Emotive Carlow plans for debateCARLOW COUNTY Council will tomorrow debate plans to rezone 90 acres of the town's historic Oakpark demense for housing as part…Mon Mar 24 2008 - 00:00
Metal fence erected between M3 site and protestersA METAL palisade fence has been erected between the construction site of the M3, close to the Rath Lugh national monument in …Sat Mar 22 2008 - 00:00
NRA restarts work claiming M3 protesters broke truceTHE NATIONAL Roads Authority (NRA) has withdrawn its commitment to refrain from work on the M3 near Rath Lugh in Co Meath, after…Fri Mar 21 2008 - 00:00
Gormley announces €25m heritage grantsA RANGE of heritage properties from Bantry House in Co Cork to Connolly's Folly in Co Kildare are set to benefit from almost €…Thu Mar 20 2008 - 00:00
Activist says extra land lets M3 avoid Rath Lugh siteCONSERVATION ACTIVIST Lisa Feeney has said that additional land near the proposed M3 in Co Meath could be made available to the…Thu Mar 20 2008 - 00:00
Problems of museum storage flagged in 2006PROBLEMS ABOUT the storage and management of archival material at the National Museum of Ireland were known before a recent critical…Thu Mar 20 2008 - 00:00
Dublin may have lost the Skyfest but still has lots to offerTHE ST Patrick's Day Skyfest may have moved to the Rock of Cashel but festival organisers say there will be plenty of activity…Sat Mar 15 2008 - 00:00
Activists call on Minister to visit TaraPROTESTERS CAMPED near the Hill of Tara in Co Meath have called on Minister for Environment John Gormley to "come and see for…Sat Mar 15 2008 - 00:00
Bray Head gets special status after 15-year campaignSPECIAL AMENITY area status has been conferred on Bray Head, Co Wicklow, by Minister for the Environment John Gormley.Fri Mar 14 2008 - 00:00
Fraud, poor estimate cited in report on OPWTWO CASES of fraud at the Office of Public Works (OPW) have been uncovered, as well as a disparity of €207 million between what…Fri Mar 14 2008 - 00:00
Climate change could turn green to brownIRELAND'S FABLED 40 shades of green are under threat and the island may end up with 40 shades of dull brown, according to a new…Fri Mar 14 2008 - 00:00
Flood relief works needed for rail lineA €10 MILLION flood relief system must be in place before the spring of next year, if the revised deadline for the reopening …Thu Mar 13 2008 - 00:00
New traffic management plan for Dublin revealedPROPOSALS FOR a new Dublin city traffic management plan - which may include a temporary "Bailey bridge" across the Liffey at …Thu Mar 13 2008 - 00:00
Roadside motorway messages hit a sunny snagA PILOT programme testing "real time" roadside messages on the M1 has run into a few snags.Wed Mar 12 2008 - 00:00
O'Brien refused permission to demolish Dublin 4 houseBUSINESSMAN DENIS O'Brien has been refused permission to demolish Belmont, an Edwardian "Arts and Crafts-style" house, at 21 …Tue Mar 11 2008 - 00:00
Decision on waste criticisedA DECISION by the four Dublin local authorities to restrict the ability of private companies to collect waste in Dublin city …Tue Mar 11 2008 - 00:00
€34.6m interchange not fully open despite official launchA NEW €34.6 million interchange and road scheme on the N11, which was officially opened by Minister of State Dick Roche last …Tue Mar 11 2008 - 00:00
Industries may get carbon credit windfallEMISSIONS TRADING allocations announced by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) this week could be a boon for industries…Fri Mar 07 2008 - 00:00
€34m Kilpedder interchange to open todayA COMPLEX saga of road-building, in which a dual-carriageway ended in a field and the National Roads Authority (NRA) refused …Fri Mar 07 2008 - 00:00
Transport targets will not be metNONE OF the five key Transport 21 projects due for completion this year will meet their deadline, despite Government spending…Thu Mar 06 2008 - 00:00
EPA criticised on landfill evidenceTHE HEAD of the Environmental Protection Agency, Dr Mary Kelly, appeared to be "widely inaccurate and incorrect" in evidence …Tue Mar 04 2008 - 00:00
Port tunnel builders to be sued over shutdownsTWO STATE bodies have initiated moves to sue the builders of the Dublin Port Tunnel over repeated systems failures which they…Thu Feb 28 2008 - 00:00
Investigations begin into death of mechanic at Dublin airportTHREE SEPARATE investigations have begun into the death of a mechanic at Dublin airport yesterday morning.Thu Feb 28 2008 - 00:00
Plan for 'Dart underground' in Dublin unveiledIARNRÓD ÉIREANN'S planned underground link between Dublin Docklands and Heuston Station in Dublin would have almost twice the…Wed Feb 27 2008 - 00:00
Murder inquiry launched as assault victim diesA MURDER investigation was launched last night after gardaí confirmed the death of one of the Polish men who suffered "horrific…Tue Feb 26 2008 - 00:00
Nature groups oppose €10m football academyA PLAN to build a €10 million football academy near Donabate in north Co Dublin has been opposed by conservation and environmental…Tue Feb 26 2008 - 00:00
Motorists warned of disruption on M50 at N4 junctionMOTORISTS USING the N4 junction with the M50 should expect some disruptions until next Thursday, due to ongoing upgrading works…Tue Feb 26 2008 - 00:00
Two men critical after stabbing incident in DublinGARDAÍ HAVE appealed for help in connection with an incident in Dublin in which two men suffered serious injuries on Saturday…Mon Feb 25 2008 - 00:00
Plan for Dún Laoghaire baths gets guarded welcomeProposals to redevelop Dún Laoghaire baths as part of a €129 million scheme to provide new beach and aquatic facilities at Sandycove…Sat Feb 23 2008 - 00:00
Commercial rates reform delayReform of the system of calculating commercial rates is not going to be completed by 2010 as hoped, and will now take considerably…Sat Feb 23 2008 - 00:00
MEPs give treaty massive backingThe resounding approval of the Lisbon Treaty and the visit of Serbian foreign minister Vuk Jeremic were the highlights of the…Fri Feb 22 2008 - 00:00
New town planned for site near BrayPlanning & Development: Proposals to develop a new town on the outskirts of Bray, capitalising on the proposed Luas extension…Wed Feb 20 2008 - 00:00
Regional roads to get €618m funding boostA €618 million package of grants for local and regional roads, the fifth year of record funding for non-national roads, was unveiled…Sat Feb 16 2008 - 00:00
Cork flights hit by staff disputeEleven flights in and out of Cork airport this morning were facing cancellation or disruption as a result of the overnight closure…Fri Feb 15 2008 - 00:00
High costs hit speed camerasMinisterial reply suggests plans for 600 privatised speed cameras announced in 2006 has been shelved over cost concerns.Wed Feb 13 2008 - 00:00
Go-ahead given for work at two metro stationsThe Government has given approval for work on key Dublin Metro stations at the Mater hospital and the airport to begin ahead …Wed Feb 13 2008 - 00:00
Dublin Bus retains €10m in unclaimed ticket refundsDublin Bus has retained at least €10 million of a fund made up of unclaimed passenger refunds, while passing on less than one…Tue Feb 12 2008 - 00:00
FG accuses Government of missing climate change deadlinesFine Gael has accused the Government of missing more than half of the deadlines set for 2007 in its National Climate Change Strategy…Mon Feb 11 2008 - 00:00
Dublin council will go dark to persuade people to see the lightDublin City Council is to be one of the lead Irish supporters of this year's Earth Hour - a global environmental campaign to …Mon Feb 11 2008 - 00:00
Rosslare rail route will not get new carriages until later in yearIarnród Éireann has again deferred the introduction of new rail carriages on its Rosslare route - this time until the second …Mon Feb 11 2008 - 00:00
Work pressure blamed as one third of councillors quitAlmost one third of the members of Dublin City Council have vacated their seats, many of them citing pressures of the job, since…Fri Feb 08 2008 - 00:00
Growth not dependent on waste - EPAIreland must decouple economic growth from waste generation, the director general of the EPA, Dr Mary Kelly, told a local authority…Fri Feb 08 2008 - 00:00
Paisley jnr addresses meeting in DublinJunior Ministers from the Northern Executive Gerry Kelly of Sinn Féin and Ian Paisley jnr of the DUP made a surprise visit to…Thu Feb 07 2008 - 00:00
Experts differ with Minister on M50 chaosTraffic management authorities across the world have differed with the assertion by Minister for Transport Noel Dempsey that …Wed Feb 06 2008 - 00:00
Committee to look at ways of cutting gas emissionsThe Government is to set up a technical committee to examine how industry might best achieve reductions in greenhouse gas emissions…Thu Jan 31 2008 - 00:00
'Inescapable' need for waste incineration, consultant saysIncineration is the inescapable answer to Ireland's waste management problems, and not an "unviable" process as suggested by …Thu Jan 31 2008 - 00:00
Hidden cameras help fight illegal dumpingClosed-circuit television cameras have been installed at a number of car parks and beauty spots in rural areas of Wicklow and…Thu Jan 31 2008 - 00:00
Offaly and Carlow are least successful in roads fundingRoads funding: Offaly, home county to Minister for Finance Brian Cowen, is among the two least successful counties in obtaining…Wed Jan 30 2008 - 00:00
Academy confers highest honour on HeaneyThe Royal Irish Academy last night conferred its highest honour, the Cunningham Medal, on Nobel Laureate Séamus Heaney.Tue Jan 29 2008 - 00:00