Stocktake: Are emerging markets the trade of the decade?Short selling on the rise, volatility and low returns and running out of ‘ammunition’Tue Mar 01 2016 - 08:45
Even ‘God’ couldn’t bypass bear marketsEveryone – even a clairvoyant God who continually picks the top-performing stocks – suffers during bear marketsTue Mar 01 2016 - 08:13
Stocktake: market bottom or a bear market rally?Analysing 2016’s rough start, learning to love lower prices and distorting earningsTue Feb 23 2016 - 08:45
Hedge fund poker game gets tougherIndex trackers make it harder for hedge funds and ordinary investors to outperformTue Feb 23 2016 - 08:35
Stocktake: Looking for investor capitulationA stampede out of stocks can indicate the kind of panic associated with market bottomsTue Feb 16 2016 - 09:00
Your Money: Beware the ‘illusion of knowledge’Research shows informed people may think they may know more than they doTue Feb 16 2016 - 06:46
Stocktake: Hedge funds prove to be a suckers’ betThe top 20 earned $15 billion last year; the rest of the industry lost $99 billionTue Feb 02 2016 - 09:00
Living with a bear marketDeclining stocks are part and parcel of market reality. What lessons can we learn?Tue Feb 02 2016 - 05:00
Is it bear market time?Stocks have endured a torrid start to 2016, fuelling talk that the seven-year bull market is on its last legs, but market indicators offer comfort to both bulls and bearsTue Jan 19 2016 - 07:00
Stocktake: Bear market is a reality for many investorsApple going cheap, January lows and judging the rest of the year on the first weekTue Jan 12 2016 - 09:03
Wall Street’s cautious bulls are likely to be wrong – againThere’s little reason to have faith in market strategists’ 2016 predictionsTue Jan 05 2016 - 08:30
Stocktake: Fund managers are gung-ho for EuropeWarren Buffett’s bad year, hometown bias and analysts still ‘optimistically wrong’Tue Jan 05 2016 - 08:20
Stocktake: Message from Fed was hawkish, not dovishSelling too early, a fun Christmas letter and yes, there is such a thing as a Santa rallyTue Dec 22 2015 - 08:20
Record M&A activity signals maturing bull runMergers and acquisitions, which totalled $4.6tn in 2015, can be indicative of frothTue Dec 15 2015 - 08:20
Stocktake: pace of rate hikes key for stocksThe Fed is expected to raise interest rates for the first time in nine yearsTue Dec 08 2015 - 08:20
How dangerous are the ‘Fang’ stocks propping up the market?Concern is growing that a handful of stocks are keeping the S&P 500 afloatTue Dec 08 2015 - 06:00
Investors should fear themselvesResearch indicates closing the behaviour gap – the tendency for investors to underperform the funds they are invested in – is crucial to long-term returnsTue Nov 24 2015 - 07:00
Stocktake: Preparing for interest rate lift-offFarewell to the Brics, morality and the hedge fund manager and exploiting inattentionTue Nov 17 2015 - 08:20
Diversification: what is the size of the ideal stock portfolio?The level of risk and reward you experience is a function of portfolio scale and varietyTue Nov 10 2015 - 07:00
Stocktake: December rate hike need not spell doomCorrections are unavoidable and using Twitter as an investment guideTue Nov 03 2015 - 08:20
Proinsias O’Mahony: Is it time for value stocks to shine?Glamour stocks have outperformed them in recent years but the cycle may be turningTue Nov 03 2015 - 07:00
Will rate hikes kill the US bull market?History indicates stocks tend not to be impacted until late in the rate-hiking cycle, but analysts caution the current monetary environment is unlike any otherTue Oct 13 2015 - 10:30
Stocktake: Nervy stocks rise/fallCorrelations always spike in times of perceived crisisTue Sept 29 2015 - 08:20
Stocktake: Contrarians, Stalinism, don’t buy early and emerging marketsA look around the world’s stock marketsTue Sept 22 2015 - 11:30
Taking stock of the human side of the investment gameRichard Thaler’s book ‘Misbehaving’ is a must-read for investors and non-investorsTue Sept 22 2015 - 07:00
Stocktake: Will the US Fed finally hike rates?Fed can show it is not governed by stock markets – but it’d be shocking if it didTue Sept 15 2015 - 08:20
Just how bearish are investors?Recent bearishness resembles levels seen near the bottom of past correctionsTue Sept 08 2015 - 08:20
Media hysteria about stock market corrections misplacedFear sells newspapers but investors should not pay attention to the apocalyptic headlinesTue Sept 08 2015 - 07:00
Stocktake: Profiting from the market panicsMarket panics are unnerving, but they’re also times of great opportunityTue Sept 01 2015 - 06:45
Market rollercoaster: should investors be spooked?While the correction is severe, investors will know the rewards of enduring short-term turmoilFri Aug 28 2015 - 06:00
Stocktake: ‘Pain trade’ may drive market reboundProinsias O’Mahony takes a look at the ups and downs of the stock marketTue Aug 25 2015 - 08:20
Sons, daughters, singletons and CEOsThe most minor details can tell a great deal about how a chief executive will perform, research suggestsTue Aug 25 2015 - 06:36
The tell-tale signs of unreliable stock market forecastersA general rule of thumb: the most confident are the least accurate, according to researchTue Aug 11 2015 - 06:00
Stocktake: Unloved Twitter remains a risky betMicroblogging provider remains a no-no among both value and momentum investorsTue Aug 04 2015 - 08:20
Does lump sum investing beat the drip-feed approach?Averaging into markets over time with euro-cost averaging holds psychological appealTue Jul 28 2015 - 07:00
Stocktake: Further pain in store for Chinese stocksProinsias O’Mahony takes a look at the ups and downs of the stock marketTue Jul 14 2015 - 01:45
Proinsias O’Mahony: Lots of lessons for investors to take away from Greek crisisThere is a lot to be learned about the ups and downs of investing from what has been happening in GreeceTue Jul 14 2015 - 01:30
Easy access ETFs not immune to riskExchange-traded funds have revolutionised the investing world but some say they have yet to be tested in times of crisisTue Jul 07 2015 - 01:30