country, claims KennyFINE Gael leader Enda Kenny said that the Taoiseach would have already called an election if he had any respect for the people…Wed Jun 16 2010 - 01:00
Cowen's speech during confidence debate self-serving, says GilmoreLABOUR leader Eamon Gilmore accused Taoiseach Brian Cowen of making a “self-serving’’ contribution to the confidence debate…Wed Jun 16 2010 - 01:00
Call for centres of excellence for Alzheimer's patientsTHE PROVISION of centres for people suffering from Alzheimer’s was called for by Fianna Fáil TD Mary O’Rourke.Fri Jun 11 2010 - 01:00
FF obstructed Harney's reforms, claims CreightonFIANNA FÁIL was accused by a Fine Gael TD of preventing Minister for Health Mary Harney from reforming the health services.Thu Jun 10 2010 - 01:00
Claim to allow change in standing orders rejectedCEANN COMHAIRLE Séamus Kirk rejected Opposition assertions that the Dáil’s standing orders could be changed to allow for questions…Thu Jun 10 2010 - 01:00
Kirk refuses to allow Dáil questionsCeann Comhairle Seamus Kirk today rejected Opposition assertions that the Dáil’s standing orders could be changed to allow for…Wed Jun 09 2010 - 01:00
Mourners hear of 'unnecessary' deathTHE DEATH of Daniel McAnaspie was “unnecessary and tragic”, social-justice campaigner Fr Peter McVerry said yesterday when he…Tue Jun 08 2010 - 01:00
Call to make religion for teachers optionalLABOUR EDUCATION spokesman Ruairi Quinn called for the ending of the requirement on students in teacher-training colleges to …Fri Jun 04 2010 - 01:00
Gilmore calls for Anglo to be wound downLABOUR LEADER Eamon Gilmore has repeated his call for an orderly wind-down of Anglo Irish BankThu Jun 03 2010 - 01:00