US is dominating the global stock marketThe recent breakout to all-time highs suggests the bull market is alive and wellTue Sept 04 2018 - 05:45
Market analysts do not always see through the bullMany experts were given Nostradamus status in the aftermath of the financial crisisTue Sept 04 2018 - 05:00
Stocktake: Ordinary investors ignore record-breaking bull marketThis time it’s different as many investors hold more cash or bondsTue Aug 28 2018 - 05:45
Can the longest bull market in history defy the doubters?US bull market isn’t quite as extraordinarily long as it might appearTue Aug 28 2018 - 05:00
Stocktake: Emerging markets fall into a bear marketMerrill Lynch monthly fund manager survey suggests indices haven’t yet bottomedTue Aug 21 2018 - 05:45
Trillion-dollar baby: Apple’s six lessons for investorsThe technology giant’s market dominance has followed long periods of disappointmentTue Aug 21 2018 - 05:00
Are you a good investor – or a lucky one?The luckiest investors end up with five times as much money as the unluckiest onesTue Aug 14 2018 - 05:00
Stocktake: Markets don’t have faith in Elon MuskScepticism over what would be the largest leveraged buyout ever is understandableTue Aug 14 2018 - 05:00
Sustainable investing: can you do well by doing good?Ethical investors can outperform if they engage with corporate sinnersTue Aug 07 2018 - 05:00
Stocktake: Expect ‘big winners and big losers’ in tech landThe European stock market is much cheaper than the US and it’s likely to stay that way for some timeTue Aug 07 2018 - 05:00
Is bad weather bad for stock markets?Weather and mood influence investors’ decision-making, new research indicatesTue Jul 31 2018 - 05:00
Stocktake: What’s next for stunned Facebook shareholders?Quick rebound unlikely as growth slowdown guidance prompts biggest one-day loss everTue Jul 31 2018 - 05:00
Fretting over late-cycle stock market risk could cost youYields are levelling off after long bull run but market peak may be some way off yetTue Jul 24 2018 - 05:00
Elon Musk loses the plot againWill Amazon pip Apple to the post to become US’s first trillion-dollar company?Tue Jul 24 2018 - 04:15
Computer-driven investing: who needs people?Computers increasingly dominate today’s investment world, but they can only go so farTue Jul 17 2018 - 05:00
Bear market is looming, but go ahead, buy stocks anywayStocktake: Fourteen bear market signals suggest bull’s race is almost runTue Jul 17 2018 - 02:34
Stocktake: Falling markets would change Trump’s mind on tradeUS administration will be keeping close eye on markets in the coming monthsTue Jul 10 2018 - 05:40
Are investors being fooled by the work ethic fallacy?While most active funds underperform, investors persist in belief hard work paysTue Jul 10 2018 - 05:00
Trillion-dollar companies – will Apple get the first bite?Some say sector is in a bubble, but current race looks more sustainable than dotcom daysTue Jul 03 2018 - 05:40
Stocktake: Trade war fears hit stocksIt would be a ‘big deal for profits even if it isn’t as big of a deal for the economy’Tue Jul 03 2018 - 05:00
Troubled emerging markets near bear market territoryStocktake: Elon Musk taunts short sellers and GE exits Dow Jones indexTue Jun 26 2018 - 08:00
Are Buffett and Dimon right about stock market short-termism?Many see the case for quarterly guidance from companies as increasingly tenuousTue Jun 26 2018 - 05:45
High-flying technology stocks: today’s Nifty 50?The tech advance has been led by companies with some eye-watering valuation multiplesTue Jun 19 2018 - 05:45
Stocktake: Fund managers sour on Europe and turn to USPositioning on Europe ‘not yet fully defensive’, says Merrill LynchTue Jun 19 2018 - 05:40
Anger as a market forceTrading decisions made in fury permit investors to harness ‘the outrage cycle’Tue Jun 12 2018 - 05:45
Stocktake: Bulls beginning to win market battleMore ‘all-or-nothing days’, Trump ‘greatness’, and gains consolidatedTue Jun 12 2018 - 05:00
Lottery winners and stock returns: the problem of survivor biasFocusing on successes while ignoring past failures is a major flaw in data analysisTue Jun 05 2018 - 05:55
Stocktake: Recession risk – is it really that important?In the past 10 downturns, the S&P 500 was actually higher seven timesTue Jun 05 2018 - 05:45
Are record corporate profit margins sustainable?Bears see this as temporary but bulls think profit margins have risen to a permanently higher plateauTue May 29 2018 - 07:00
Stocktake: Should investors fear rising oil price?Dove-like Fed, Musk meltdown and bulls have the edgeTue May 29 2018 - 05:45
Value investing made Buffett rich, but will it work for you?Stocktake: with value stocks in a slump, the tortoise and hare approach may lose its appealTue May 22 2018 - 07:00
Stocktake: Paddy Power eyes US sports betting marketSoros and those Tesla bonds; cryptocurrency scammers still profiting from the gullibleTue May 22 2018 - 06:00
Musk’s behaviour should concern Tesla investorsMarkets took fright after the entrepreneur lashed out at analystsTue May 15 2018 - 06:00
Short-sellers may have burst bitcoin bubbleStocktake: Market volatility falls but lengthy correction in stock prices continuesTue May 15 2018 - 05:30
Tesla’s Musk needs to answer questions and Apple ‘stay in their lane’Stocktake: Don’t sell in May and go awayTue May 08 2018 - 05:55
Bubble trouble: how should investors respond?High prices are sustained as speculators believe they can sell on to ‘greater fool’Tue May 08 2018 - 05:20
Alphabet pops, then drops and a warning from CaterpillarStocktake: Investors fret over rising bond yieldsTue May 01 2018 - 08:00
Can surging earnings steady volatile stock markets?A record number of companies have issued upward earnings guidance, according to FactSet dataTue May 01 2018 - 07:00
Should investors be spooked by market turbulence?Six factors to keep in mind as volatile stock markets nurse double-digit ‘correction’Tue Apr 24 2018 - 05:50
Stocktake: Have stock markets bottomed for 2018?Merrill Lynch says that bulls are currently being ‘silenced, not routed’Tue Apr 24 2018 - 05:00
Everybody hates Russia – is it time to buy their stocks?Stocktake: Bitcoin ‘virus’ peaks; Barclays’ equity study; Buffet the billionaire boyTue Apr 17 2018 - 06:00
Can stop-loss orders help calm your nerves about stocks?Stop-loss orders switch you out of market when price falls below designated pointTue Apr 17 2018 - 05:45
Amazon’s share prices should weather Trump’s tweetstormStocktake: Paulsen urges caution; volatility returns; stocks breach 200-day averageTue Apr 10 2018 - 08:00
Can financial advisers help save investors from themselves?There is a danger investors will let their emotions get the better of them in turbulent timesTue Apr 10 2018 - 07:00
Stocktake: Tech stock pain was well overdueCFD clampdown, US yield curve concerns and accepting end of S&P winning streakTue Apr 03 2018 - 08:00
How much is too much when it comes to paying CEOs?Estimates suggest chiefs in US are paid about 300 times more than the average workerTue Apr 03 2018 - 07:00
A bad week for Facebook shareholdersStocktake: Facebook stock down $60bn over Cambridge Analytica’s revelationsTue Mar 27 2018 - 08:00
Investing: why it feels good to conformIs it really that difficult to go against the herd? In a nutshell, yesTue Mar 27 2018 - 07:00
Is the ageing bull market past its sell-by date?Proinsias O’Mahony: Muted sentiment has lengthened the bull marketTue Mar 20 2018 - 08:00
Has ‘Oracle of Omaha’ Warren Buffett lost his touch?Sheer size of Berkshire Hathaway will inevitably constrain its performanceTue Mar 20 2018 - 07:00