Bord Bia launches ‘state of the art’ research centre

Move is part of plans to double industry’s exports by 2025

Saoirse Ronan helping to launch Bord Bia’s Origin Green, a sustainability development programme

Bord Bia has launched a consumer research centre as part of its efforts to double exports by 2025.

The organisation said the food, drink and horticulture industry would “for the first time” enjoy “unrestricted access” to the latest global trends, research, consumer insights and industry innovations.

As the industry prepares to virtually double its exports to reach the target of €19 billion set by FoodWise2025, the state of the art centre, called the Thinking House, will play a "potentially transformative role" in helping it to develop and differentiate its offerings in the global marketplace, according to Bord Bia chief executive Aidan Cotter.

The centre will be managed by Helen King, director of Consumer Insight, and a team of 12 professionals with backgrounds ranging from psychology to librarianship.


The creative space includes a “trends zone” to highlight the latest food and drink innovations from around the world, and a packaging and branding gallery to promote Bord Bia’s recent work with Irish food and drink brands.

The centre will allow Bord Bia and the industry to conduct qualitative focus and discussion groups, equipped with audio, video recording and live streaming capacity.

A library will also present “invaluable access” to a wide range of databases and reports that would previously have been financially prohibitive to source for many small to medium-sized companies working in the industry.

Finally, an innovative working space, with room for up to 70 people, will be available for the industry to use for workshops, meetings and presentations.

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson is an Irish Times reporter