Adare Printing steps on the growth accelerator

AN ambitious programme of expansion was outlined this week by the acquisition minded Adare Printing Group, which also announced…

AN ambitious programme of expansion was outlined this week by the acquisition minded Adare Printing Group, which also announced solid growth in annual pre tax profits, which surged £3 million to just under £11 million in the year to end April last. Turnover advanced from £70 million to £116 million. The group, with 17 operating companies, generates the bulk of its profits and sales in Britain, claims to be one of the top 25 printing companies in the UK, a market which offers "organic growth and the possibility of substantial acquisitions".

Adare is planning to almost double in size over the next two years and is aiming for a group turnover of £200 million by 1999, half coming from acquisitions and half from core growth.

The group has earmarked spending of some £8 million per annual over the next three years to achieve its target.

Shareholders are encouraged to buckle their belts for the fast growth spurt ahead with a 50 per cent rise in total dividends to 7.598p per share, a payment supported by a 28.6 per cent increase in earnings per share and well covered by available earnings.