Is it time to rethink the drugs prescribed to dementia patients?Some family carers object to anti-psychotic medications being given to their loved onesTue Aug 22 2017 - 07:00
How to love the natural worldNational Heritage Week a prime opportunity to connect with our natural environmentSat Aug 12 2017 - 06:00
People with dementia need holidays too – and so do their carersPicnics and trips outdoors can beneft dementia sufferers and their familiesMon Aug 07 2017 - 09:00
Planet Earth needs us to sign up to a new ‘policy of life’Environmentalism must be fuelled by passion and empathy, argues Andreas WeberSat Jul 29 2017 - 06:00
Trouble sleeping? You need to read this before bedSleep whisperer Chris Winter solves sleep problems without resorting to pillsTue Jul 18 2017 - 20:30
Are we ready for the Airbnb of clothing?It could be only a matter of time before we're leasing everything from jeans to ball gownsSat Jul 15 2017 - 06:00
Heritage sites: our tourism industry must manage the congestionThere is an onus on visitors to choose carefully where – and when – they visitSat Jun 17 2017 - 06:00
Can talk therapies help?‘Many people view going to a therapist as somewhere between the confessional and the court room,’ says Prof Jim LuceyTue Jun 13 2017 - 00:00
In Virginia, you won’t get a good house for less than €300KTanya Woods describes the challenge of finding a downsizer home for her motherMon Jun 12 2017 - 13:00
Extremist speeches ‘should be challenged’ not bannedOxford vice-chancellor says universities are ideal places for debate on Islamist viewsSat Jun 10 2017 - 10:40
Health events: from men’s health to motor neuron diseasePlus: MedTech Week raises awareness of incontinence; and a tulip alert is issuedTue Jun 06 2017 - 15:33
Experts unite to explore safer contact sportsHealth board: Indian Embassy, Yoga Therapy Ireland and Dublin City Council to host mass yoga sessions for International Yoga DayTue Jun 06 2017 - 01:00
Why respite care mattersFor people with physical disabilities, respite centres provide supported holiday accommodation. But few places exist for those with intellectual disabilitiesMon Jun 05 2017 - 11:00
Turning food waste into profitA restaurant loses €24,000 a year to food waste, a hotel €150,000 – so tackling it makes senseSat Jun 03 2017 - 06:00
Classroom pets: when animals are let loose in schoolsChildren are engaging with an experiential learning approach that can have a lasting impactTue May 30 2017 - 06:00
Standing up for patients’ rightsOmbudsman’s statement sets out key rights of people undergoing medical treatmentTue May 23 2017 - 00:00
Power to the patientGiving people a say in their own healthcare has many benefitsTue May 23 2017 - 00:00
Plastic is not fantastic: time to curb its useSingle-use plastic is everywhere. We must ban it from homes and industriesSat May 20 2017 - 06:00
Courses on mindfulness and expert talk on Chronic Fatigue SyndromeHealth Board: talking to children about cancer and bereavement strainsTue May 16 2017 - 19:59
Too ‘yucky’: Why people don’t avail of free cancer screeningsIf all those eligible for bowel cancer screening availed of it, deaths would fall by 30%Mon May 08 2017 - 14:00
Natural healing: Restore your health by reconnecting with natureConnecting people with their environment is crucial for the survival of human beingsSat May 06 2017 - 06:00
Continuous cover: a new approach to Irish forestryPopular on European mainland for decades, continuous cover forestry is taking root in IrelandSat May 06 2017 - 06:00
Are birth plans worth the paper they are written on?‘It’s as much about the conversation with providers as it is about what you write down’Tue May 02 2017 - 07:00
Putting disability at the centre of a new communityPraxis Care services in Clongriffin focus on developing young adults’ life skillsTue Apr 25 2017 - 06:00
Geology rocks ecotourismGeoparks are sustainable tourism’s new trend and Ireland has three of the world’s 120Sat Apr 22 2017 - 06:00
Living with an insatiable genetic appetite for foodKitchens must be locked and money restricted for people with Prader-Willi syndromeMon Apr 17 2017 - 06:00
Forgotten farmsteads, light-up felt and a perfect Arts & Crafts interiorHome Front: interiors, design, people, eventsSat Apr 15 2017 - 00:00
Parkinson’s disease marks the bi-centenary no one ever wanted to seeEarly intervention and access to services is the key to living with Parkinson’s, yet currently people in the public hospital system can wait up to two years for diagnosisTue Apr 11 2017 - 06:33
Why women need more iron than men and how they can get itMany women are not getting enough of this essential mineralMon Apr 10 2017 - 10:00
Fuel poverty: finding an eco-solutionAware of the environment, policymakers are looking at new ways to deal with fuel povertySat Apr 08 2017 - 06:00
The zero-waste lifestyleCould you fit a year’s waste in a little jar? Bea Johnson can, and her message is one that Irish towns are beginning to followSat Mar 25 2017 - 06:00
Meet the woman you can complain toGinny Hanrahan, the CEO of CORU, the health and social care regulator, explains its role in protecting the public from charlatans and unethical healthcare workersWed Mar 22 2017 - 08:00
Keeping a watchful eye on the health professionalsGinny Hanrahan, CEO of CORU, explains the role of the health and social care regulatorTue Mar 21 2017 - 05:00
Ireland’s climate-change plan: hot air or real action?Ireland’s mitigation plan must be in place by June. Environmentalists say it could be too little, too lateSat Mar 11 2017 - 06:00
Home Front: interiors, ideas, events, peopleCool linen sheets; ‘Devonshire Day’ at Lismore; zero waste guru comes to DublinSat Mar 04 2017 - 00:00
Ireland’s colleges pull on the green jumper for EcoCampus schemeGreen Campus programme helps third-level institutions do their bit for the environmentSat Feb 25 2017 - 06:00
Call for action as crimes against chemists reach crisis levelsThree out of four pharmacies have been the victim of one or more crimes, figures showTue Feb 21 2017 - 01:00
Lyme disease: What is it and how do you get it?Lack of awareness in Ireland means illness is under reported, and often left untreatedMon Feb 20 2017 - 15:00
Lyme disease patient ‘freakishly well’ after US treatmentAnthony Morris says people ‘suffer in silence’ because disease is underdiagnosed in IrelandMon Feb 20 2017 - 11:12
Say it with ecoflowersThis St Valentine’s Day Irish growers want people to choose freshly picked local flowers rather than roses flown in from abroadSat Feb 11 2017 - 06:00
Reduce, reuse . . . upcycleThe Rediscovery Centre, in Ballymun in Dublin, specialises in adding value to things we might once have thrown awaySat Jan 28 2017 - 06:00
Is it time Dublin had its own Chinatown?Google Maps says the city already has one, around Parnell Street East. Local traders back the idea of making it an official district of the capitalSat Jan 28 2017 - 02:00
Caring of the green: Ireland wakes up to the value of public parksNew scheme awards open spaces that balance sustainability with human activitySat Jan 14 2017 - 06:00
‘There is a tsunami of third-level students with mental health problems’Demand for counselling in colleges has jumped 40% in the past decadeTue Jan 10 2017 - 00:00
Health board: Ireland ready for Medical World CupElsewhere, ‘designing public health’ is theme of discussion at Dublin’s Science GalleryMon Jan 09 2017 - 05:00
Gateway pioneers recovery-oriented approach to mental illnessPeer-led project in Rathmines offers ‘place to regain myself and get a sense of hope’Tue Jan 03 2017 - 00:00
Is there any point in making environmental resolutions for New Year?We asked campaigners, policy makers and business leadersSat Dec 31 2016 - 06:00
Migraine attacks – so much more than just a headacheKnowing triggers and living healthy lifestyle important techniques to managing migraineThu Dec 29 2016 - 11:20
Finding winter wellbeing in green and blue places of natureSpending time in parks and forests, by rivers, lakes and coasts, benefits our state of mindSat Dec 17 2016 - 06:00
Remembering people with dementia this ChristmasYour presence is the gift most likely to make a difference to loved onesMon Dec 12 2016 - 18:00