Contentious Goatstown assisted-living development gets go-ahead

Planned development by Tetrarch Residential Ltd on lands near Mount Anville had faced local opposition

The planned development is beside Mount Anville secondary school

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council has given the go-ahead to contentious plans for 109 residential “assisted living” units for people aged 65 and over on lands owned by the Society of the Sacred Heart order of nuns beside Mount Anville girls’ school in Goatstown.

The council has granted planning permission to Tetrarch Residential Ltd for the large-scale residential development (LRD) after the applicants removed five units from the original 114-unit scheme proposed on a 2.9-acre site known as the Old Farm, on the grounds of Mount Anville in south Dublin.

The council gave permission after concluding that “the development would not detract from the amenities of the area and is consistent with the provisions of the current development plan”.

The planning authority has given the go-ahead for the scheme despite some local opposition.


A spokesman for Tetrarch Residential said on Tuesday said that it is “very pleased” that planning permission has been granted “for this much-needed assisted-living development on lands at Mount Anville”.

The planning report, which recommended that planning permission be granted, concluded that the height and form of the reduced scheme will not have a negative or domineering impact on the setting of the Old Farm.

However, in one submission, 49 residents of Lower Kilmacud Road state that they while they support “mixed-tenure age-friendly housing”, they are objecting to the proposal.

The residents stated that the scheme represents a premature development of the Mount Anville estate.

The Tetrarch Residential spokesman said: “We plan to play a key role in meeting the needs of those older persons who would like to have the option, as they age, of availing of bespoke housing solutions designed and managed specifically for them.

“The proposed development at Mount Anville will offer those aged 65 and over an opportunity to right-size from family homes in the locality to a new, high-quality, low-maintenance and secure property that better matches their requirements, should they wish to do so.

“It will also ensure that those who need a level of support to live independently can do so and are not otherwise fully reliant on family care, the health system and other State services. Instead, they will be able to access the right level of assistance and support while also being part of a vibrant and supportive residential community comprised entirely of their peers,” he added.

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan is a contributor to The Irish Times