Mitchell argues for world wide register of paedophilesAN international register of convicted paedophiles should be drawn up by the UN as part of a world wide offensive against child…Fri Apr 26 1996 - 01:00
Culling plans needed urgently, Britain toldTHE European Commission has indicated that Britain must present details on its plans for culling BSE infected herds if it wants…Thu Apr 25 1996 - 01:00
Britain seeks to have export ban on beef liftedFRESH attempts will be made by Britain to get all or part of the export, ban on its beef lifted by EU ministers on MondayWed Apr 24 1996 - 01:00
Ireland fails to win explicit condemnation of massacre at QanaRELEGATED to the sidelines of the Middle East peace process, EU foreign ministers last night issued a statement praising both…Tue Apr 23 1996 - 01:00
When megaphone diplomacy is not effective diplomacyIT IS inevitable that the public should want more from its Government by way of verbal reaction to the events in Lebanon than…Fri Apr 19 1996 - 01:00
Bolder Commission moves centre stage"To lose one parent, Mr Worthing, may be regarded as a misfortune to lose both looks like carelessness."Thu Apr 18 1996 - 01:00
Stability of currencies guaranteedTHE stability of currencies in the EU once the euro has been launched will be assured by a new exchange rate mechanism based …Mon Apr 15 1996 - 01:00
EU ministers support new exchange rate mechanismEUROPEAN Union Finance Ministers have taken another decisive step towards the establishment of a single currency with the decision…Mon Apr 15 1996 - 01:00
Quinn's tough warning on joining euroTHE Minister for Finance, Mr Quinn, last night said that the Government was "pitching" for membership of the euro from its launch…Sat Apr 13 1996 - 01:00
Enthusiasm for joining EU shown in surveySTRANGE as it may seem to our jaded, cynical eye, there are people in Europe whose enthusiasm for membership of the EU knows …Fri Apr 12 1996 - 01:00
Fears of bitter row over EU single currency begin to fadeFEARS that this weekend's Verona meeting of EU finance ministers would result in a bitter row between Britain and its partners…Thu Apr 11 1996 - 01:00
Pinprick that puts the genius of Vermeer into perspectiveJOHANNES VERMEER's visitor, Pieter Teding van Berckhout, recorded in 1669 his wonder and intense curiosity at the Dutchman's …Fri Apr 05 1996 - 01:00
EU ministers reject British call to lift beef export banTHE EMERGENCY meeting of EU agriculture ministers which adjourned early this morning was expected to resume at 7 a.mTue Apr 02 1996 - 01:00
Broad mandate of Treaty reforms is agreedTHE days of the Maastricht Treaty are numberedSat Mar 30 1996 - 00:00
European leaders express solidarity with Britain on beef crisisEUROPE's leaders rallied round beleaguered Britain here yesterday, declaring one after another that the beef crisis is an EU …Sat Mar 30 1996 - 00:00
Major keen to place beef on summit agendaMR JOHN Major arrived here last night determined to put the issue of Britain's, and now Europe's, beef crisis on the agenda of…Fri Mar 29 1996 - 00:00
The Union begins the process of reinventing itselfIN THE early 18th century Poland experimented with a new "ultra democratic" way of running its affairsFri Mar 29 1996 - 00:00
Maximum rate beef fines horrified Irish officialsWHEN Ireland received notification of its original £95 million beef fines - now reduced to £71 million - officials were horrified…Thu Mar 28 1996 - 00:00
EU to amend its equality directiveTHE European Commission yesterday agreed to amend its owe equality directive to remove legal uncertainty over positive discrimination…Thu Mar 28 1996 - 00:00
Defence of rights to be priority of presidencyTHE Government is determined to step up the human rights dimension of its foreign policy and will make it a particular feature…Wed Mar 27 1996 - 00:00
EU vets confirm ban on British beefBY 14 states to one the EU's Standing Veterinary Committee last night confirmed its recommendation of a worldwide ban on the …Wed Mar 27 1996 - 00:00
Government nails colours to the mast of integrationWITH only three months to go before Ireland assumes the EU presidency, the Government has nailed its colours firmly to the staff…Wed Mar 27 1996 - 00:00
Commission will restudy move to ban British beefTHE President of the European Commission, Mr Jacques Santer, agreed last night that the Commission will today re-examine the …Tue Mar 26 1996 - 00:00
Pressure on EU for lengthy ban on British beefWHEN the EU's standing veterinary committee meets today to discuss the BSE scare it will be faced by the reality that already…Mon Mar 25 1996 - 00:00
Experts committee advises EU beef sale reviewA COMMITTEE of independent veterinary experts which advises the EU, last night acknowledged the need to review Community regulations…Sat Mar 23 1996 - 00:00
Irish lose out as EU agrees phones dealIN the face of angry opposition from the Minister for Communications, Mr Lowry, EU telecommunication ministers agreed last night…Fri Mar 22 1996 - 00:00
Accord on drugs policing may be closeWHEN Justice Ministers met in Brussels this week there was a hint, diplomats say, that the long running dispute over Europol …Fri Mar 22 1996 - 00:00
British to brief Commission on new scientific evidenceBRITISH veterinary scientists flew to Brussels yesterday to brief the Commission on the new scientific evidence of a possible…Fri Mar 22 1996 - 00:00
Flynn lobby on EU fines to go on as debate put off for weekTHE European Commission has agreed, following the briefest of discussions, to defer for a week consideration of the £93 million…Thu Mar 21 1996 - 00:00
Yates urges CAP phase-in for entrantsTHE Irish farm and food industries are in danger of facing a "double whammy" if negotiations over the future of the Common Agriculture…Wed Mar 20 1996 - 00:00
Flynn seeks delay in EU beef fines debateIRELAND'S EU Commissioner will this morning seek a week's postponement of the Commission's debate on Irish beef finesWed Mar 20 1996 - 00:00
EU call for tighter laws on racismIRELAND will have to tighten its incitement to hatred legislation following agreement by EU Justice Ministers yesterday to joint…Wed Mar 20 1996 - 00:00
Commissioners to vote tomorrow on beef finesHOPES for a reduction in Ireland's £93 million beef fines now rest squarely with the EU's 20 commissioners tomorrow following…Tue Mar 19 1996 - 00:00
EU hardens beef hormones banEU agriculture ministers yesterday agreed to strengthen the ban on the use of growth promoters in beef despite British opposition…Tue Mar 19 1996 - 00:00
EU Commission is unlikely to reduce fines for Ireland over beef interventionSENIOR EU Commission officials say there is little hope of any cut in the £93 million in Irish beef intervention fines due to…Mon Mar 18 1996 - 00:00
Lions of Britain lie down with the lambsI CAN resist anything except temptation. A cheap shot? Maybe. But irresistible.Fri Mar 15 1996 - 00:00
Courts rejects case against directiveIN YET another ruling set to fan the fires of British Euroscepticism, the Advocate General of the European Court of Justice (…Wed Mar 13 1996 - 00:00
EU ministers seek easing of Israeli blockadeEU FOREIGN Ministers appealed yesterday to Israel to ease its blockade of autonomous Palestinian territoriesMon Mar 11 1996 - 00:00
Spring says talks could proceed without SFTHE Tanaiste has warned Sinn Fein that the Government is prepared to pursue the peace process with or without its participation…Mon Mar 11 1996 - 00:00
Attempts to involve parliament in EU review deadlockedATTEMPTS to involve the European Parliament in the deliberations of the EU's treaty changing Inter Governmental Conference are…Sat Mar 09 1996 - 00:00
MEP accuses Mitchell of issuing propagandaTHE Minister of State for European Affairs, Mr Gay Mitchell, has been criticised for circulating schools and libraries, at taxpayers…Fri Mar 08 1996 - 00:00
Flynn urges EU states to use funds to back equalityIN a message for International Women's Day today, the Irish Commissioner for Social Affairs, Mr Padraig Flynn, has called on …Fri Mar 08 1996 - 00:00
Pity the poor folk who are no longer the big cheesesPITY the people of Cheddar, Brie, and GoudaFri Mar 08 1996 - 00:00
EU troika may return to IsraelTHE EU, the largest international aid donor to the Palestinian Authority, has been assessing what role it can play in putting…Thu Mar 07 1996 - 00:00
Bruton hopes to boost export growth in AsiaWHEN the Taoiseach arrived in Bangkok yesterday for the Asia EU summit he was hoping not only to build new political ties, but…Fri Mar 01 1996 - 00:00
Union faces a hard fight to keep it all togetherEMILE NOEL paints a depressing picture - a Europe in 2005 which is divided and paralysed by inadequate decision procedures, whose…Fri Mar 01 1996 - 00:00
Santer warns of EU paralysis unless veto use curtailedTHE challenge of further enlargement of the EU makes reform of the union an "imperative", the President of the Commission, Mr…Thu Feb 29 1996 - 00:00
Human rights to be the ghost at EU Asian feastA DIPLOMATIC fudge will enable the EU and its Thai hosts at this weekend's Bangkok Asia Europe summit to finesse the thorny issue…Wed Feb 28 1996 - 00:00
Yates lobbies Commission over deal to cut £103m beef finesTHE Minister for Agriculture, in Brussels for a farm ministers' meeting, yesterday took the opportunity to continue Ireland's…Tue Feb 27 1996 - 00:00