An Post Christmas dispute goes to the LRC as talks fail

Management and union representatives at An Post are to attend the Labour Relations Commission (LRC) today to try to secure agreement…

Management and union representatives at An Post are to attend the Labour Relations Commission (LRC) today to try to secure agreement on Christmas mail arrangements, writes Chris Dooley, Industry and Employment correspondent.

Direct talks between the sides yesterday failed to resolve their row over arrangements such as overtime payments. In particular, they have failed to agree on the need or otherwise for deliveries outside Dublin on Saturday, December 18th.

The company says a nationwide delivery on the day would cost €750,000 and there is no requirement for one.

It claims the only justification put forward by the union for a delivery outside Dublin is that there should be equity between staff in the capital and elsewhere.


Mr Seán McDonagh, national officer of the Communication Workers Union (CWU), said the company's proposal would place an inequitable burden on staff outside Dublin.

The union had earlier rejected as premature a management attempt to have the matter referred to the LRC. After several hours of direct talks yesterday, however, it accepted there was no prospect of agreement in direct negotiations.

Mr Tom Pomphrett, the LRC's deputy director of conciliation, has agreed to facilitate the discussions, which are to begin at 10 a.m. The CWU, meanwhile, is continuing its campaign to force a reversal of the company's decision to close its parcels and courier service, SDS.

In a statement issued by the union yesterday, the three worker-directors at the company said they were seeking independent legal advice concerning the basis on which the board had decided last July to close SDS.