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Dublin airport queues, new Doyle hotel chief, and workers pay restraint

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Bottlenecks at bag check-ins at Dublin Airport are contributing to lengthy queues and delays. Photograph: Colin Keegan, Collins Dublin

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Passengers face further Dublin Airport bottlenecks as baggage handlers and other businesses struggle to keep up with the post-Covid travel surge. Barry O’Halloran has the latest twist in the saga of delays facing passengers using the airport.

In a related story, Ken Foxe relays how Dublin Airport operator DAA repeatedly pleaded with its regulator not to be hit with fines because of lengthy queues at the airport, saying it could compromise security.

The Irish-owned Doyle Collection hotel group has appointed Gordon Drake as its new chief executive. He succeeds Pat King (52), who had been in the role for 11 years having joined the board of the company in 2006. Ciarán Hancock reports.

In Caveat, Mark Paul wonders why workers should listen to calls for pay restraint given the profits and remuneration enjoyed by many of their employers.


Input price inflation in the services sector in Ireland remains at near-record levels, according to latest AIB data. Eoin Burke-Kennedy has the details.

Attracting talent to Ireland is now a key obstacle to growth in businesses and the wider economy, Irish Tax Institute president Karen Frawley has said. Dominic Coyle reports.

The Government has to get to grips with a surging economy and address the challenges it brings such as lack of critical infrastructure and the chaos of queues and congestion, writes columnist John FitzGerald.

In Agenda, a new book shines a light on the making of entrepreneur Elon Musk, one of the world’s richest men who wants to buy Twitter to add to Tesla and SpaceX. The story is told by a former schoolmate of Musk’s in South Africa and is reviewed by Frank Dillon.

In World of Work, Olive Keogh looks at the age-old problem of burnout as people work excessive hours.

In Wild Geese, Dubliner real estate agent Sara Kennedy says the demand for multimillion dollar properties in her adopted home of New York is greater than ever in spite of the impact of Covid-19 over the past two years.

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