Nowhere safe to walkGetting all fired up about the proliferation of dog dirt on our pavements, beaches and in parks is deemed by some to be just "…Sat Mar 18 2000 - 00:00
2. Aromatherapy massageWhat is it? Aromatherapy is based on the principle that a specific mix of highly concentrated distilled plant oils (known as …Mon Mar 13 2000 - 00:00
Alternative Agenda - 1. Acupuncture/back painWhat is it? Acupuncture is a branch of Chinese medicine in which needles are put in place at specific points on nerve or energy…Mon Mar 06 2000 - 00:00
Neighbourhood WatchShopping centres, business campuses, new housing estates and county council officesThu Mar 02 2000 - 00:00
LifelinesNew research which involves genetically altering the HIV virus to prevent it from becoming active may, in the future, become …Mon Feb 28 2000 - 00:00
LifelinesAlmost half of all Irish adults could reduce their risk of suffering from heart disease and several cancers by 30 per cent by…Mon Feb 21 2000 - 00:00
Prozac Diary by Lauren Slater (Penguin, £7.99 in UK)Mental illness is a storehouse of lost or mislaid human potentialSat Feb 19 2000 - 00:00
Walking for life to £250,000 for the chosen charityIt's the ultimate free holiday, isn't it? An attractive destination, fares paid, accommodation booked, daily activities scheduled…Sat Feb 19 2000 - 00:00
LifelinesThe first Irish research project into migraine will investigate whether psychological factors (anxiety, stress and depression…Mon Feb 14 2000 - 00:00
LifelinesAbout three in five women between the ages of 18 and 44 suffer from premenstrual tensionMon Feb 07 2000 - 00:00
LifelinesParenting plans are a valuable way for separated (married, divorced or unmarried) parents to work out when their child or children…Mon Jan 31 2000 - 00:00
LifelinesRates of Caesarean section range from one in eight mothers in one hospital to almost one in four in othersMon Jan 24 2000 - 00:00
LifelinesEighty-five per cent of Irish people travelling to countries where infectious diseases such as typhoid, polio and hepatitis A…Mon Jan 17 2000 - 00:00
LifelinesTeenage boys who exercise regularly and males in their 20s with physically demanding jobs may be more likely to develop testicular…Mon Jan 10 2000 - 00:00
LifelinesOne in three Irish smokers plans to kick the habit at the start of the new century, according to a new surveyWed Dec 29 1999 - 00:00
Walk, swim and hunt all in the open airFor the days following Christmas, here are a few timely outdoor options to consider for those who are staying in Ireland for …Fri Dec 24 1999 - 00:00
LifelinesMothers who smoke should not share a bed with their babies, according to Prof Ed Mitchell of the University of Auckland in New…Wed Dec 15 1999 - 00:00
LifelinesWhen picking out toys for children this Christmas, don't only listen to your child's request, also listen to the toy itselfWed Dec 08 1999 - 00:00
Oh yes she is!For some children, their first trip to the pantomime is a baptism of fire as they curl up into one of their parent's arms, terrified…Tue Dec 07 1999 - 00:00
LifelinesA British surgeon has developed a procedure which will allow doctors to carry out organ transplants without the use of harmful…Wed Dec 01 1999 - 00:00
LifelinesErectile dysfunction may be an early warning system of heart disease, according to the American Heart AssociationWed Nov 24 1999 - 00:00
Three house types complete estateThe final phase of 48 three-bedroom and four-bedroom homes in Brookwood, Griffeen Valley, Lucan, Co Dublin, opens for viewing…Thu Nov 18 1999 - 00:00
LifelinesAlmost 40 million people will have been infected with HIV by next yearWed Nov 10 1999 - 00:00
Zany WavesWatching the changing expressions and overhearing some of the unselfconscious questions of the audience of four to 10 year-olds…Tue Oct 19 1999 - 01:00
LifelinesThe cool cabinet is fast becoming one of the most popular places to purchase food, as consumers consider such ready-to-eat salads…Wed Oct 13 1999 - 01:00
Stylish decorations without spending a fortuneNovice collectors of fine art or new homeowners who have practically exhausted their budget on a mortgage can stylishly decorate…Sat Sept 25 1999 - 01:00
`I couldn't believe that there was a possibility of losing another baby'I was 29 when I became pregnant for the first time, which was six months after John and I got marriedMon Sept 13 1999 - 01:00
Sharon Shannon selling country cottage near woods for £220,000Traditional musician Sharon Shannon is selling her home - a refurbished stone cottage in Co Galway which has a guide price of…Thu Jul 29 1999 - 01:00
Radio PreviewsWhoever said reading books will become extinct in these information-saturated times is far off the mark, if this week's radio…Sat Jul 03 1999 - 01:00
Radio PreviewsWith more and more people spending time on their mobile phones and computers, listening to uninterrupted radio is becoming a …Sat Jun 26 1999 - 01:00
The bear necessitiesElder bushes in flower, clumps of nettles, wild, wiry, pink valeria - and, yes, even cow patsTue Jun 22 1999 - 01:00
Radio PreviewsThe English actor/director, Steven Berkoff, always causes a stir either due to his direct (some would say, rude) attacks on the…Sat Jun 19 1999 - 01:00
The Boy from Beneath the SeaThere is no doubting the strength of the environmental message in Dry Rain's new production of Anne Dowie's The Boy from Beneath…Fri Jun 18 1999 - 01:00
LifelinesProgrammes that promote the health, education and economic opportunities of women are the most effective way to improve the lives…Mon May 10 1999 - 01:00
LifelinesRecent research suggests up to 20 per cent of people with glandular fever go on to develop myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME)Mon May 03 1999 - 01:00
BealtaineA 10-venue tour of Hal Ashby's gleeful offbeat 1970s film, Harold and Maude (right), a virtual tour of contemporary Irish art…Sat May 01 1999 - 01:00
Child's playThe idea of transforming such an everyday domestic task as hanging out the washing into a performance piece for children is excellent…Sat Apr 10 1999 - 01:00
Sugarloaf view for £355,000There are several highly original and stylish features in Pemberton, a new development of detached fourbedroom dormer bungalows…Thu Mar 25 1999 - 00:00
Contents of Meath period house to be soldThe contents of a period home near Dunshaughlin, Co Meath, will be among the items for sale at Town & Country's next fine…Sat Jan 23 1999 - 00:00
Yuletide outsidePhew! It's over or just about - the mad rushing around for last-minute gifts, the festive drinks with friends home from faraway…Thu Dec 24 1998 - 00:00
A moving experienceSt Francis of Assisi is credited with being one of the first Christians to build a model replica of the crib complete with figures…Tue Dec 08 1998 - 00:00
There's nothing like a dameBilla O'Connell is the first to admit that he was born into the Cork pantomime tradition and now after 50 Christmasses playing…Tue Dec 08 1998 - 00:00
Born of a drumbeatThere will certainly be no rain dances performed at this year's Waterford Spraoi, given that last year's grand finale parade, …Sat Jul 25 1998 - 01:00
Art strikes lateFor the past three years, thousands of older people in Ireland have been celebrating Bealtaine, the ancient May festival of summertime…Sat May 02 1998 - 01:00
The making of young Irish film makersA group of teenagers found that movie production is both more and less than it's cracked up to be - but nobody got fired and …Wed Nov 05 1997 - 00:00
Telling tales about divorceNowadays nothing is sacred; men marry men; children divorce their parents; a mixed marriage hardly merits a yawnThu Oct 16 1997 - 01:00
Kilkenny kick-offOne of the country's longest established arts festivals, Kilkenny Arts Week rolls into action next Saturday with a rich selection…Sat Aug 09 1997 - 01:00