Energy network operators to run emergency training on power disruption

Exercises designed to prepare Republic for any disruption to gas or electricity supplies

EirGrid chief executive Mark Foley. Photograph: Aidan Crawley

State electricity and gas network operators will run emergency training this month to prepare for possible disruption to supplies, the Government confirmed on Wednesday.

The Department of Environment, Climate and Communications said the exercises would test the co-ordinated response to a hypothetical disruption to the Republic’s gas and/or electricity supplies.

According to its statement, the exercises on September 9th and 16th will involve national electricity grid operator EirGrid, Gas Networks Ireland, ESB Networks and the Commission for the Regulation of Utilities.

“Gas Networks Ireland and EirGrid have robust procedures in place to maintain security of gas and electricity supplies, and regularly participate in simulation exercises to test a range of potential scenarios,” said the department.


A “significant disruption to energy supplies is unlikely”, the department said.

The Republic imports about 75 per cent of its natural gas, the main fuel used to generate electricity, via Britain. These imports originate mainly in the North Sea and Norway. The Corrib field off the west coast provides about 25 per cent of Irish gas.

Last year, the State also imported about 5 per cent of total electricity demand from Britain.

EirGrid recently confirmed the Republic faced a potential electricity shortfall of up to 280 mega watts this winter. However, its chief executive Mark Foley said the State company was able to keep the lights on in broadly similar circumstances last winter.

Barry O'Halloran

Barry O'Halloran

Barry O’Halloran covers energy, construction, insolvency, and gaming and betting, among other areas