50 jobs under threat at Coca-Cola in Drogheda

Drinks maker looks to outsource some services with speculation roles moving to India

Coca-Cola employs 200 in Drogheda, Co Louth. Photograph: iStock

Up to a quarter of the workforce at the Coca-Cola operation in Drogheda, Co Louth are understood to be at risk of losing their jobs as the company considers outsourcing some of its services.

It is understood that up to 50 of the 200-strong workforce at Southgate could be affected.

The outsourcing is likely to focus on Coca-Cola’s integrated services division, which employs 100. The company informed workers of its plans on Thursday.

Sources moved to quell concerns that all jobs in the section were at risk, with losses unlikely to surpass 50. There has been speculation that some of the roles affected could be moved to India.


In a statement the company said, “Coca-Cola is evolving as a total beverage company, and that includes changing the way we work to increase our speed and agility”.


The statement continued: “The company’s integrated services organisation provides a broad range of support services globally, including for finance, procurement, human resources and a number of other areas. As we move to provide the next generation of services, we’re looking for opportunities to think innovatively. This includes using third-party providers to provide managed services.”

Coca-Cola has a number of operations in Ireland, including a concentrate manufacturing function in Ballina, Co Mayo.

Louth Fine Gael deputy Fergus O’Dowd said: “Any job losses are hugely disappointing and it is hugely distressing for the people concerned. Drogheda has been a very important base for Coca-Cola and hopefully it will continue to be.’