Amundi’s warning on recession, rent rises, and farm land prices

Business Today: the best news, analysis and comment from The Irish Times business desk

The price of farm land is set to rise by 6 per cent this year, according to a new report. Photograph: iStock

The investment chief of Amundi, Europe's largest asset manager, has said there is little prospect of an international deal for a minimum 15 per cent tax rate for large companies being enforced in the near term, as countries prepare to fight for investment in a weakening global economy. Vincent Mortier has also warned that Europe could slip into recession as a result of the war in Ukraine. Joe Brennan reports.

In Q&A, a reader wonders if energy companies are "profiteering" on the State's €200 subsidy for households to help offset recent steep price rises. Dominic Coyle gives his view.

More than a third of landlords applied rent hikes over the allowable limit in rent pressure zones during the duration of the legislation, a new report from the ESRI has found. Eoin Burke-Kennedy has the details.

The Government's Basic Income for the Arts pilot scheme is a welcome initiative but the terms and conditions attached will result in a lot of deserving artists inevitably missing out, writes Cantillon.


The State's largest trade union Siptu said its members in the private sector will seek pay increases to offset the current surge in inflation, which is expected to reach 8 per cent in the coming months. This puts them on a likely collision course with employers. Eoin Burke-Kennedy reports.

The price of agricultural land looks set to increase by 6 per cent this year as supply pressures and increase demand in the wake of Covid restrictions push up prices. Eoin Burke-Kennedy has the details.

Tax cuts are coming: but how much will you save? Fiona Reddan gives some insights in our personal finance feature.

In her media and marketing column, Laura Slattery looks at what the future might hold for Twitter now that Tesla founder Elon Musk is its largest shareholder.

In Me & My Money, Helena Hemeryck of Chez Emily Handmade Chocolates relays how she has "invested in life instead of in shares".

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Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock is Business Editor of The Irish Times