Roche looks to restore trust in e-voting systemAn electoral commission might be needed to build up public confidence in e-voting machines over a number of years before they…Sat Oct 07 2006 - 01:00
€13m cost overrun on integrated transport ticketingThere will be a cost overrun of at least €13 million on the €29Fri Oct 06 2006 - 01:00
AA calls for single toll road tagThe AA has called on the Government to sort out a dispute over the introduction of a single electronic tag system for all of …Tue Oct 03 2006 - 01:00
Fermoy bypass opens todayThe toll bypass of Fermoy opens in Co Cork today amid assurances from the National Roads Authority that motorists will still …Mon Oct 02 2006 - 01:00
Turkish report 'critical but fair'EU/Strasbourg reports: The European Parliament yesterday adopted a "critical but fair" assessment of Turkey's progress towards…Thu Sept 28 2006 - 01:00
EU's €272m bill to protect bordersEU: The European Union will have to come up with more than €272 million to protect Europe's borders for the period 2007 to 2013…Thu Sept 28 2006 - 01:00
Greystones group rejects board's scaled-back planThe Greystones Protection and Development Association (GPDA) in Co Wicklow has said it will continue to oppose a commercial and…Tue Sept 26 2006 - 01:00
Monkstown residents plan march to stop controversial €15m bypassResidents of Monkstown in south Dublin are to stage a protest march next Saturday and lobby councillors in a campaign to get …Tue Sept 26 2006 - 01:00
Shell open to new talks on pipelineShell E&P Ireland, which is developing the Corrib Gas project, has in the last few days invited the principal opponents of…Sat Sept 23 2006 - 01:00
Waste regulator could be in place next yearA regulator for the waste-management industry is being considered by Government and may be appointed as early as the beginning…Fri Sept 22 2006 - 01:00
EPA warns of major challenge to meet gas emission targetsThe Republic is facing serious challenges in meeting EU and Kyoto Protocol greenhouse gas targets, the Environmental Protection…Thu Sept 21 2006 - 01:00
GRA maintains its opposition to Garda ReserveThe Garda Representative Association (GRA) has not softened its position of opposition to the Garda Reserve, the central executive…Fri Sept 15 2006 - 01:00
Council blocks rush-hour line repairDublin City Council refused to allow Éircom to reconnect several thousand phone customers in Dublin's inner city yesterday, because…Fri Sept 15 2006 - 01:00
Ashford rezoning proposal divides councilA proposal to rezone land in Ashford for a large-scale film studio has divided Wicklow County Council amid claims that it may…Sat Sept 09 2006 - 01:00
Services to be greatly improved, says Ó CuívA radical shake-up in the way community services are delivered across the State will take place by the end of the year, Minister…Fri Sept 08 2006 - 01:00
Westport gets Tidiest Town awardWestport was yesterday named Ireland's Tidiest TownTue Sept 05 2006 - 01:00
Fianna Fáil happy to be in Mayo to congratulate winnersBatt O'Keeffe was beamingTue Sept 05 2006 - 01:00
Bigger engines undoing gains from more environmental carsEnvironmental improvements in cars imported into Ireland are being "negated" because we are buying more cars with bigger engines…Tue Sept 05 2006 - 01:00
School bus tests a priority for safety authorityA review of the testing and certification of commercial vehicles - among them school buses - is one of the priorities of the …Sat Sept 02 2006 - 01:00
New bridge over canal to restrict boat access from LiffeyDublin City Council is to replace a lifting bridge over the Grand Canal in a move which will permanently restrict the passage…Fri Sept 01 2006 - 01:00
Developers unveil 'masterplan' for GreystonesA "masterplan concept for a world-class sustainable community in Greystones", was presented to an invited audience in Co Wicklow…Fri Sept 01 2006 - 01:00
17 people are killed on State's roads in AugustJust 17 people were killed on the State's roads from August 1st until yesterday afternoonFri Sept 01 2006 - 01:00
1,100 register interest in relocating to west for work, says commissionMore than 1,100 people have registered an interest in relocating to the west of Ireland to work, and almost two-thirds of them…Tue Aug 29 2006 - 01:00
Meaning of 1916 hidden, school toldMuch of the history of 1916 has failed to properly engage with its anti-imperial dimension and, in the name of "national security…Mon Aug 28 2006 - 01:00
'Inter-generational' mortgages criticisedThe Minister of State for Housing has criticised banks and property speculators whose activities he claims are pushing the Republic…Thu Aug 24 2006 - 01:00
40 residents forced out as man douses himself in petrolUp to 40 people living in the centre of Roscrea, Co Tipperary, were evacuated from their homes yesterday after a man believed…Thu Aug 24 2006 - 01:00
Pessimism about progress in Northern IrelandParnell Summer School: A dismal view of the prospects for a restored Executive in Northern Ireland by the November deadline …Sat Aug 19 2006 - 01:00
Transport head and Government at odds over congestion tollThe director of the Dublin Transportation Office, John Henry, is at odds with the Government over the mooted introduction of …Thu Aug 17 2006 - 01:00
Widened section of Naas Road opens todayMinister for Transport Martin Cullen will today open improvement schemes on the M7-N7 and the Naas Road, which are designed to…Tue Aug 15 2006 - 01:00
Luas Green Line to be extended to CherrywoodThe Minister for Transport, Martin Cullen, yesterday approved the 7Tue Aug 15 2006 - 01:00
Marina hearing may be reopenedAn Bord Pleanála has asked the developers of a proposed €300 million marina and housing scheme at Greystones harbour in Co Wicklow…Tue Aug 15 2006 - 01:00
30,000 get all steamed up with machinery at Moynalty festivalUp to 30,000 people turned out for a celebration of horse and steam power surrounded by displays of vintage engineering in Moynalty…Mon Aug 14 2006 - 01:00
IDA defends dump decisionThe Industrial Development Agency (IDA) has insisted that it will be "guided by the planning process" in relation to its handling…Fri Aug 11 2006 - 01:00
Three RPA route options for new Luas line to BrayThe Railway Procurement Agency (RPA) has selected three route options for the Luas green line extension to Bray, Co Wicklow.Fri Aug 11 2006 - 01:00
M50 upgrade restrictions set to last for five yearsLane closures and speed restrictions set to be implemented as part of work on the €1Thu Aug 10 2006 - 01:00
Consortium pushes 'cheaper' metro planA new consortium of north Dublin businessmen and landowners has launched a campaign in favour of an alternative route for the…Mon Jul 17 2006 - 01:00
Plan to ban jet-skis from lakes faces stiff oppositionWatersports enthusiasts in Co Westmeath have said they will oppose a plan to ban jet-skis from the county's lakes.Fri Jul 14 2006 - 01:00
RTÉ to say sorry as priest scene offendsRTÉ is to apologise for a scene in the series The Unbelievable Truth, which depicted the religious celebration of Communion in…Fri Jul 14 2006 - 01:00
Phone mast protesters target AhernSouth Dublin residents who yesterday successfully prevented a phone company from erecting a mast on Dalkey Garda station will…Thu Jul 13 2006 - 01:00
Flood warning for new housing on Dublin coastDevelopment, including new housing in "soft" coastal areas, cannot be protected indefinitely from erosion and flooding, the Heritage…Thu Jul 13 2006 - 01:00
Council to build pilot 'green' homesWicklow County Council is to build 19 eco-friendly houses as part of a pilot project which may see permanent changes to the design…Sat Jul 08 2006 - 01:00
Planned Ringsend incinerator may be classified as energy plantThe proposed incinerator for Ringsend may be be reclassified from a waste disposal plant to an "energy plant" and its fuel redesignated…Thu Jul 06 2006 - 01:00
Further study of Waterford site to be carried outFurther archaeological investigations are to be carried out at Woodstown, Co Waterford, where more than 5,000 Viking artefacts…Thu Jul 06 2006 - 01:00
Irish drink double Europe averageMost Irish drinkers consume almost twice the European average, according to a report published yesterday.Thu Jul 06 2006 - 01:00
Heritage Trust to 'wow us', says RocheMinister for the Environment Dick Roche has defended a cap on the limit of tax concessions which will apply to the new Irish …Tue Jul 04 2006 - 01:00
Review of proposals to build 'two plus one' roadsThe number of "two plus one" roads to be built as part of the State's road-building programme is to be reconsidered in favour…Mon Jul 03 2006 - 01:00
Tax breaks for heritage propertiesThe new Irish Heritage Trust through which the State will acquire heritage properties in return for significant tax breaks, is…Mon Jul 03 2006 - 01:00
Planning permissions for new homes fallPlanning permissions for new homes fell by more then 10 per cent in the first quarter of 2006, according to new information from…Fri Jun 30 2006 - 01:00
Helicopter landing in Limerick garden illegal - PleanálaBord Pleanála has ruled a Limerick businessman should have planning permission for landing a helicopter in his back garden.Thu Jun 29 2006 - 01:00
VRT row with European Commission set to escalateIreland's row with the European Commission over Vehicle Registration Tax (VRT) is set to intensify after the Danes made key concessions…Wed Jun 28 2006 - 01:00