Couple stall plans for assisted-living units beside Mount Anville

Appeal is sole one lodged with An Bord Pleanála

An artist's impression of the assisted-living units planned for land beside Mount Anville secondary school in Goatstown.

A south Dublin couple have stalled plans for 109 residential assisted-living units for people aged 65 and over on lands owned by the Society of Sacred Heart order of nuns beside Mount Anville girls’ schools in Goatstown.

Martin and Susan Treacy lodged an appeal with An Bord Pleanála against Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council’s grant of permission to Tetrarch Residential Ltd for the Large-Scale Residential Development that comprises 109 units on a 2.9-acre site known as the “old farm” on the grounds of Mount Anville in south Dublin.

With the period for lodging appeals now expired the appeal by the Treacys of Mount Anville Lawn is the sole appeal lodged with the planning board.

In their appeal the Treacys said they would like to expend their home into their back garden in order to improve their quality of life like other householders in the area who have done so already.


They said that “we would like to undertake a similar development in the near future for our expanding young family but have put these plans on hold pending the outcome of the planning application”.

The Treacys contended that the proposed scheme by Tetrarch “would have a significant overbearing and overshadowing effect on our rear garden”.

The couple said that “one of the main reasons we bought the house – much in advance of this planning application being lodged – was to have use of the rear private garden for our young family”.

The couple contended that “the proposed significant and overbearing development being built directly behind us detrimentally reduces our enjoyment of this private space”.

The Treacys said age-suitable accommodation was needed and was welcomed in the area. They went on to stay that “having said that surely the proposal of high-rise apartment blocks is not suitable for the needs of proposed elderly tenants who occupy same – in the event of a fire how is it proposed that elderly individuals get down three flights of stairs?”

They added that taking the opinions of local residents into consideration and their own points contained in the appeal “in our opinion planning permission should be refused for this development in its current form”.

The planning report which recommended that planning permission be granted concluded that the height and form of the reduced scheme would not have a negative or domineering impact on the setting of the Old Farmhouse.

When planning permission was granted last month a spokesman for Tetrarch Residential spokesman said “the proposed development at Mount Anville will offer those aged 65 and over an opportunity to right-size from family homes in the locality to a new, high quality, low maintenance and secure property that better matches their requirements should they wish to do so”.