Bhutan: the price of paradiseWeekend Read: the tiny Himalayan country, which long ago decided to limit tourism, has decided it’s time to welcome more visitors. Will this pristine kingdom change forever?Sat Jan 16 2016 - 14:00
Burma faces unknown after historic electionMilitary will not want to lose control of power regardless of people’s willTue Nov 17 2015 - 18:18
India: Land of 100 rapes a dayRosita Boland’s reports from India describe a country where children are kidnapped routinely, 27 women are killed every day, and 40 per cent of women have been beaten by their husbands, and rape is shockingly commonWed Nov 04 2015 - 16:00
The missing children of IndiaYou expect parents to be heartbroken if a daughter disappears, but in Delhi things are more complex, Rosita Boland writes in the second part of her seriesMon Nov 02 2015 - 12:00
Rosita Boland’s three questions for Brian FrielAt the MacGill Summer School in 2008 the playwright, a famously reluctant interviewee, finally agreed to talk to ‘The Irish Times’Fri Oct 02 2015 - 17:00
Islands of credibility in a sea of Old Moore missesWith its crazy talk of flying cars and Jennifer Aniston’s broodiness, it seems Old Moore’s Almanac was on the gin when making its September predictionsFri Oct 02 2015 - 06:00
Fabric fit for a princess: Limerick embraces the laceA recent exhibition at the city museum showcased the county’s rich history of lace. Well, if it’s good enough for Kate Middleton . . .Tue Sept 29 2015 - 06:00
‘Half dead’: a town in rural IrelandIn 1989 ‘The Irish Times’ reported on Kiltimagh, Co Mayo, one of many towns then blighted by emigration. A boom and a bust later, it’s still a typical Irish town, fighting to keep its community spirit in the face of a dwindling youth population and struggling main streetSat Sept 19 2015 - 08:00
Waltzing along the Danube in a luxury cruise shipIf you’re looking for a relaxing holiday in luxurious surroundings, an upmarket river cruise could be the answerSat Sept 19 2015 - 03:00
The Queen and us: joining in with our neighbour's birthday partyThere are a number of current European queens but, for most people here, there’s only one Queen to rule them allWed Sept 09 2015 - 18:00
A very mixed month for Old Moore’s predictionsOld Moore’s Almanac had a less than stellar August, as anyone eagerly awaiting a heatwave in Ireland can attestFri Sept 04 2015 - 06:00
Fantasy wrecking ball, part 2: the public art we love to hateWhat’s your least favourite piece of public art? Is it the mad moons on sticks near Kinnegad? the semi- submerged violin near Longford or the famine family on Dublin’s Quay? Tell us in the comments field of this articleSat Aug 22 2015 - 11:13
Recovery in Cavan: Liberty Insurance lay offs were a ‘shock’‘People are starting to relax’ but June’s news that 115 would lose their jobs was a setbackMon Aug 17 2015 - 01:00
Analysis: Recovery is not yet being felt in rural areas‘You can see the impact of recession in towns, just by how many people are idle’Mon Aug 17 2015 - 01:00
Recovery in Abbeyleix: ‘There is a recovery, but it is ever so slight’Co Laois town, bypassed during recession, is seeing slow growth but it is ‘very, very fragile’Mon Aug 17 2015 - 01:00
Summers Past: Rosita Boland goes undercover in Bunratty Castle, 2006Tourists have an endless capacity for daftness. That’s what our correspondent learned while being an apple-pie-making bean an tí for a dayWed Aug 12 2015 - 14:00
Old Moore foresaw the rise of the Japanese robotsLet’s see how Old Moore’s Almanac fared with its predictions for JulyFri Aug 07 2015 - 06:00
Tyler the Creator, the feminist and the twitter abuseAbuse of feminist activist reveals the grim truth of online misogyny, writes Rosita BolandTue Jul 28 2015 - 16:00
Charity begins in the shop windowAnne Marie Keeley, window dresser for Enable Ireland’s charity shops, knows how to get customers through the doorsTue Jul 28 2015 - 06:00
Postcards Revisited: A return to the colourful fishing village of BaltimoreThe last in a series in which we return to the scene of John Hinde postcards: the oldest building in this vintage postcard of the west Cork village has survived, but the red boat met a nastier fate and locals are in conflict about the identities of the coupleFri Jul 24 2015 - 06:00
Postcards Revisited | Skerries: ‘Word is Bono played his first gig here’A series in which we return to the scene of John Hinde postcards: Red Island was a holiday camp in Skerries that operated for three decades. Thin Lizzy and Horslips played the ballroom. As for the food situation, ‘it was a bit like the army’Fri Jul 17 2015 - 11:20
Favourite five: the clothes that are dearest to my heartMost people have a few things in their wardrobe that they just can’t be parted from. Here are five pieces that are interwoven with my life storyTue Jul 14 2015 - 15:00
Lesser Spotted Ireland: The Martello tower and the magic carpet of the Irish seaA series in which Irish Times writers go off the beaten track: ‘The Irish Sea had always seemed to me to lack the drama of the Atlantic, but the night I spend in Sutton Martello tower changes all that’Mon Jul 13 2015 - 06:00
Postcards Revisited: Where did Kilkee’s croquet and Christians go?A series in which we return to the scene of John Hinde postcards. Part 2/4: much is unchanged in this Co Clare holiday resort, but a ‘small private hotel for a Christian endeavour movement’ closed in 2004Fri Jul 10 2015 - 06:00
Two days left to get a piece of Irish invention SugruThe mouldable glue product invented by an Irish woman has raised more than £3m through crowdfunding schemeTue Jul 07 2015 - 13:00
Postcards Revisited: Decades on, the soul of Salthill prom remains intactA series in which we return to the scene of John Hinde postcards. Part 1/4: The look and feel of Salthill promenade as depicted in the vintage postcard has changed remarkably little, although a hotel in the background is now a direct provision centreFri Jul 03 2015 - 18:00
It wasn’t a hot June, but Old Moore was on fireThe predictions in Old Moore’s Almanac about Hugh Hefner, Irish doctors and North Korean ‘craziness’ came almost eerily trueFri Jul 03 2015 - 06:00
Shoptalk: Cork goes retroRetro clothes and homewares shops bring a range of 20th-century designs to the citySat Jun 27 2015 - 01:00
Generations: what we learned from a year of interviews with people aged 7-103The Irish Times Generations project, which has spoken to 50 people of different ages around Ireland, concludes today. Its central finding? We live in an ageist societySun Jun 14 2015 - 09:30
Beit group decides not to sell valuable RubensRussborough obtained export licence for ‘Portrait of a Monk’ and two more RubensSat Jun 13 2015 - 01:00
The flight of the BeitsThe Alfred Beit Foundation’s proposed sale of nine paintings that were supposed to be ‘for the enjoyment of the Irish people’ caused outrage.Sat Jun 13 2015 - 01:00
Pierce Hanley, 7: ‘Who is Roy Keane? I think he is a Cork man. Is he famous for hurling?’‘I think when you are 20 you are grown up and old. The oldest person I know is my mother’Sat Jun 13 2015 - 01:00
Gabriella Martins, 7: ‘I think God is a boy, and he has brown hair and peach skin’‘I want to be a doctor or a teacher. If I had one wish it would be that when I go to college, we never get any homework on Fridays’Sat Jun 13 2015 - 01:00
Eva Flaherty, 8: ‘Some parts about communion are really hard to understand’‘When I grow up, I want to be a dolphin trainer. Or design dresses. Or both’Sat Jun 13 2015 - 01:00
Dexter Comerford, 9: ‘The difference between children and adults? Children are active’‘Adults keep talking and they don’t take any notice of you’Sat Jun 13 2015 - 01:00
Russborough decides not to sell important Rubens paintingExport licence for ‘Portrait of a Monk, Bust-Length’ had been obtainedFri Jun 12 2015 - 12:56
Russborough House gets export licence for third RubensAlfred Beit Foundation’s licence covers 10 paintings including three worth over £1mFri Jun 12 2015 - 01:00
The Power of Old Moore’s predictions for MayOld Moore’s Almanac was right in predicting volcanic unrest, and a scandal of sorts involving a female politician, but was wide of the mark about the Clooneys’ marriageFri Jun 05 2015 - 11:30
Linda and Jake: a single mother, her teenage son, and autismSingle mother Linda O’Kane lives with her son Jake, who has autism. She shares their story so others can understand life for such familiesFri May 29 2015 - 12:15
We’re all going to IcelandFrom June, cheap, direct flights will really put Iceland on Irish tourists’ maps. Expect to encounter unspoiled natural beauty and, perhaps, thieving elvesMon May 25 2015 - 06:00
Jane Fonda: ‘I’m going fishing with my favourite ex-husband’You have 10 minutes on the phone with the Oscar-winning actor. What do you ask her?Sat May 09 2015 - 11:00
Shoptalk: shopping in the ‘other’ DundrumAre you being served? The column that looks at stock, style and service in shops around IrelandSat May 09 2015 - 01:00
Old Moore’s Kardashian obsession is getting out of handOld Moore’s Almanac makes many and varied predictions about the celebrity clan. Unfortunately, it rarely gets them rightFri May 08 2015 - 04:00
Emma & Conor Crumlish, 12: ‘Boys can look any way they like. It's annoying,' says Emma‘It’s annoying that boys can look anyway they like,’ says Emma. ‘I believe in God,’ says her twin. ‘There is no single answer why’Sun May 03 2015 - 09:10
Claire Cullen, 17: ‘I try not to think about how I look, but I’m obsessed with it’‘The church is so out of touch. “Don’t use contraception”: that is the stupidest thing ever to say to a group of teenagers in a country where there is no abortion’Sat May 02 2015 - 01:00
Bartosz Walusiak, 16: ‘Who is Enda Kenny? I don’t know’‘I don’t identify myself as Irish. I try to stay in touch with Polish culture’Sat May 02 2015 - 01:00
Sinéad McGuinness, 14: ‘Before my dad died he said my name’‘I learned after he died that you have to keep going. We didn’t feel sorry for ourselves. I wasn’t going to let it define who I was’Sat May 02 2015 - 01:00
Katie Goldsmith, 19: ‘It was always normal to me having an Asian sister'‘Clare is from South Korea. My parents adopted her when she was six months old’Sat May 02 2015 - 01:00
Migration in the Mediterranean: the toll on humanityRosita Boland: ‘I watched as migrants from Syria, Bangladesh, Mali and Nigeria took their first steps on land since embarking from Libya on boats they knew could as easily transform overnight into their coffins’Mon Apr 20 2015 - 19:30
Blood, sweat and fears on the set of Penny DreadfulBehind the scenes of this ‘big, gaudy, lurid sort of show’, the prosthetics, wardrobe and props departments are the real stars. The squeamish need not applyMon Apr 20 2015 - 05:45