French mother admits to killing eight of her babiesThe mother of eight newborn babies whose corpses were found in a village in northern France has admitted to killing them.Thu Jul 29 2010 - 01:00
The city Italy gave away 150 years ago remains a place apartNICE LETTER: Once a glamorous playground, France’s fifth city is today one of the country’s most forward-looking placesThu Jul 29 2010 - 01:00
'I have had a really nice life and I think my books reflect that'THE SATURDAY INTERVIEW: The witty and self-deprecating Eoin Colfer puts the success of his Artemis books down to a happy childhood…Sat Jul 24 2010 - 01:00
Rioting over Traveller killed by police sparks debate on securityTHE FUNERAL took place amid heavy security yesterday of a Traveller who was shot dead by French police in a quiet town in the…Wed Jul 21 2010 - 01:00
France to honour Irish poet with Chevalier awardTHE IRISH poet John Montague is to be made a Chevalier de la Légion d’honneur, one of France’s highest decorations.Fri Jul 16 2010 - 01:00
France votes for ban on face veilsFRANCE’S parliament has voted overwhelmingly in favour of a controversial ban on wearing face veils in public.Wed Jul 14 2010 - 01:00
France to raise African soldiers' pensionsFRENCH ARMY veterans from the country’s former colonies are to have their military pensions raised to the same level as those…Wed Jul 14 2010 - 01:00
Convict gets 30 years for killing cellmate, then eating his lungA FRENCH CONVICT who killed his cellmate and ate his lung has been sentenced to a 30-year prison term.Sat Jun 26 2010 - 01:00
Bumbling Bleus hold up a mirror to a divided FranceThe French team’s World Cup humiliation is viewed at home as far more than a sporting failure, with many seeing parallels with…Sat Jun 26 2010 - 01:00
Former French PM launches new centre-right partyFORMER PRIME minister Dominique de Villepin has launched a new centre-right party, his sights set on challenging rival Nicolas…Mon Jun 21 2010 - 01:00
Hard work never goes out of fashionWILD GEESE: EMIGRANT BUSINESS LEADERS ON OPPORTUNITIES ABROAD: Helen Kennedy Lambert: Owner and managing director of Paris-based…Fri Jun 04 2010 - 01:00
A mother of all debatesINTERVIEW: The French feminist philsopher Elisabeth Badinter has stirred up a new debate about motherhood in her latest, best…Sat Apr 17 2010 - 01:00
Alarm foils attempt at second Paris bank heist within a weekA GANG armed with a pneumatic drill dug a tunnel from a Paris metro station into the basement of a bank on Sunday morning – an…Tue Apr 06 2010 - 01:00
Sarkozy reshuffles after heavy poll defeatFRENCH PRESIDENT Nicolas Sarkozy yesterday sacked a senior minister and promoted an ally of his rival Dominique de Villepin as…Tue Mar 23 2010 - 00:00
Shabby, friendly neighbourhood cafe in crisis . . . againPARIS LETTER: Just as you settle into the timeless ritual of the Parisian bar, you read that the institution is under threatMon Mar 01 2010 - 00:00
Sarkozy visit to Rwanda a milestone in relationsANALYSIS : France will today try to revitalise relations with Rwanda, damaged by the genocide there 16 years agoThu Feb 25 2010 - 00:00
Theatre of dreamersPHOTOGRPAHY: Robert Doisneau captured the essence of Paris, its glorious romantic side and its more sombre factsSat Feb 13 2010 - 00:00
Paris gets a taste of teen binge drinkingPublic health campaign launched over concerns about rapid growth in ‘la biture express’Tue Feb 09 2010 - 00:00
Aid workers race to bring supplies to survivorsONE OF the most extensive relief operations ever mounted continued yesterday as aid workers raced to bring vital supplies to …Mon Jan 18 2010 - 00:00
Aid workers race to bring supplies to survivorsONE OF the most extensive relief operations ever mounted continued yesterday as aid workers raced to bring vital supplies to …Mon Jan 18 2010 - 00:00
Bottlenecks delay landing of suppliesTHOUSANDS OF homeless and injured Haitians were still awaiting food, shelter and medical treatment yesterday, despite governments…Sat Jan 16 2010 - 00:00
Bottlenecks delay landing of suppliesTHOUSANDS OF homeless and injured Haitians were still awaiting food, shelter and medical treatment yesterday, despite governments…Sat Jan 16 2010 - 00:00
Poverty-stricken country least able to sustain blowANALYSIS: Slavery, international extortion, embargoes and dictatorships have eroded Haiti’s ability to deal with its awful death…Fri Jan 15 2010 - 00:00
Poverty-stricken country least able to sustain blowANALYSIS: Slavery, international extortion, embargoes and dictatorships have eroded Haiti’s ability to deal with its awful death…Fri Jan 15 2010 - 00:00
Grandes écoles resist attempts to end their cloistered existenceSarkozy wants France’s elite grandes écoles to set aside 30 per cent of admissions for students from poor backgroundsMon Jan 11 2010 - 00:00
Film-maker Rohmer dies in ParisÉric Rohmer, the French film-maker who was a key figure of the postwar New Wave cinema movement, has died at the age of 89.Mon Jan 11 2010 - 00:00
Grandes écoles resist attempts to end their cloistered existenceSarkozy wants France’s elite grandes écoles to set aside 30 per cent of admissions for students from poor backgroundsMon Jan 11 2010 - 00:00
Faulty sensors one factor in Air France crashFRENCH INVESTIGATORS have been unable to explain why Air France flight 447 crashed into the Atlantic last June, but have cast…Fri Dec 18 2009 - 00:00
Irish fans seek to chase 'Les Bleus' awayThe size of the Irish crowd in the Stade de France for the last meeting between France and the Republic has attained such legendary…Wed Nov 18 2009 - 00:00
French press home masteryFRENCH PRESS: THEIR TEAM’S win in Dublin was greeted with relief in the French press yesterday, with praise being heaped on …Mon Nov 16 2009 - 00:00
Leaders reaffirm Franco-German relationship at armistice ceremonyANGELA MERKEL yesterday became the first German chancellor to take part in an Armistice Day ceremony in Paris as she joined President…Thu Nov 12 2009 - 00:00
Van driver on the run with €11mA SECURITY van driver who became an unlikely internet star after allegedly driving off with more than €11 million from the Banque…Tue Nov 10 2009 - 00:00
Candour from Chirac, except about alleged corruptionWITH HIS successor smarting from poor mid-term opinion polls and fighting to reassert himself after a series of setbacks, former…Sat Nov 07 2009 - 00:00
Stephen Gately brought home by the boysAS THE hearse carrying Stephen Gately turned on to Seville Place near his old family home in Dublin’s North Wall last night, …Sat Oct 17 2009 - 01:00
Gmail users also hit by phishing attackA PHISHING attack that compromised the security of up to 10,000 Hotmail e-mail accounts has also affected users of Google's Gmail…Thu Oct 08 2009 - 01:00
Call for voting rights for established immigrantsCOMMITTEE ON THE CONSTITUTION: THE RIGHT to vote in national elections should be extended to established immigrants who have…Thu Oct 08 2009 - 01:00
Ireland ranks high for life quality but low for povertyIRELAND RANKS fifth in the world on a quality of life index but third worst among developed countries for poverty, a United Nations…Mon Oct 05 2009 - 01:00
Phantom Pole haunts Garda at alternative Nobel awardsTHEY’LL BE clearing space in the trophy cabinet at the Phoenix Park headquarters this weekend after An Garda Síochána gained …Sat Oct 03 2009 - 01:00
Joyce estate settles copyright dispute with US academicTHE JAMES Joyce Estate has agreed to pay $240,000 (€164,000) in legal costs incurred by an American academic following a long…Thu Oct 01 2009 - 01:00
Former US detainees begin Irish integrationTWO FORMER Guantánamo Bay detainees who arrived in Ireland for resettlement last weekend have begun a 10-week integration programme…Thu Oct 01 2009 - 01:00
Garda and PSNI pledge on dissident republicansGARDA COMMISSIONER Fachtna Murphy and new PSNI chief constable Matt Baggott have pledged to deepen co-operation between their…Wed Sept 30 2009 - 01:00
Garda, PSNI pledge on dissidentsGarda Commissioner Fachtna Murphy and new PSNI chief constable Matt Baggott have pledged to deepen cooperation between their …Tue Sept 29 2009 - 01:00
EU positive for women, says BurtonWOMEN'S RIGHTS: THE EUROPEAN Union has been a continuously progressive force in the lives of Irish women, Labour deputy leader…Tue Sept 29 2009 - 01:00
EU 'progressive force' for womenThe European Union has been a continuously progressive force in the lives of Irish women, Labour deputy leader Joan Burton told…Mon Sept 28 2009 - 01:00
Turning point but no turning backFor the first time since the mid-1990s, emigration from Ireland is exceeding immigrationSat Sept 26 2009 - 01:00
Long-term jobless up by 25,000, says CSOTHE RANKS of the long-term unemployed swelled by almost 25,000 people in the past year, while the overall unemployment rate more…Wed Sept 23 2009 - 01:00
Patient gets €15,000 refund after Ombudsman mediatesA CANCER patient who was treated abroad received more than €15,000 in medical costs and backdated illness benefit after the Ombudsman…Wed Sept 23 2009 - 01:00
Plenty of anxiety evident on lunchtime walkaboutON THE CANVASS : RESOLUTELY UNMOVED by the sight of the entourage sweeping towards her, the 30-something in a velour tracksuit…Thu Sept 17 2009 - 01:00
'Bridging visa' plan for certain immigrantsMinister for Justice Dermot Ahern yesterday confirmed that foreign nationals from outside the European Economic Area who have…Tue Sept 15 2009 - 01:00
New 'bridging visa' for immigrantsA temporary visa scheme is to be introduced for immigrants who have become undocumented for reasons beyond their control.Mon Sept 14 2009 - 01:00