Squatters bring life to old buildingsAn anarchist collective in Dublin city centre has transformed an abandoned 19th century building into a social centre hosting gigs, screenings and workshopsThu Oct 29 2015 - 03:56
Helping Ireland’s old conservatories to shine in all their gloryThe Great Palm House in the National Botanic Gardens and the restored conservatory in Woodstock Gardens form part of our ornate heritageSat Oct 24 2015 - 01:01
Breathing life into historic city buildingsWith the right approach vacant historic buildings in Dublin can be revived for practical useThu Oct 22 2015 - 02:50
Raising awareness of the Cinderella of blood cancersOne small patient-support group is raising the profile of a group of rare cancers of the bone marrowTue Oct 20 2015 - 01:00
Behind the News: Kieran Rose, planning expertNama’s plan to build 20,000 houses will help Dublin’s housing crisis, but the capital faces other hurdles as well, according to the city plannerSat Oct 17 2015 - 01:00
Not mad or bad, just broken: how some people get pushed over the edgeThe world is a harsh place. Let’s bring back kindness and patienceSat Oct 10 2015 - 02:00
Behind the News: Kevin Baird, heritage trusteeThe Irish Heritage Trust is excited to be taking over Strokestown Park and the Irish National Famine Museum, says the trust’s chief executiveSat Oct 10 2015 - 01:00
'I never saw myself as being different from anyone else': where doctors go for helpMedics are just as likely as others to have mental health problems and there is help for themTue Oct 06 2015 - 15:00
Behind the News: Daragh Connolly, pharmacistPharmacists are finding themselves on the front line of crime – and even being stabbed, as one was this weekSat Oct 03 2015 - 01:00
Open House Dublin aims to open eyes and minds to architectureThe popular festival gives the public access to more than 80 buildingsThu Oct 01 2015 - 01:55
Buildings at Risk: Race to stop Shackleton Mill grinding to a haltA 19th century mill, that produced flour until 1998, and Georgian house near Lucan were bought by Fingal County Council in 2002 but their future is in questionTue Sept 29 2015 - 12:40
Diagnose, prescribe, discharge: changing roles in healthcareMany healthcare professionals now have direct responsibilities for patients in challenging circumstances as the hierarchy of general practitioner and consultant-led care begins to change. Three professionals tell Sylvia Thompson about the enormous changes they have experienced in the past decadeTue Sept 29 2015 - 06:00
Behind The News: Young Scientists, Eimear Murphy and Ian O’SullivanIrish students will compete in the Intel science fair in US after impressing judges in MilanSat Sept 26 2015 - 01:00
Smaller plates, tidy worktops: How to redesign your way out of mindless eatingChanging the food environment can encourage people to eat more healthily, almost without them realising itTue Sept 22 2015 - 06:00
Behind the News: Michael McCabe, disability rights activistAt a Dáil vigil this week, people with disabilities – more than one in seven of Ireland’s population – protested against cuts that stop them living independentlySat Sept 19 2015 - 13:00
Teenagers are missing out on clinical trial benefitsAlmost 100 per cent of children with leukaemia take part in clinical trials but the figure drops to 45 per cent for 16 to 23-year-olds, which lessens their chances of being curedTue Sept 15 2015 - 01:00
Behind the News: Pat Carey, Irish Red CrossThe organisation is ready with food, water and shelter for refugees from SyriaSat Sept 12 2015 - 01:00
Giving patients the power to make themselves betterPhysiotherapy is about working with patients to find the solution that best suits themTue Sept 08 2015 - 01:00
Behind the News: Dr Íde Delargy, professional health advocateDoctors, dentists and pharmacists can be slow to seek help for mental-health and substance-abuse problems. A new scheme aims to be on standby with supportSat Sept 05 2015 - 01:00
Behind the News: Aoife Kirwan, MS campaignerAoife Kirwan, who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis when she was 23, had to fight to get the medication she neededSat Aug 29 2015 - 01:00
Ireland’s industrial heritage: the past you might not know we hadOur industrial history is often overshadowed by Britain’s. National Heritage Week wants us to celebrate a legacy that paved the way for how we live todaySat Aug 22 2015 - 01:00
Behind The News: Léan Kennedy, Irish Guide DogsNew campaign focuses on right of access for guide and assistance dogs to food premisesSat Aug 08 2015 - 01:00
Breast cancer: could it be treated with drugs alone?Oncologist Arnie Hill says research could see potentially fatal disease become manageable conditionTue Aug 04 2015 - 12:00
Behind the News: Conor Newman, volunteering fanVolunteers are more important than ever to our communities and to our awareness of our past, says the chairman of the Heritage CouncilSat Aug 01 2015 - 01:00
Walking for wellbeing: taking steps to maintain people’s mental healthA new group aims to create natural encounters to help people ’get out of their head and into their body’Tue Jul 28 2015 - 01:00
Caught in the EU’s netWe should be proud of our fisherman – but misguided rules mean it’s a dying trade, according to Cara Rawdon, a trawler skipper in Greencastle, Co DonegalSat Jul 18 2015 - 01:00
Behind the News: Susan Cliffe, Hiqa inspectorThe Health Information and Quality Authority is to start monitoring patient nutrition and hydration, plus use of antimicrobial drugs. What will it involve?Sat Jul 11 2015 - 01:00
Healthy Ireland: What is its mission, and will it be realised?The Department of Health’s health and wellbeing programme may be in need of a roadmap to successTue Jul 07 2015 - 05:00
Behind the News: Niall Keogh, seabird monitorThe gorse fire that broke out on Ireland’s Eye was a reminder of the vulnerability of nesting birdsSat Jul 04 2015 - 04:00
Behind the News: Niamh McCann, Easter Rising re-creatorThe ‘Glorious Madness’ actor is helping to re-enact the Dublin of 1916 – from an underappreciated angleSat Jun 27 2015 - 01:00
Eolas offers integrated, innovative map of mental health servicesA new programme for people with schizophrenia and bipolar disorders involves them and their families in their own treatment and supportTue Jun 23 2015 - 01:00
Why solar panels won’t solve climate changeInterview: The environmental movement should shift its emphasis from personal responsibility to political change, says activist Bill McKibben, founder of 350.orgSat Jun 20 2015 - 01:00
Behind the News: Sarah Bredin, mental health advocateAttitudes to mental health are changing. One woman with bipolar disorder talks about her approach to her conditionSat Jun 20 2015 - 01:00
Period restoration: Striking a balance between old and newIn part five we look at the most sensitive and sensible way to extend period homesThu Jun 18 2015 - 06:00
A week in my . . . medical social work practice‘People’s emotional wellbeing and social circumstances can have an impact on their overall health’Wed Jun 17 2015 - 08:00
Where special needs pose no barriers to yogaMovement, stretching, breathing and relaxation can help participants release pent-up tensionTue Jun 16 2015 - 15:00
Behind the News: Marie Ryan, environmental health officerThe Food Safety Authority of Ireland shut more restaurants, takeaways and other food businesses in May than in any other month of 2015. What leads to a closure order?Sat Jun 13 2015 - 01:00
Period restoration: most satisfying renovation is an inside jobPart four of this series looks at working on the delicate interiors of older propertiesThu Jun 04 2015 - 05:30
Babies’ leaky skin may be factor in eczema and food allergiesNew discoveries into risk factors for childhood eczema suggest early intervention might be the best way forwardTue Jun 02 2015 - 06:00
Behind the News: David O’Grady, chief executive of Marketing English in IrelandNew regulations for Ireland’s English-language schools will mean big changes to the sector – and more protection for the foreign students who pay big money to attendSat May 30 2015 - 01:00
Behind the News: Sheelagh Behan, homeopathThe Irish Society of Homeopaths is 25 years old. As it marks its anniversary with an international conference, one member explains why she believes homeopathy is usefulSat May 23 2015 - 01:00
Behind the News: Scoil Chonglais bug hoteliersA B&B for birds and bugs has won the top Eco-Unesco Young Environmentalist Award for 10 inventive students from Baltinglass, in Co WicklowSat May 16 2015 - 01:00
Period restoration: When what’s on the outside really mattersPart three of our series focuses on renovating the exterior of an older buildingThu May 14 2015 - 05:30
Behind the News: Camilla Mahon, friend and volunteerWith National Volunteering Week about to start, one participant talks about the benefits of getting involved at Making Connections, a befriending organisation, both for the people it helps and for its volunteersSat May 09 2015 - 01:00
Period Restoration: Channel energy into roof, floors and wallsPart two of this series looks at how to achieve energy efficiency without compromising on the character of your homeThu May 07 2015 - 02:07
Behind the News: Fidelma Healy Eames, WB Yeats devoteeA big donation this week means that Thoor Ballylee, the 16th-century tower house once owned by the poet, will reopen this summer, in time for the 150th anniversary of his birthSat May 02 2015 - 01:00
Meditation stress test: exercise for mind, body and heartMeditation can teach focus and compassion for self that is a resilience skillTue Apr 28 2015 - 12:00
Fresh hopes, and surroundings, for patients in rehabilitationNow that the National Rehabilitation Hospital has received planning permission for new patient accommodation, Sylvia Thompson looks at the rehabilitation programmes it offers and the medical directors describe what the new building will mean for their patientsTue Apr 28 2015 - 10:00